Avatar of Solace


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7 yrs ago
Current I love sixteen hour flights
8 yrs ago
Birthday, officially twenty years old today! yikes
8 yrs ago
Happy Holidays, everyone! Enjoy the time with your families, and stay safe on your travels!
9 yrs ago
It's my birthday! Another year towards twenty, woooooo
9 yrs ago
For whoever comes to read this, continue being awesome. I'm rooting for you.


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Which is good.
So far, the nicknames are as follows.

Shusuke - Shu, Shoe
Rin - Midget
Cho - Chew
Mikami - Mr. Mika

There will be more.
[A collaborative effort between Twilight & I]

Even though he was still four blocks away from the bar, the pockets of smoke billowing across the sky was an unsettling sight for Saito to witness. The midget ran off on her own, too... damn it!

By the time that Saito had arrived at the scene, a squadron of ambulances had already sounded off, droning down the streets with the wounded in tow. "Jesus Christ," he planted his left wrist directly over his nostrils to avoid inhaling the noxious atmosphere. "Did Osama bin Laden turn in his grave or something?" He dashed through the smog and towards the entrance of the bar, only to see a group of uniformed officers across the street adjacent towards him, studying the aftermath.

"Chew?" Saito whispered to himself, confused as to how she had gotten here faster than he did... and why there were extra Blue clansmen with her. Did they have something to do with this? No... they couldn't have. They wouldn't hurt innocent people like that.

Footsteps slammed through the entrance of the bar as one of the boys who had been stationed to watch the bar, the same one that he had instructed to give him a phone call in case of an emergency, pointed directly at Chew and the group of clansmen accompanying her.

"Fucking Blues!" the boy shouted, his voice cracking as if he were emotionally distraught. "We had enough of yer shiet!

The second boy, a walking giant whose immense size even managed to intimidate him, followed the smaller, scrawnier one. "We oughta teach you Blues a lesson for this," his deep voice accompanying the cracking of his knuckles. "Always expected you to hurt innocent people, but when you involve those kids-"

Cho was ripped from her thoughts when a couple of Red clansmen ran out of the bar. They seemed hostile and ready to fight at any given moment. God damn it. "Do you really think that we would hurt innocent people?" she scoffed angrily. Numbskulls. They don't know what they're talking about. But if they don't calm down... Her gaze flicked to the other officers, noticing that they were prepared to defend themselves if they were attacked. We'll have to fight.

From behind, Saito restrained the smaller boy by pulling him back and wrapping an arm around the back and front of his neck, mumbling into his ear. "Why the hell didn't you call me earlier?" he tightened the lock on the boy's neck as he began to struggle. "You know, I could've gotten here a lot sooner. What retard led you idiots to send someone when you could've just called? You left the bar one less person to defend it!" He shoved the boy out of his hold soon after, quickly moving to stand in front of the giant as he looked at the stray Blues.

"Nobody hurts the Blue girl, or the others," Saito spoke, the heavyset boy seemingly disappointed. He blinked for a moment when he realized that Rin was nowhere to be found. "Where the hell is the midget? In the bar?"

Just when she thought that a fight was going to break out, Saito stepped in to calm the clansmen down. Cho let out a sigh of relief. I have to admit, Saito is more useful than he looks.

"No," the smaller boy answered. "I saw her run towards where the explosions happened down there," he pointed a short distance down the street where the smoke originated from. Always a chore, this midget.

Saito bit his tongue, patting the same boy on the arm and motioning down towards the direction where he had pointed to. "You go look for her, and make sure she's safe," he instructed the scrawny boy in a clear, yet rushed, manner. "Bring her back here, to the bar -- fast."

"And you," Saito turned to the boy who was a full head and a half taller than him. "Go back into the bar and make sure nothing's damaged inside. Don't want Shu's blood pressure going overboard this early," he explained.

Saito took a quick breath. "If there's any trouble, call me," he took both of the boys by their necks and brought them close to his face, glaring at them. "And I fucking mean it this time."

As the two of them nodded in understanding of their jobs and went off, Saito sighed as he raised a hand to his forehead. Now, to deal with these scumbags. "So," he said as he slowly walked towards Chew and her posse. "What's going on in these neck of the woods?"

Cho perked up when she spotted Saito heading towards them. She knew that he wouldn't start a fight, and so, she forced herself to relax, even if it was only a little bit. "I really have no idea." she told her friend, raising a hand to push a few stray strands of hair out of her face. "Who do you think caused the explosion?"

"Beats me, Chew," Saito scratched the back of his head. "You know the deal. We might be enemies, but screw the clans thing for a few hours. Let's go catch a movie later when you're done work, cool off a bit after this," he was serious, despite the fact that there was a high chance that he would be needed soon enough, and the whole the-street-next-to-our-base-just-blew-up ordeal. "I'll pay this time. Deal?"
There's a lot of periods of inactivity. If Hasayo doesn't reply, I'll go on and do it. I've been really sick these last three days, is all.

Don't know if I told you guys, but I've been out of school since Tuesday because I've been really sick. I tried going yesterday, but I nearly collapsed in my second class and I got sent to the nurse's office where I got sent home shortly after. I'm also home today.

Right now, I'm feeling slightly better. I'll write up a post whenever I can. Don't worry aboot me. :D
And suddenly there was a new Red King.
Saito sneered, rubbing his bicep and pretending to be in pain. "Damn it, Shu. That hurt. A lot."

It never really occurred to Saito just how long he had known Shu for. Seventeen years old, he had been when he met the person who was now the Red King. A genius of some sort who was wicked smart, smart enough to skip through a bunch of grades; unlike himself, who essentially became a failure in life despite early success.

"This place never gets old," Saito said as the three of them arrived at their destination after strolling through the bustling streets and sidewalks, peering through the windows. As Rin walked inside, Shu stopped him. "Huh?" he blinked as Shu told him something about her. "Geez, one of those things, again. Kinda makes me wonder if it's something all girls go through." Or is it just midgets? Hm...

Though the café was not exactly Saito's most favorite place to grab something to eat and drink, it was one of those places that he knew he would come back to when he was older. It might not have been like the bar, where he had met Shu and formed what was now HOMRA, but it had a homey feel to it.

Taking a seat at the usual spot, Saito threw his head down onto the table and sighed. "Man, I can't take my naps anymore with the whole framing-us-for-shit-we-didn't-do thing," he complained. "Like, seriously, why us? We do SCEPTER 4's job of beating up thugs and gangsters half the time, anyway; WITHOUT those cool sabers and fancy uniforms, too!"

As Saito was about to close his eyes, he snapped back into attention as Shu asked him if he got something. He lifted his head from the table and looked down at the menu that his face had been on, his eye catching one of the drinks that he usually ordered. "Oh yeah. I'm getting that. With some ice would be noice," he finished the last word of the sentence in English with a stereotypical Australian accent.

A pair of bells rung as the doors to the café granted entrance for a person. Curious, Saito's head turned to peer over his shoulder as his mouth opened up in surprise, seeing two familiar faces. "Yo, Chew!" he called out loudly, instantly causing the conversation across the rest of the tables to cease. Suddenly, the café became his most favorite place in Japan.

"'Scuse me for a sec," Saito's tone reverted back to normal for a moment as he addressed the Red King, his goofy face returning soon after as he kicked his chair back and walked up to the pair, flipping his hood off. "And Mister Mika, too! We got ourselves a full house, here."

"... Hey, Saito." Cho greeted. Though, as Saito was about to continue the conversation, a bunch of images began to flash through his head. "What-" he rubbed his head as he was left confused at what he had seen; a man beating whoever's memories they belonged to, and insulting them. "Okay. Weird. Anyway-"

All of a sudden, someone burst through the entrance of the café, and sure enough, it was yet another person he knew. It had been one of the boys that had been instructed to stay at the bar to keep watch, but... the boy ran past Saito as he stopped near the table, out of breath and announcing that there had been a series of explosions near HOMRA.

"What in the hell," The lobby went quiet once more after the announcement as Saito ran up to the boy and grabbed him by the shoulders, spinning him around so they were looking at one another eye to eye. "Why in the fuck did you run ALL the way over HERE when I told you to call me if there was an issue?!"

The boy began to tremble in Saito's grip. "I-I wasn't told to call you..."

"Oh, great," Saito let go of the boy as he slapped himself in the forehead. "One of them. I only fucking told it to one-"

As if on cue, his cell phone began to ring. He dug for his phone, bringing it beside his ear as he answered the call with an irritated tone. "What is it?!"

"You have to get back, fast! There's been-"

Saito interrupted the speaker, the voice belonging to the one boy he had instructed to call him. "Explosions! Yeah, thanks for being late! I'll be there!" he hung up, quickly throwing the phone back into his pocket.

Saito briefly turned to the Blue King and Cho. "Look, I know you two are gonna miss me, but you still have that logo I spray painted near your headquarters to remember me by," he quickly turned to his King. "Shu, we gotta go. Now!"

And with that, Saito sprinted out of the café, towards the direction of the bar.
Or maybe, we actually read the posts of others to avoid confusion and conflicting methods of approaching something.

oh well
gonna go work on the post now
I know I am. I acknowledge my rude tone and I'm sorry for it (I say sorry too much somebody shoot me already).

But the detail remains.
And I'm not going to just remove it.

I'm going to end it at that.

I'm sorry, but that's kind of your own issue for typing your post prematurely. I'm not neglecting your work or anything, but to not remember that I already had my character instruct them to call him in case of said events occurring makes me feel like my work was neglected at that given moment. I'm sorry, but you're just going to have to rewrite it or something, because I've been eager to post and you've already had the opportunity to post before I have. If not, your own issue. Sorry.

I'm going to write my post now.
And it's staying the way it is.
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