Angie watched the armored men walk out of the hall. So their mission was to supposedly to infiltrate the staff of this company, get rid of the body guard in someway, and take out the owner of the company. Sounds like a hack job she did, except it was blackmailing, And she had more information on subject. The client kinda repulsed her, the fact of having your face remodeled completely just for fashion, even if its for a job, repulsed her. Pushing back the thought she continued chewing the candy. Family connections were always the downfall of anyone. For guards its even worse of a deal. So this seemed easy. She just had to get into character. Which is perfectly easy for her.
How would the week die. It seems if they planned this right they could avoid all deaths. In anything. She thought she would be the least likely to be spotted as fake out of all of them. Though she didn't know how the others would clean up.
Shaking out her hair again she though better of leaving. Incase there was more... information to be found. Though she thought of joining in the conversation. By the sound of it alone she wouldn't like it. The other one sounded more promising but she didn't really know what to say to join in. Its not like she had to talk to get information.
So instead she though of ways to get close to the owner. If she could hack into a database and get through three firewalls in less than three minutes she could sneak her way up to the head guys side. Going back from her planning to pay attention to the conversations forming around she stared blankly at her hands.
How would the week die. It seems if they planned this right they could avoid all deaths. In anything. She thought she would be the least likely to be spotted as fake out of all of them. Though she didn't know how the others would clean up.
Shaking out her hair again she though better of leaving. Incase there was more... information to be found. Though she thought of joining in the conversation. By the sound of it alone she wouldn't like it. The other one sounded more promising but she didn't really know what to say to join in. Its not like she had to talk to get information.
So instead she though of ways to get close to the owner. If she could hack into a database and get through three firewalls in less than three minutes she could sneak her way up to the head guys side. Going back from her planning to pay attention to the conversations forming around she stared blankly at her hands.