Appearance: Quite hypnotising St first glance. A humble female like figure yet the area around joints are lined with small, grey scales. Cotton clothing covers the frame , Held on by a black peice of leather strapped on around her waist. Long body leading wait a pair of sprouting wings. Fairy like at first with sharp points at the end,connected by her back allowing her arms to move freely without the extra weight. Her wings were laced with fire as they say. The coloring on the back usednto warm off preditors. Stay back she's poisonous. Starting like fire and burning out was her hair flowing out between her wings. Lower you won't find a tail but the pair ofblegs she owned. Tatoo's of flowers and fire draped down them in swirls around her leg. Her face is like that of a young human adult. Beautifully raised features that allow for bright eyes to shine their unmistakeable sea blue.
Name: Delsa
Habitat: Based around a small cave or hole. Altitude doesn't matter as long as its above sea level. Must be close to fruit or vegetable sorces.
Necesities: a Green area close by. Moderate temperatures.
Diet: Varied fruits and vegetables gathered on her travels. with some meat from already dead when she can find any.
Preferences: Warm environments ideal. Close to other creatures except close to preditors.
For what they are dragons don't seem to mind their presence. Expecailly large slow moving ones, where they can sit on the dragons snout and talk. Many dragons wouldn't attempt to hurt these human sized feary's. Probably because they are poisous to eat
WIP sheet.