As he scooted closer she stayed still. He still scared her. Be was more phyically powerful than her even if he was frozen. Yet she wasn't going anywhere. She couldn't. The cold would enable her immoble without her wings.
His mockful tone alerting her to his awakened state. His words not exactly matching. Delsa's mind didn't put two and two together and so stayed slightly distracted. Her mind drifting to the glinting ores, some which she had never seen. Though alerted a jem in the wall of the cave caught her mind. Drifting her form towards it which ment standing up.
As she stood the warmth provided by her body also went with her. It was not far before his clawed hand would pull her back down.
"Ekk" she squealed unexpectantly falling backwards onto her butt. Sitting slightly closer to him than before. Her blue eyes would look at him. Her form confused on the motiv behind his actions. 'Why?' She though. Not mad at the creature before her. But confused.
As she began to stay warm, the glow from her tattoos and hair was slowly fading. Every rush of cold air setting off the colors in almost a flash. But the flash would fade to.
'Does he have a name?' The question popped into her head randomly as they sat there so close. It was strange for her to care if he has a name or not. He didn't seem to want to know hers. Yet for the sake of calling the wyvern like creature in front of her he for the rest of the time they would be together. Which like the weather was unknown. She decided to be brave and ask his name.
"So what do they call you?"
Though slightly uncomfortable being this close to someone her size. He could still easily kill her. She had no weapon. Yet he did say something about neutral benifits. 'What would those be?' ' what good could I do him?'@MrStitches
His mockful tone alerting her to his awakened state. His words not exactly matching. Delsa's mind didn't put two and two together and so stayed slightly distracted. Her mind drifting to the glinting ores, some which she had never seen. Though alerted a jem in the wall of the cave caught her mind. Drifting her form towards it which ment standing up.
As she stood the warmth provided by her body also went with her. It was not far before his clawed hand would pull her back down.
"Ekk" she squealed unexpectantly falling backwards onto her butt. Sitting slightly closer to him than before. Her blue eyes would look at him. Her form confused on the motiv behind his actions. 'Why?' She though. Not mad at the creature before her. But confused.
As she began to stay warm, the glow from her tattoos and hair was slowly fading. Every rush of cold air setting off the colors in almost a flash. But the flash would fade to.
'Does he have a name?' The question popped into her head randomly as they sat there so close. It was strange for her to care if he has a name or not. He didn't seem to want to know hers. Yet for the sake of calling the wyvern like creature in front of her he for the rest of the time they would be together. Which like the weather was unknown. She decided to be brave and ask his name.
"So what do they call you?"
Though slightly uncomfortable being this close to someone her size. He could still easily kill her. She had no weapon. Yet he did say something about neutral benifits. 'What would those be?' ' what good could I do him?'@MrStitches