He kept creeping closer to her. She didn't think about moving. It was strange to see this usually sleek and stratagetic creature moving so roughly and jagged. It caught her interest how such a powerful creature was brought down by a shift in the weather. Be it unfortanatly quick or not. The floor was almost as cold as freezing walls, frosted from the icy wings that blew threw the caves. Keeping her fading warmth active long as it stayed cold enough.' Is he alright?' She though as He answered his name. Almost in a whisper. Reaver. She hadn't heard of anyone called that before. Than again. What type of name is after a poisonous flower? Her name.
"Delsa. I'm called Delsa. "
She said. Her voice laced in honey it seemed.
This male, Reaver posed another question. More or less one, as it was more like a request. She didn't think he would be freezing. As she glaces at him she caught his eyes. The pleafull look of help.
' he is a dragon type thing. Aren't I supposed to help dragons?' He mind started a small conflict within it self. Unconsciously she scooted closer to him.
He was cold to the touch she would find. Setting the colors off like when they first entered the cave. Glistening more against the his scales and the stone held gems. Her mind started setting off that he was probably gonna kill her. All just a game he was playing. Dragons liked to play games. But he wasn't just a dragon. His size and shape contrasted against that.
He seemed so pitiful resting there. She had to help him. A bit too kind just to let him freeze if he was. She never met a male of her species. Or a male close enough to her form at all. Uncomfertable as it was being so close to a male with chemistry so similar to her own. It was odly conferring. Again her fear pinged up, noting that he could easily have his way with her. The concert coming from not being alone. With out her dragon, which would have been back and looking for her if it had not past, she was without family. Hunger tinged at her but it would be easier to fulfill after this horrible storm has past. Hopefully he didn't have the same feeling.