hello! I have been reintroduced to how wonderful roleplaying is on my mental health and would like to restart my adventures here. expect activities!
1 yr ago
hello! I have been reintroduced to how wonderful roleplaying is on my mental health and would like to restart my adventures here. expect activities!
3 yrs ago
Hello fellow humans and non-humans alike, I hope we are all vibing well in this liminal timespace that we find ourselves in.
7 yrs ago
This book is too good. Makes me want more kingdom type roleplays. Guess i should put that in the interests section below.
7 yrs ago
Been getting into Airships: Conquer the skies, and reading Promise of Blood. Make od thst what you will
7 yrs ago
Guess which lucky binch tried to catch a bad pass and ended up fracturing a bit in her finger? This binch
Young and old; Welcome to my informational page. I am the one and only Song Book. I, in simpleton terms, am a magically transforming book. Human to book. Book to human. You get the gist eh? If your confused on what to call me the usual pronouns work but please to use any form you find comfortable with. Not gonna judge if you can't remember. ( I've been known to call people -it- So...) Get it? Got it? Good. Anyway on to..
| INFO |
▲▲▲ Above this Bio You will find my latest quote/new character introduction/ a glimpse into a new rp/ or song stuff. It changes regularly when I'm active. ▼▼▼ Below this Bio You will find what I have been active in lately.
| Tastes |
I have a setting I really want to experiment with roleplaying, so when I get a post for it I will link it here. For other interests I am currently looking to join some fantasy, romance, and fun roleplays. All levels of lore are interesting though I would like to restart with something not so lore heavy to start with or at least something with easy to digest lore.
If you have a rp you'd like me to see, a 1v1 request, a question, or anything else. Feel free to write me a pm or a visitor msg. Be sure to ping me though. I may not see it otherwise.
The random poems, stories and quotes by a mad woman.
But aren't we all.
Feel free to comment on my work. Half of the time I'm eriting I'm either depressed, sick and generally incapascated else where. Or really fudging creative.
Aspen opened the door to the inn. Her boots clicking lightly against the floor. Over hearing the fact the true innkeeper was out and that some idiot boy fell down the stairs. Great way to start the day. Confusion and Amusement.
Walking over to wear the scientist had gotten up from she sat down. Unengaged in this so called tour. To becertain the real innkeeper should be back soon. Tapping a finger on her dress. Popping a breath mint in her mouth.
Powers (Optional, Can Fill out over Time): Simple Telepathy- Can put a thought In human's heads, making her rather good at the guess what your thinking game. Rebirth- Can't die from old age. Fire immunity- exactly what it sounds like. Gift of flight- In phoenix form.
Backstory (Optional): She's had to many lives to remember. -TBD-
Personality (Optional): She seems to be cool and collected with her thoughts. More likely to, keep to her self. She is thought to dislikehate the human kind. As they had forced her and her kind to go into hiding. On the inside she is said to be caring and sweet. Though she has had no one to show that caring side.
Outfit (Optional): Dress's like in the picture are normal. Scarf is a must, usually hiding the phoenix tattoo on her neck.
As he explained his plan, her face was tinted with pink. Be it from the cold air or his idea he wouldn't know. As a burst of the friggid air filled the cave lighting her legs and wings up in the firey glow. Gleaming off the best by gems. She stalked towards him shaking her hair out as she went. A Streak of her hair had changed to accommodate the temperature. From Jet black to a viviant red like a flame. It too glowing like the rest of her. Out of all of the things he could have brought and made so dependant on him he made a good choice. But like he knew what he was deciding apon.
As the ice was left towards her she picked it up. It was nice to see he was trying to provide. Though he didn't need to. Against her warm palm the ice melted slowly as she popped a peice at a time into her mouth. Feeling slightly replenished from the water, she too stretched out more, without the popping just more waking her muscles.
She looked at him raising a claw and tried to figure out what he ment. 'Probably wants to head out' she thought trying to figure out how to hang on without becoming ackward. It would be pretty hard to do.
'What's that thing those children do. Where one just rides around on be others back. If I held on like that I should be fine right? 'She though currently having a inner delema ' that sounds well enough. I hope' Stalking over to him she would slowly reach out to his shoulder's shyly. Unsure how to actually get on his back.
Young and old; Welcome to my informational page. I am the one and only Song Book. I, in simpleton terms, am a magically transforming book. Human to book. Book to human. You get the gist eh? If your confused on what to call me the usual pronouns work but please to use any form you find comfortable with. Not gonna judge if you can't remember. ( I've been known to call people -it- So...)
Get it? Got it? Good. Anyway on to..
[h1][b]| INFO |[/b][/h1]
[b] ▲▲▲ [/b]
Above this Bio
You will find my latest quote/new character introduction/ a glimpse into a new rp/ or song stuff. It changes regularly when I'm active.
[b] ▼▼▼ [/b]
Below this Bio
You will find what I have been active in lately.
[h1][b]| Tastes |[/b][/h1]
I have a setting I really want to experiment with roleplaying, so when I get a post for it I will link it here. For other interests I am currently looking to join some fantasy, romance, and fun roleplays. All levels of lore are interesting though I would like to restart with something not so lore heavy to start with or at least something with easy to digest lore.
[h1][b]| Important Pages |[/b][/h1]
[h3][url=]Writting Mad[/url][/h3]
[h3][url=]Old Name List[/url][/h3]
[h3][url=]New Name List[/url][/h3]
[h1][b]| Contact Me.|[/b][/h1]
If you have a rp you'd like me to see, a 1v1 request, a question, or anything else. Feel free to write me a pm or a visitor msg. Be sure to ping me though. I may not see it otherwise.[/center]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><div class="bb-center"><div class="bb-h1"><span class="bb-b">|Greetings|</span></div> <br>Young and old; Welcome to my informational page. I am the one and only Song Book. I, in simpleton terms, am a magically transforming book. Human to book. Book to human. You get the gist eh? If your confused on what to call me the usual pronouns work but please to use any form you find comfortable with. Not gonna judge if you can't remember. ( I've been known to call people -it- So...)<br>Get it? Got it? Good. Anyway on to..<br><div class="bb-h1"><span class="bb-b">| INFO |</span></div><br><span class="bb-b"> ▲▲▲ </span><br>Above this Bio <br>You will find my latest quote/new character introduction/ a glimpse into a new rp/ or song stuff. It changes regularly when I'm active.<br><span class="bb-b"> ▼▼▼ </span><br>Below this Bio<br>You will find what I have been active in lately.<br><div class="bb-h1"><span class="bb-b">| Tastes |</span></div><br>I have a setting I really want to experiment with roleplaying, so when I get a post for it I will link it here. For other interests I am currently looking to join some fantasy, romance, and fun roleplays. All levels of lore are interesting though I would like to restart with something not so lore heavy to start with or at least something with easy to digest lore. <br><div class="bb-h1"><span class="bb-b">| Important Pages |</span></div><br><div class="bb-h3"><a href="">Writting Mad</a></div><br><div class="bb-h3"><a href="">Old Name List</a></div><br><div class="bb-h3"><a href="">New Name List</a></div><br><div class="bb-h1"><span class="bb-b">| Contact Me.|</span></div><br>If you have a rp you'd like me to see, a 1v1 request, a question, or anything else. Feel free to write me a pm or a visitor msg. Be sure to ping me though. I may not see it otherwise.</div></div>