Delsa, though seemingly week had quite a grip strength, and laced onto his shoulders. Fearing once again for her own life without the use of her wings. The cold air lighting her abilities ablaze, overuse though from last nights adventure and lack of nutrition notably dulled the produced light. Her gaze drifting over the blank field side her mood darkening at the sudden change in scenery. She was used to the tropical wet dry climate where she lived. The snow was, though not new to her, very disturbing. For a few reasons she would rather not her new companion to know.
As she thought they began spiraling downwards, her grip tightened again his shoulders. Only lightening when they landed. Her legs moving her off his back instant they were on suitable land once again, causing her to go tumbling slightly regaining composure. Her senses recognizing the type of tree before he would have mentioned anything. Nutrition. " Not something I usually have everyday, it will work. If you may." She said trying to grab an apple of her own finding her height working against her without flight.
" I assume you don't eat fruit often as well." She said trying again for small talk. The poisonous substance that had hardened was slowly morphing back into a goop on the inside of the shell. Absorbing back into her wings slowly. Her wings themselves opened, the less injured one moving slightly in the wind which once again had picked back up. Her body coursed through waves of warm after each gust of wind.