The alien said his name, and his planet. Ahh she was going to like this one, Harvey. Maybe get him to do her few things for her in the future. The lady mentioned mind control. Something she would have to find. It would help her either way.
Fun time teleporting. Much fun for her. It was always fascinating how that works. The creature/ creatures? no clue, inside made bluer like noise. Living material she could sense it. Everything living could in anywise me controlled in someway. She watched the strange Korean walk into the lair shouting, no sense of fear or even the though to check the hall she walked into. She did know she stood out like a solo cup in a wine tasting? Didn't she. How brainwashed was the girl. She going to be fun to mess with.
Fallowing the Alien, Harvey, who had deiced on his own he should share random things. Such a fun, toy. She walked into the lair her eyes scanning the walls as they walked searching for the slightest movement.
" Come out, come out where ever you are little monster. Don't you want to come and play? " She replied to the beast calling facing a wall the other two had missed to cover. Her eyes staying fixed for any movement, waiting for it to show itself. So she could try her way with it before the others were killed. At the least she could get it to leave, maybe, she was still unsure of her power against creations.
Fun time teleporting. Much fun for her. It was always fascinating how that works. The creature/ creatures? no clue, inside made bluer like noise. Living material she could sense it. Everything living could in anywise me controlled in someway. She watched the strange Korean walk into the lair shouting, no sense of fear or even the though to check the hall she walked into. She did know she stood out like a solo cup in a wine tasting? Didn't she. How brainwashed was the girl. She going to be fun to mess with.
Fallowing the Alien, Harvey, who had deiced on his own he should share random things. Such a fun, toy. She walked into the lair her eyes scanning the walls as they walked searching for the slightest movement.
" Come out, come out where ever you are little monster. Don't you want to come and play? " She replied to the beast calling facing a wall the other two had missed to cover. Her eyes staying fixed for any movement, waiting for it to show itself. So she could try her way with it before the others were killed. At the least she could get it to leave, maybe, she was still unsure of her power against creations.