She got up from her seat quite slowly. Her eyes locating every, be there very few, weapons on the mans body. Taking him by the hood shedrags the man from the tavern.His arms clawing against the darkness swirling against her grip. Her claws piercinghis hood barely scraping his hair which was pushed around in the worst pushiest pattern. He muttered some curses impaling his hand on one of them. yanking the claw from her hand, having it reform as she coniunes to drag the struggling male from the tavern. One scream was heard from behind the closed doors then dead silence. She, well the same body of her, would emerge from outside the tavern a few minutes later. Quickest kill she had done in months but still, she wanted to continue the conversation.
A new black shirt crossed over her features. The same jeans torn to short height and her boots, which extended somewhat up her thigh were more clearly shown. Her hair black and down, her necklace too was shown more highly. The dragons claw clutching a red orb. Matching the blood splattered across he boots and shorts. The shirt seemly too clean. Noticeable from her hair are two horns. rising to make points made from the same darkness surrounding her legs in swirls.
"About Your name. "
She replied. Sitting down at the bar tapping her hand on it as a request for service from the bartender. Licking the taste of iron off her lips.