Avatar of Song Book


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current hello! I have been reintroduced to how wonderful roleplaying is on my mental health and would like to restart my adventures here. expect activities!
3 yrs ago
Hello fellow humans and non-humans alike, I hope we are all vibing well in this liminal timespace that we find ourselves in.
7 yrs ago
This book is too good. Makes me want more kingdom type roleplays. Guess i should put that in the interests section below.
7 yrs ago
Been getting into Airships: Conquer the skies, and reading Promise of Blood. Make od thst what you will
7 yrs ago
Guess which lucky binch tried to catch a bad pass and ended up fracturing a bit in her finger? This binch



Young and old; Welcome to my informational page. I am the one and only Song Book. I, in simpleton terms, am a magically transforming book. Human to book. Book to human. You get the gist eh? If your confused on what to call me the usual pronouns work but please to use any form you find comfortable with. Not gonna judge if you can't remember. ( I've been known to call people -it- So...)
Get it? Got it? Good. Anyway on to..
| INFO |

Above this Bio
You will find my latest quote/new character introduction/ a glimpse into a new rp/ or song stuff. It changes regularly when I'm active.
Below this Bio
You will find what I have been active in lately.
| Tastes |

I have a setting I really want to experiment with roleplaying, so when I get a post for it I will link it here. For other interests I am currently looking to join some fantasy, romance, and fun roleplays. All levels of lore are interesting though I would like to restart with something not so lore heavy to start with or at least something with easy to digest lore.
| Important Pages |

| Contact Me.|

If you have a rp you'd like me to see, a 1v1 request, a question, or anything else. Feel free to write me a pm or a visitor msg. Be sure to ping me though. I may not see it otherwise.

Most Recent Posts

@Dark Light
Where is it headed too? Her head. Her body. An arm.?

Is it up to me to choose?
@Dark Light
[color=0072599]" No, no no no. A demon wouldn't have the guts to try that. Im just, the confident and badass side of the same person. "[/color] She giggles to herself drinking another sip of the vodka. Her facing playing a childish smile. It did seem like she was a different side to the same person. She seems more playful that the shy other one. Though she did not show pain it was noticeable there was a newly scarred area on her arm. The darkness setting there more prominently then anywhere else on her skin.
" I actually have no idea what I am nor how this works. I don't have memory more than 9 years ago." Her voice seemed more genuine than before. Barely it seemed than before though. Her hair slowly started fading back to blonde. Starting at the roots. The shadows around her legs had already faded.
@Dark Light
" Wouldn't be the worst I've had happen to me."
She would say taking the vodka he had poured earlier. Tracing a finger over the lip of the cup before taking a drink of it.
"I try to keep it that way. A mystery," She would pause resting her head on her hand which lent against the bar." Keeps my self somewhat sane. I can't be like this 24/7" Her hair pushed back over her other shoulder as she sits. Crossing her legs as she adjusted herself to become comfortable.
"Making messes in public places isn't a good habit. " she said watching his movements carefully.
"I wouldn't kiss that if I were you. Been ripping out necks a few times." She would chuckle at this barely paying attention to him as a person. Just really the glass of vodka and his movements for warning signs.
"Valask. Never heard of you or anyone going by that alias." She said, lacing her voice in honey just about as much as he had done with charm. The man had changed tactics three times now. It was starting to get funny, at least for her.
@Dark Light
It's like all the actual sentient staff members all went on vacation.

Oh well

Didn't want to do a fighting scene. As I'm not good with them.
Of corse i am, just very busy with school work so I'm letting it dwell.
Not in the state of mind to make an rp good.
She got up from her seat quite slowly. Her eyes locating every, be there very few, weapons on the mans body. Taking him by the hood shedrags the man from the tavern.His arms clawing against the darkness swirling against her grip. Her claws piercinghis hood barely scraping his hair which was pushed around in the worst pushiest pattern. He muttered some curses impaling his hand on one of them. yanking the claw from her hand, having it reform as she coniunes to drag the struggling male from the tavern. One scream was heard from behind the closed doors then dead silence. She, well the same body of her, would emerge from outside the tavern a few minutes later. Quickest kill she had done in months but still, she wanted to continue the conversation.
A new black shirt crossed over her features. The same jeans torn to short height and her boots, which extended somewhat up her thigh were more clearly shown. Her hair black and down, her necklace too was shown more highly. The dragons claw clutching a red orb. Matching the blood splattered across he boots and shorts. The shirt seemly too clean. Noticeable from her hair are two horns. rising to make points made from the same darkness surrounding her legs in swirls.

"About Your name. "
She replied. Sitting down at the bar tapping her hand on it as a request for service from the bartender. Licking the taste of iron off her lips.
@Song Book
Say hello to full transformation.
Must be fun for the man yet to be named.
Another person to add to my inspirational artists sections.
Love your work.

Good job on the back grounds btw. I suck at them.
"Don't mess with the poor dude either way I'm done spilling my life unless I get a name from you. " Her voice was rather stern. Still with that trickel of mystery that always laved her words. A whosh of something being thrown passes by her ear. He missed, she had given the guy a perfect opertunity and he missed.

With a new smirk on her face to she turns to face the mercenary. " You know blood does well mixed with wine. "
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