Working on the profile to make sure it's formatted correctly-not ready yet.

Name: Alice Leon
Physical Age: 24
True Age: 24
Gender: (Most beings are male/female, but a lot can actually be considered agender or both genders. Up to you.)
Race: (For Children, please put down Child of the Devil. For non-humans and Demons, put non-human or Demon respectively. Humans are humans.)
Subspecies: (For non-humans and Demons, what specific type are they?)
Description: (Scars? Injuries? Tattoos your image doesn't show? Anything you feel like, really.)
Any differences from your provided image/s: (Optional, but if you had to settle for a faceclaim you didn't want, then this'll be useful to help out.)
Strengths: (Physical or otherwise. Things your character excels at outside of combat.)
Fears: (Phobias or things that downright terrify your character.)
Secrets?: (Any deep, dark secrets that you have in your heart?)
Outlook on life: (Just another way to help get a bit more of a feel for your character. Once again optional, but it'd be nice.)
Affiliation: (Children will start with nothing here unless you want otherwise. Captured by the WDL? Fighting for Hell? Up to you. Non-humans and Demons are your choice. Loyal only to themselves? Willing to do anything for the throne? Put that here. Or keep it a secret, feel free to lie, you evil Demon, you~)
Moral Alignment: (If you're familiar with the Dungeons and Dragons table, just toss where you think they'd fit in here. If not, check this site for details. This is optional, but it'd help. Note that not every Demon is evil, and not every human is good.)
Major Abilities: (Maximum of 3. The things specific to your character and the things they specialise in. Only usable in Magick Mode unless they’re passives.)
Minor Abilities: (Maximum of 3. Think of these as auxiliary or support powers. Whether they assist your primaries or make you overall cooler is up to you. )
Special Ability: (Only beings that are ranked A or above, Demon Lords, experienced Exorcists and the Children will have this. Your ultimate forte, the best trump card in your arsenal. Whether an active or passive skill is up to you. This is what you, at your strongest, are built for.)
Boundary: (Yes or No, can your character use a Boundary? A Boundary can only be used by characters with A++ and above Willpower stat and an A+ and above Faith stat. They need to be top tier Mages. See the 'Boundaries' section in the Information article for more information.)
Equipment: (Weapons, clothing. Put any physical items your character carries here.)
Minor Skills: (Hand to hand combat? A bit more thick-skinned than others? Put those here.)
Willpower: (F to EX Rank - average Human stat is D. A++ and above have access to Boundary Magicks which will be explained later on.)
Faith: F to EX Rank - average Human stat is D.)
Mana Capacity: (F to EX Rank - average Magus stat is C.)
Magickal Proficiency: (F to EX Rank - average Magus stat is C.)
Physical Competence: (F to EX Rank- average Human stat is D.)
Rank: (WDL Ranks will be posted in an OOC thread, so just toss them here. Demons/Non-humans will be ranked from E to S, so put that here.)
Class: (For WDL Members, the type of weaponry they specialise in will be put here, ie Gunner, Swordsman. Demon Lords will have that put down here. Other factions will have their own classes, I assume.)
Title:(Demon Lords will usually have 'Lord of ___' and other characters may gain titles as the roleplay goes on. Usually related to their powers. Not every title follows that structure, either.)
Loyalty Level: (How likely is it your character, on a scale of 1-10, would abandon their faction for any reason?)
Biography/History: (I forgot to toss this in earlier, but what sheet is complete without a forced biography? Ha HA!)
Other: (Anything I've missed?)

~ Physical Profile ~
Name: Alice Leon
Physical Age: 24
True Age: 24
Gender: (Most beings are male/female, but a lot can actually be considered agender or both genders. Up to you.)
Race: (For Children, please put down Child of the Devil. For non-humans and Demons, put non-human or Demon respectively. Humans are humans.)
Subspecies: (For non-humans and Demons, what specific type are they?)
Description: (Scars? Injuries? Tattoos your image doesn't show? Anything you feel like, really.)
Any differences from your provided image/s: (Optional, but if you had to settle for a faceclaim you didn't want, then this'll be useful to help out.)
~ Psychological Profile ~
Strengths: (Physical or otherwise. Things your character excels at outside of combat.)
Fears: (Phobias or things that downright terrify your character.)
Secrets?: (Any deep, dark secrets that you have in your heart?)
Outlook on life: (Just another way to help get a bit more of a feel for your character. Once again optional, but it'd be nice.)
Affiliation: (Children will start with nothing here unless you want otherwise. Captured by the WDL? Fighting for Hell? Up to you. Non-humans and Demons are your choice. Loyal only to themselves? Willing to do anything for the throne? Put that here. Or keep it a secret, feel free to lie, you evil Demon, you~)
Moral Alignment: (If you're familiar with the Dungeons and Dragons table, just toss where you think they'd fit in here. If not, check this site for details. This is optional, but it'd help. Note that not every Demon is evil, and not every human is good.)
~ Combat Profile ~
Major Abilities: (Maximum of 3. The things specific to your character and the things they specialise in. Only usable in Magick Mode unless they’re passives.)
Minor Abilities: (Maximum of 3. Think of these as auxiliary or support powers. Whether they assist your primaries or make you overall cooler is up to you. )
Special Ability: (Only beings that are ranked A or above, Demon Lords, experienced Exorcists and the Children will have this. Your ultimate forte, the best trump card in your arsenal. Whether an active or passive skill is up to you. This is what you, at your strongest, are built for.)
Boundary: (Yes or No, can your character use a Boundary? A Boundary can only be used by characters with A++ and above Willpower stat and an A+ and above Faith stat. They need to be top tier Mages. See the 'Boundaries' section in the Information article for more information.)
Equipment: (Weapons, clothing. Put any physical items your character carries here.)
Minor Skills: (Hand to hand combat? A bit more thick-skinned than others? Put those here.)
~ Statistics ~
Willpower: (F to EX Rank - average Human stat is D. A++ and above have access to Boundary Magicks which will be explained later on.)
Faith: F to EX Rank - average Human stat is D.)
Mana Capacity: (F to EX Rank - average Magus stat is C.)
Magickal Proficiency: (F to EX Rank - average Magus stat is C.)
Physical Competence: (F to EX Rank- average Human stat is D.)
~ Faction Profile ~
Rank: (WDL Ranks will be posted in an OOC thread, so just toss them here. Demons/Non-humans will be ranked from E to S, so put that here.)
Class: (For WDL Members, the type of weaponry they specialise in will be put here, ie Gunner, Swordsman. Demon Lords will have that put down here. Other factions will have their own classes, I assume.)
Title:(Demon Lords will usually have 'Lord of ___' and other characters may gain titles as the roleplay goes on. Usually related to their powers. Not every title follows that structure, either.)
Loyalty Level: (How likely is it your character, on a scale of 1-10, would abandon their faction for any reason?)
~ Miscellaneous ~
Biography/History: (I forgot to toss this in earlier, but what sheet is complete without a forced biography? Ha HA!)
Other: (Anything I've missed?)