Just finished this guy up - anything need changing?

Name: Edward 'Roach' Donaldson
Physical Age: Compared to a Cockroach, he is midway through adolescence.
True Age: 12 Years old
Gender: Male
Race: Non-Human
Subspecies: Genetically-Modified Hybrid (Human/Cockroach)
Description: Truly staggering in size, Roach is easily 9 feet tall, and is only growing larger. He weighs nearly 800 pounds, mostly due to his thick exoskeleton and incredible muscle mass. The only part of Roach's body that has any hair at all are his legs and arms, which are covered with long hair-like protrusions used to sense vibrations in the air - other than this, he is completely bald. It is hard to tell due to his physiology, but he is surprisingly well taken care of - a result of both his own hygiene and the care his handlers provide. It is hard to see, but Roach possesses both ears and eyes - the ears are simply holes on the side of his head, while the eyes are small and dark, blending into his skull. He lacks lips, causing him to constantly be bearing his teeth. Luckily, he had learned to speak and eat relatively well, for a guy that doesn't have lips. While having wings may make it seem like he can fly, his massive weight makes it a struggle to even glide (Don't tell him though - he thinks he flies really good!).
Preferring the warmth of clothes, Roach successfully manage to convince his handlers to provide him with his own set. It is a simple, orange jumpsuit, similar to what a prisoner would wear - every chance he can, Roach cleans and cares for it, as it is one of his few personal possessions.
Several human-like characteristics of his include: Teeth, a Tongue, Eyes, an Endoskeleton, and a Human Brain. Other than these, however, his physiology is almost entirely that of a roach, barring a few internal organs. His voice is deep, gravely, and almost entirely inhuman. He has a problem speaking occasionally, due to the lack of lips. When very angry, he foams and saliva drips from his mouth.
Any differences from your provided image: Usually wears more clothes - you caught him just out of the shower!
Roach is one of the sweetest, most caring creatures under the sun. He helps out anyone he can whenever they need it, and always wears a happy smile on his face. Above all, he wants people to love and respect each other, like he does.
Roach possesses a loyalty that is almost supernatural - like a puppy, he will return to the Desperado and do whatever they command. He's killed plenty of people, something he normally would never do, but he did at the command of his superiors with no qualms. He is, without a doubt, a ruthless and efficient machine when it comes to serving Desperado... Still, that doesn't stop other people from being friendly! Were someone to actually talk with and not run away screaming from him, Roach would quickly grow attached - that person will never attain a loyalty like Desperado has, but Roach would be willing to do whatever they ask. That will probably never happen, however, as most people can't stand being within a few feet of him, let alone converse and be friendly with the creature.
Roach is constantly seeking approval - he craves it more than nearly anything else. It was how he started killing, something so far out of his normal behavior. He wanted the approval of Desperado, so he killed for them. Other than that, Roach tries to do his best at everything he can in order to be praised, but the opposite is true for being reprimanded. He will go to great lengths in order to hide his failure, and while he won't directly lie to Desperado, he will avoid the topic.
Roach is very interested in the concept of heroics - he always has been, as he was raised on old cartoons that were very focused on the moral of 'doing what's right.' He does so with unnatural zeal, especially considering his brutish appearance. Since he rarely leaves the Desperado, he only really helps out around the base - it is one of his main hobbies. He even goes as far as too designate people 'Good' or 'Bad,' though this is usually dependent on how the Desperado feel about them.
Roach is extremely naive, possessing little in the way of knowledge on social situations. He was raised in the Desperado his entire life, and the only social interaction he had was with his caretakers, and talking to the small pile of his possessions. This, combined with his usually docile personality, makes him very easy to calm down or trick. He takes what people say at face value, and has never suspected a person of lying before - it's almost cute, really.
- Showers.
- Old Sitcoms.
- Being told that he is good/ praise.
- Cleaning himself.
- His possessions.
- 'Good' people (Those that Desperado doesn't tell him to kill I.E most people).
- Raw Meat (Beef is his favorite, but he'll eat nearly anything - not just meat).
- Working/ Helping others.
- Appreciation.
- Hugs.
- Excess heat.
- Insects/Creepy Crawlies.
- Desperado.
- Heroes
- 'Bad' people.
- Reading.
- Math.
- Really anything that you need to be smart for.
- Game shows.
- People who insult 'friends' (Anyone who isn't immediately terrified of him).
- Cold.
- Scolding/Reprimanding.
- Public places
- Roaches.
- Can see weak points and is somewhat knowledgeable about supernatural beings - it's his job, after all.
- Loyal to a fault, would risk his life for the lowliest Desperado grunt.
- Can take way too much of a beating and still stand. Even with the armor, it's unsettling and almost supernatural.
- Extremely friendly, will choose to negotiate before fighting every time. Still, most people shoot him before then.
- Helps anyone with anything, as long as they ask.
- Stupid, and doesn't question people very much.
- Being kicked out of the Desperado.
- Girls.
- His mortality.
- Mirrors.
- Cockroaches.
- His stupidity. He also fears mental illness, which he expects to contract due to his genetics and condition.
- Incorporeal beings.
- Girls, again.
- Magic, especially the flashy kind.
- Watching things. This includes Cartoons, anime, movies, and family sitcoms, most of which are usually older, since Desperado is cheap. He also likes to watch out of the small window in his room, or look at the soldiers while they train.
- Playing with the toys his Caretakers give him (Gently, since they told him not to break them).
- Exercising.
- Helping people.
- Practicing talking.
- Cleaning.
- Looking at his possessions.
- Sometimes wets the bed when he has a bad nightmare.
- Wants to be really good at flying.
- Wants to fall in love, just like in the movies!
- Very insecure about his appearance and intellect - will usually make fun of himself to make others feel more comfortable.
- Desperately wants to live longer - will go to great lengths to make his life longer, and will only grow more desperate with time.
- Despite his... 'innocent' demeanor, don't assume he is safe. He would kill anyone for the Desperado at the drop of a hat.
- He tries to not let anyone know, but his kill count is already in the dozens, if not hundreds.
- He always excuses this by saying "They were bad people anyways."
Outlook on life:
He loves life, having realized he was going to die younger than most. He wants to help out 'Good' people whenever he can, and always treats people he meet with the utmost respect. If he can help out the people who raised him, in any way, he would be happy.
Moral Alignment:
Lawful Neutral (Likes to think he is Lawful Good)
Major Abilities:
Freak of Nature: Being a disgusting abomination against the natural order, Roach is a complete anomaly. He can survive off of only slightly more than a normal human, but is far more powerful, and is as hard to kill as a cockroach. He is not the strongest Non-human, but he's pretty high up there - and he is definitely the most durable. He can run 50 mph for hours on end, with a maximum speed of 80 mph that he can sustain for 5 minutes. He can jump nearly 3 stories with a running start, and his strength is legendary. He's able to hold up things like trucks with ease, and if he pushed himself, it wouldn't be outlandish to say he could punch down small buildings. When you combine this with his claws, it is no wonder he is one of the stronger non-humans.
Unfortunately, being a hybrid of creatures who's nearest common ancestor has been extinct for millions of years, Roach possesses countless problems. He is mentally slow, being unable to read or do complex mathematics - even multiplication is a difficult concept for him to grasp. Roach is constantly growing and experiencing intense hypertrophy - he'd be lucky to make it to thirty before he either grows too large for his bones and exoskeleton to support himself, or his heart gives out (The latter being the more likely of the two). Of course, he'll probably die before then in combat, so that makes little difference to Desperado. Roach cannot feel touch, experience taste, and is slowly losing his sense of smell - though, this is of little concern to Roach, as he hardly used his sense of smell. To reach any speed higher than 50 mph, he must crawl on all limbs, leaving him vulnerable to attack. Additionally, not that it matters since he is disgusting looking, Roach is infertile.
It Won't Die:
Roach is, above all else, a survivor. He can go without food for a month and water for a week with no ill effects, can eat nearly anything, radiation has little harmful effects against him, and can take more poison than an elephant. Diseases rarely effect him, unless they are magical in origin. His Endo and Exoskeletons are nearly unbreakable, and he can survive great pressure thanks to his open circulatory system. He can live in incredibly hot temperatures with slight trouble, though cold environments are significantly less protected against. Roach heals significantly faster than a normal human, but nothing completely outlandish - wounds don't close themselves mid-combat or anything. His strongest point is his Exoskeleton - Capable of easily resisting most firearms and trauma. Most weapons slide off the grooves, and even magic is less effective against it - not because it is anti-magic in any way, but because it is so durable and hard that some magic can't pierce it or cause him damage. Your best bet is artillery and heavy weapon fire - even then, you'd be lucky to hurt him at all, let alone enough to stop him when he's angry.
While his armor seems ridiculous at first glance, it has several weaknesses. There are grooves all along his back - while it would be difficult to do so, sticking a sword or weapon in their would allow a person to tear off his armor, with enough force. Thanks to his lack of touch, doing this silently somehow would easily allow someone to kill him. Additionally, while the exoskeleton can block most blunt trauma, slow gouging would be more effective and kill him far more easily. The exoskeleton, being incredibly hard, limits Roach's range of motion severely - he cannot reach behind his back, making it an excellent blind spot and weak point to attack. Also, were he to fall on his back, he would be completely stuck. The Exoskeleton, while providing slight magical resistance, is only superficial - a force attack would obviously be weaker, but cold and non-physical assaults are just as effective.
Finally, the exoskeleton cannot repair itself normally - while cracks will repair themselves, should a large chunk fall or break off, Roach must molt and grow a new shell. The process is utterly exhausting, and will leave Roach incapacitated for a day, and severely weakened for a week after. This molting process also puts great stress on him, cutting his already low life expectancy even shorter, usually be a week or two. As such, he is very reluctant to put himself in situations of extreme danger, which an enemy could use to their advantage.
Utterly Terrifying:
The most undesirable of all of Roach's tools - his own hideous appearance. Most people are stricken with intense fear as soon as they see him, and this effect becomes even more potent when he is angry or about to kill. People with willpower of C or higher can ignore this normally, but while it is more potent, only people with a willpower of B or higher may ignore this effect.
This, like all or Roach's abilities, is passive. He can never turn it off, and as such, interacting with most people is impossible. The only people that are immune to this are his caretakers and higher ups in Desperado, as they are very familiar and interact with him often. Roach hates this ability since it alienates him from social interaction, and the only friends he has ever had were those in Desperado. Finally, Roach is not completely immune to this effect - while angry, looking at a mirror will either scare him severely, or at least cause him to pause.
Minor Abilities:
Counter Brain Washing: Desperado has ingrained such intense loyalty in Roach that it acts as a mental shield - if someone were to try and dominate him and force him to attack Desperado (or really any mental manipulation that forces him to attack Desperado), he would be far more capable of resisting control.
This only applies to actions that work directly against or harm Desperado - other than this specific area, mental effects will have a normal result. Additionally, should the mental manipulation be impossible to resist with simply willpower, the added resistance is useless.
Natural Armaments:
Roach possesses two sets of arms, both topped off with sharp claws. These claws are made of the same material as his exoskeleton, but are razor sharp. Thanks to his incredible strength and the sharpness of the blades, he can cut through a majority of materials with ease.
Roach doesn't have hands. Or fingers. Opening a door is impossible for him, and manipulating anything is beyond his power. He has to ask someone to do anything that requires dexterity, including zipping up his jumpsuit. Using a weapon other than his claws is impossible, and he cannot grab anything.
Special Ability: ?
Boundary: No
Usually wears an orange jumpsuit, similar to a prisoner. While on a mission, he does not wear the jumpsuit, since he does not want bullet holes in it. Otherwise, he has no equipment besides his own body.
While he doesn't carry them with him, his possessions include - His bed, a pillow, a blanket, a coat hanger, a small television, a piggy bank, and 17 Euros.
Minor Skills:
- Very proficient with hand-to-claw combat.
- Animal instincts.
- Advanced knowledge of most movies, cartoons, anime, and sitcoms, due to him spending a large portion of his free time watching them.
- Used to extreme stress and can act under pressure.
- Very good at executing orders and commands.
- Knowledge of most cleaning products.
- Very basic knowledge of human anatomy - he knows which parts are delicate.
Willpower: A
Faith: F
Mana Capacity: F
Magickal Proficiency: F
Physical Competence: EX+
Faction: Desperado
Rank: Property
Class: Pugilist
Title: None
Loyalty Level: 10/10 - Roach will never betray the Desperado.
Desperado - one of the most mysterious of organizations in the world, they work as contractors who take care of the supernatural threats in the world. They are also one of the only organizations to have ownership over a sentient creature in the modern world. This creature is Edward Donaldson - or as he is more commonly known, Roach.
Desperado initially sought to create a super soldier - a person that only needed half as much food, and had all their own weapons. Above all, they wanted a soldier that was totally and completely loyal and obedient. Their plan was based more technologically than magically - while magic could be easier to use, Desperado didn't want to rely on single individuals to create their soldiers. After months of testing, probing the streets for a homeless woman who was in need for some money, and a large sum of research money, it was complete. The woman was artificially impregnated with the very first of Desperado's soldiers - and not a moment too soon. Perhaps it was a higher power punishing the organization for stepping out of their domain, or maybe it was blind luck. Either way, the research facility was burned to the ground - the only survivors being a researcher and the pregnant woman. The research that had taken so long to come to fruition was lost - only one soldier had come from the program.
The mother survived the procedure - Roach had to be surgically removed, as he was too hard and large to be birthed normally. With a nasty scar and a few hundred thousand dollars of hush money, the woman left - Roach never even knew her existence. The young soldier developed very quickly - physically, at least. By 6 years old, he had finally learned English well enough to communicate - he had killed a dozen men, all of whom were relatively weak grunts working for various crime lords. His very first mission was at the age of 8 - he was to kill a young vampire who had been killing too many humans in the outskirts of Lucca. Apparently, no other supernatural beasts had that area as a territory, and the vampire was getting cocky.
It was a massacre. By the time Roach was picked up, the vampire was torn to shreds. The vampire had been shocked when it saw Roach's appearance, and before it could react, Roach was able to kill him with a swift strike of his claws. The next 4 years were... long, to say the least. If he wasn't training or out on a mission, Roach would be helping out around the base or watching one of the films his caretakers provided for him. Roach had been allowed to leave several times, but he was always either in a car with tinted windows, or was dressed up in a costume. Now, with the birth of the Children of the Devil, Desperado is preparing themselves - whether it is to protect themselves from the WDL, to provide them support, or even to search for the children themselves, Roach had no clue. Whatever it was, though, Roach planned on helping the people who had given him life, in anyway he could.
Roach cannot use magic, even after repeated paranormal exposure thanks to Desperado missions. He will likely never develop proper magic.
Despite Being raised in Italy, Roach was taught English due to how widespread the language is.
Character Theme(s):
"This is my favorite song!" It's a Fine Day, by Jane
"I want to help people, more than anything else!" Come on Get Happy
"Going on missions hurts sometimes..." Birth, Dora the Destroyer
Just finished this guy up - anything need changing?

~ Physical Profile ~
Name: Edward 'Roach' Donaldson
Physical Age: Compared to a Cockroach, he is midway through adolescence.
True Age: 12 Years old
Gender: Male
Race: Non-Human
Subspecies: Genetically-Modified Hybrid (Human/Cockroach)
Description: Truly staggering in size, Roach is easily 9 feet tall, and is only growing larger. He weighs nearly 800 pounds, mostly due to his thick exoskeleton and incredible muscle mass. The only part of Roach's body that has any hair at all are his legs and arms, which are covered with long hair-like protrusions used to sense vibrations in the air - other than this, he is completely bald. It is hard to tell due to his physiology, but he is surprisingly well taken care of - a result of both his own hygiene and the care his handlers provide. It is hard to see, but Roach possesses both ears and eyes - the ears are simply holes on the side of his head, while the eyes are small and dark, blending into his skull. He lacks lips, causing him to constantly be bearing his teeth. Luckily, he had learned to speak and eat relatively well, for a guy that doesn't have lips. While having wings may make it seem like he can fly, his massive weight makes it a struggle to even glide (Don't tell him though - he thinks he flies really good!).
Preferring the warmth of clothes, Roach successfully manage to convince his handlers to provide him with his own set. It is a simple, orange jumpsuit, similar to what a prisoner would wear - every chance he can, Roach cleans and cares for it, as it is one of his few personal possessions.
Several human-like characteristics of his include: Teeth, a Tongue, Eyes, an Endoskeleton, and a Human Brain. Other than these, however, his physiology is almost entirely that of a roach, barring a few internal organs. His voice is deep, gravely, and almost entirely inhuman. He has a problem speaking occasionally, due to the lack of lips. When very angry, he foams and saliva drips from his mouth.
Any differences from your provided image: Usually wears more clothes - you caught him just out of the shower!
~ Psychological Profile ~
Roach is one of the sweetest, most caring creatures under the sun. He helps out anyone he can whenever they need it, and always wears a happy smile on his face. Above all, he wants people to love and respect each other, like he does.
Roach possesses a loyalty that is almost supernatural - like a puppy, he will return to the Desperado and do whatever they command. He's killed plenty of people, something he normally would never do, but he did at the command of his superiors with no qualms. He is, without a doubt, a ruthless and efficient machine when it comes to serving Desperado... Still, that doesn't stop other people from being friendly! Were someone to actually talk with and not run away screaming from him, Roach would quickly grow attached - that person will never attain a loyalty like Desperado has, but Roach would be willing to do whatever they ask. That will probably never happen, however, as most people can't stand being within a few feet of him, let alone converse and be friendly with the creature.
Roach is constantly seeking approval - he craves it more than nearly anything else. It was how he started killing, something so far out of his normal behavior. He wanted the approval of Desperado, so he killed for them. Other than that, Roach tries to do his best at everything he can in order to be praised, but the opposite is true for being reprimanded. He will go to great lengths in order to hide his failure, and while he won't directly lie to Desperado, he will avoid the topic.
Roach is very interested in the concept of heroics - he always has been, as he was raised on old cartoons that were very focused on the moral of 'doing what's right.' He does so with unnatural zeal, especially considering his brutish appearance. Since he rarely leaves the Desperado, he only really helps out around the base - it is one of his main hobbies. He even goes as far as too designate people 'Good' or 'Bad,' though this is usually dependent on how the Desperado feel about them.
Roach is extremely naive, possessing little in the way of knowledge on social situations. He was raised in the Desperado his entire life, and the only social interaction he had was with his caretakers, and talking to the small pile of his possessions. This, combined with his usually docile personality, makes him very easy to calm down or trick. He takes what people say at face value, and has never suspected a person of lying before - it's almost cute, really.
- Showers.
- Old Sitcoms.
- Being told that he is good/ praise.
- Cleaning himself.
- His possessions.
- 'Good' people (Those that Desperado doesn't tell him to kill I.E most people).
- Raw Meat (Beef is his favorite, but he'll eat nearly anything - not just meat).
- Working/ Helping others.
- Appreciation.
- Hugs.
- Excess heat.
- Insects/Creepy Crawlies.
- Desperado.
- Heroes
- 'Bad' people.
- Reading.
- Math.
- Really anything that you need to be smart for.
- Game shows.
- People who insult 'friends' (Anyone who isn't immediately terrified of him).
- Cold.
- Scolding/Reprimanding.
- Public places
- Roaches.
- Can see weak points and is somewhat knowledgeable about supernatural beings - it's his job, after all.
- Loyal to a fault, would risk his life for the lowliest Desperado grunt.
- Can take way too much of a beating and still stand. Even with the armor, it's unsettling and almost supernatural.
- Extremely friendly, will choose to negotiate before fighting every time. Still, most people shoot him before then.
- Helps anyone with anything, as long as they ask.
- Stupid, and doesn't question people very much.
- Being kicked out of the Desperado.
- Girls.
- His mortality.
- Mirrors.
- Cockroaches.
- His stupidity. He also fears mental illness, which he expects to contract due to his genetics and condition.
- Incorporeal beings.
- Girls, again.
- Magic, especially the flashy kind.
- Watching things. This includes Cartoons, anime, movies, and family sitcoms, most of which are usually older, since Desperado is cheap. He also likes to watch out of the small window in his room, or look at the soldiers while they train.
- Playing with the toys his Caretakers give him (Gently, since they told him not to break them).
- Exercising.
- Helping people.
- Practicing talking.
- Cleaning.
- Looking at his possessions.
- Sometimes wets the bed when he has a bad nightmare.
- Wants to be really good at flying.
- Wants to fall in love, just like in the movies!
- Very insecure about his appearance and intellect - will usually make fun of himself to make others feel more comfortable.
- Desperately wants to live longer - will go to great lengths to make his life longer, and will only grow more desperate with time.
- Despite his... 'innocent' demeanor, don't assume he is safe. He would kill anyone for the Desperado at the drop of a hat.
- He tries to not let anyone know, but his kill count is already in the dozens, if not hundreds.
- He always excuses this by saying "They were bad people anyways."
Outlook on life:
He loves life, having realized he was going to die younger than most. He wants to help out 'Good' people whenever he can, and always treats people he meet with the utmost respect. If he can help out the people who raised him, in any way, he would be happy.
Moral Alignment:
Lawful Neutral (Likes to think he is Lawful Good)
~ Combat Profile ~
Major Abilities:
Freak of Nature: Being a disgusting abomination against the natural order, Roach is a complete anomaly. He can survive off of only slightly more than a normal human, but is far more powerful, and is as hard to kill as a cockroach. He is not the strongest Non-human, but he's pretty high up there - and he is definitely the most durable. He can run 50 mph for hours on end, with a maximum speed of 80 mph that he can sustain for 5 minutes. He can jump nearly 3 stories with a running start, and his strength is legendary. He's able to hold up things like trucks with ease, and if he pushed himself, it wouldn't be outlandish to say he could punch down small buildings. When you combine this with his claws, it is no wonder he is one of the stronger non-humans.
Unfortunately, being a hybrid of creatures who's nearest common ancestor has been extinct for millions of years, Roach possesses countless problems. He is mentally slow, being unable to read or do complex mathematics - even multiplication is a difficult concept for him to grasp. Roach is constantly growing and experiencing intense hypertrophy - he'd be lucky to make it to thirty before he either grows too large for his bones and exoskeleton to support himself, or his heart gives out (The latter being the more likely of the two). Of course, he'll probably die before then in combat, so that makes little difference to Desperado. Roach cannot feel touch, experience taste, and is slowly losing his sense of smell - though, this is of little concern to Roach, as he hardly used his sense of smell. To reach any speed higher than 50 mph, he must crawl on all limbs, leaving him vulnerable to attack. Additionally, not that it matters since he is disgusting looking, Roach is infertile.
It Won't Die:
Roach is, above all else, a survivor. He can go without food for a month and water for a week with no ill effects, can eat nearly anything, radiation has little harmful effects against him, and can take more poison than an elephant. Diseases rarely effect him, unless they are magical in origin. His Endo and Exoskeletons are nearly unbreakable, and he can survive great pressure thanks to his open circulatory system. He can live in incredibly hot temperatures with slight trouble, though cold environments are significantly less protected against. Roach heals significantly faster than a normal human, but nothing completely outlandish - wounds don't close themselves mid-combat or anything. His strongest point is his Exoskeleton - Capable of easily resisting most firearms and trauma. Most weapons slide off the grooves, and even magic is less effective against it - not because it is anti-magic in any way, but because it is so durable and hard that some magic can't pierce it or cause him damage. Your best bet is artillery and heavy weapon fire - even then, you'd be lucky to hurt him at all, let alone enough to stop him when he's angry.
While his armor seems ridiculous at first glance, it has several weaknesses. There are grooves all along his back - while it would be difficult to do so, sticking a sword or weapon in their would allow a person to tear off his armor, with enough force. Thanks to his lack of touch, doing this silently somehow would easily allow someone to kill him. Additionally, while the exoskeleton can block most blunt trauma, slow gouging would be more effective and kill him far more easily. The exoskeleton, being incredibly hard, limits Roach's range of motion severely - he cannot reach behind his back, making it an excellent blind spot and weak point to attack. Also, were he to fall on his back, he would be completely stuck. The Exoskeleton, while providing slight magical resistance, is only superficial - a force attack would obviously be weaker, but cold and non-physical assaults are just as effective.
Finally, the exoskeleton cannot repair itself normally - while cracks will repair themselves, should a large chunk fall or break off, Roach must molt and grow a new shell. The process is utterly exhausting, and will leave Roach incapacitated for a day, and severely weakened for a week after. This molting process also puts great stress on him, cutting his already low life expectancy even shorter, usually be a week or two. As such, he is very reluctant to put himself in situations of extreme danger, which an enemy could use to their advantage.
Utterly Terrifying:
The most undesirable of all of Roach's tools - his own hideous appearance. Most people are stricken with intense fear as soon as they see him, and this effect becomes even more potent when he is angry or about to kill. People with willpower of C or higher can ignore this normally, but while it is more potent, only people with a willpower of B or higher may ignore this effect.
This, like all or Roach's abilities, is passive. He can never turn it off, and as such, interacting with most people is impossible. The only people that are immune to this are his caretakers and higher ups in Desperado, as they are very familiar and interact with him often. Roach hates this ability since it alienates him from social interaction, and the only friends he has ever had were those in Desperado. Finally, Roach is not completely immune to this effect - while angry, looking at a mirror will either scare him severely, or at least cause him to pause.
Minor Abilities:
Counter Brain Washing: Desperado has ingrained such intense loyalty in Roach that it acts as a mental shield - if someone were to try and dominate him and force him to attack Desperado (or really any mental manipulation that forces him to attack Desperado), he would be far more capable of resisting control.
This only applies to actions that work directly against or harm Desperado - other than this specific area, mental effects will have a normal result. Additionally, should the mental manipulation be impossible to resist with simply willpower, the added resistance is useless.
Natural Armaments:
Roach possesses two sets of arms, both topped off with sharp claws. These claws are made of the same material as his exoskeleton, but are razor sharp. Thanks to his incredible strength and the sharpness of the blades, he can cut through a majority of materials with ease.
Roach doesn't have hands. Or fingers. Opening a door is impossible for him, and manipulating anything is beyond his power. He has to ask someone to do anything that requires dexterity, including zipping up his jumpsuit. Using a weapon other than his claws is impossible, and he cannot grab anything.
Special Ability: ?
Boundary: No
Usually wears an orange jumpsuit, similar to a prisoner. While on a mission, he does not wear the jumpsuit, since he does not want bullet holes in it. Otherwise, he has no equipment besides his own body.
While he doesn't carry them with him, his possessions include - His bed, a pillow, a blanket, a coat hanger, a small television, a piggy bank, and 17 Euros.
Minor Skills:
- Very proficient with hand-to-claw combat.
- Animal instincts.
- Advanced knowledge of most movies, cartoons, anime, and sitcoms, due to him spending a large portion of his free time watching them.
- Used to extreme stress and can act under pressure.
- Very good at executing orders and commands.
- Knowledge of most cleaning products.
- Very basic knowledge of human anatomy - he knows which parts are delicate.
~ Statistics ~
Willpower: A
Faith: F
Mana Capacity: F
Magickal Proficiency: F
Physical Competence: EX+
~ Faction Profile ~
Faction: Desperado
Rank: Property
Class: Pugilist
Title: None
Loyalty Level: 10/10 - Roach will never betray the Desperado.
~ Miscellaneous ~
Desperado - one of the most mysterious of organizations in the world, they work as contractors who take care of the supernatural threats in the world. They are also one of the only organizations to have ownership over a sentient creature in the modern world. This creature is Edward Donaldson - or as he is more commonly known, Roach.
Desperado initially sought to create a super soldier - a person that only needed half as much food, and had all their own weapons. Above all, they wanted a soldier that was totally and completely loyal and obedient. Their plan was based more technologically than magically - while magic could be easier to use, Desperado didn't want to rely on single individuals to create their soldiers. After months of testing, probing the streets for a homeless woman who was in need for some money, and a large sum of research money, it was complete. The woman was artificially impregnated with the very first of Desperado's soldiers - and not a moment too soon. Perhaps it was a higher power punishing the organization for stepping out of their domain, or maybe it was blind luck. Either way, the research facility was burned to the ground - the only survivors being a researcher and the pregnant woman. The research that had taken so long to come to fruition was lost - only one soldier had come from the program.
The mother survived the procedure - Roach had to be surgically removed, as he was too hard and large to be birthed normally. With a nasty scar and a few hundred thousand dollars of hush money, the woman left - Roach never even knew her existence. The young soldier developed very quickly - physically, at least. By 6 years old, he had finally learned English well enough to communicate - he had killed a dozen men, all of whom were relatively weak grunts working for various crime lords. His very first mission was at the age of 8 - he was to kill a young vampire who had been killing too many humans in the outskirts of Lucca. Apparently, no other supernatural beasts had that area as a territory, and the vampire was getting cocky.
It was a massacre. By the time Roach was picked up, the vampire was torn to shreds. The vampire had been shocked when it saw Roach's appearance, and before it could react, Roach was able to kill him with a swift strike of his claws. The next 4 years were... long, to say the least. If he wasn't training or out on a mission, Roach would be helping out around the base or watching one of the films his caretakers provided for him. Roach had been allowed to leave several times, but he was always either in a car with tinted windows, or was dressed up in a costume. Now, with the birth of the Children of the Devil, Desperado is preparing themselves - whether it is to protect themselves from the WDL, to provide them support, or even to search for the children themselves, Roach had no clue. Whatever it was, though, Roach planned on helping the people who had given him life, in anyway he could.
Roach cannot use magic, even after repeated paranormal exposure thanks to Desperado missions. He will likely never develop proper magic.
Despite Being raised in Italy, Roach was taught English due to how widespread the language is.
Character Theme(s):
"This is my favorite song!" It's a Fine Day, by Jane
"I want to help people, more than anything else!" Come on Get Happy
"Going on missions hurts sometimes..." Birth, Dora the Destroyer
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