Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Prinz
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Prinz sentient shitpost

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"Another time, another place.
The same path walked, but a different ending written.
Do you see through to the end as I do, Darling?"

Vatican City, Rome.

The cataclysmic event known as 'The End of the World' has begun.
The Vatican scrambled their forces, gathered their priests and began a mass prayer to God above to save their souls.


And yet, nothing happened.
All was quiet.
All was still.
The Earth didn't rupture and explode.
The sky didn't spew fire and magma down upon the planet.
No dragons ripped their way through a hole in reality and tore it apart with their gnashing jaws.

The priests celebrated, the denizens of the Vatican cheered. They'd survived the Apocalypse, they'd survived the End of the World.

Their joy was cut short when, upon reporting the news to the Pope, a group of men found only his twisted, mangled corpse sitting in his bedroom, organs splayed around the room like he was a prostitute in London a few decades ago.
Along with the defiled cadaver of the Holy Pope, a letter was found, written in what was presumably his own blood.

"Your celebration is false.
The Seven are coming.
They have been chosen by Satan himself to save the world from your False God.
The Seven Children of Satan will destroy all that oppose them and bring destruction upon your wretched faith.
Humanity's time is coming to an end."

Gritting his teeth and crumpling the paper in his armoured grip, a man in his late twenties stared out the open window of the bedroom as people around him panicked, vomited and screamed.
Perched upon a rooftop a few buildings away crouched a dark figure, surrounded by feathers and darkness. It expanded its wings and stood up, easily towering above the man who stared it in the eyes.
Arthur Evangelion tossed the note to the floor and rushed over to the window, leaping out of it and, feeling his boot slam into the windowsill as he cleared it, he shot forward with a burst of magickal energy that rocketed him through the air like a human-shaped bullet.
The thing's black face split apart and jagged white teeth glinted in the light of the setting sun. The wings from its back unfurled fully, exposing the awfully human form they'd been concealing. The black, feathery skin turned to a dark shade of brown- tanned from long hours in the sun. Two blue eyes, icy and sharp, sat in the Demon's face. Arthur landed on one roof, shooting himself from building to building with the ease of a man who'd done it thousands of times.
After all, he had.

Gripping the blade at his side, he leaped one last time to land on the building beside the monster. As his foot touched the tiling he gripped the hilt of his blade and yanked it free with a slash that carried the entirety of his momentum with it. Narrowing his eyes, he skidded to a stop just in time.
The edge of his sword was pressed against the creature's throat.
A long, sharp, thin blade protruded from somewhere inside the beast's right wing, pressing against his face. He felt the tip of the needle-like weapon pressing against the eyelid he'd barely managed to shut in time, a tiny trickle of blood beginning to wet his skin. The man before him smiled widely, the same sharp fangs filling his mouth just as they had before.

"There will be no more deaths this day."
"I would certainly hope not, Sir Arthur."
"Why did you come here?"
"To deliver a message."
"To set something in motion."
"Those children?"
Cursing under his breath, Arthur lowered his sword and stepped back. If he'd moved an inch closer, he'd have lost his eye and stepped directly into the field of ice the creature had generated below their feet. On top of that, he swore he'd seen electricity crackling between the Demon's fingers.

"Reaver. A pleasure to meet you."
"There is no time for pleasantries now."
"I will be taking my leave, Arthur, but we will meet again. Trust me."
"I trust no monster in human skin."

With a curt bow, the Demon spun on its heels and walked away, vanishing into a flock of crows that soared through the sky and off into the distance. "That explains the entrance."
Turning back to the open window, Arthur let out a long sigh as he slid his blade neatly back into his sheath.
He'd known this would happen, that something was coming. His intuition was never wrong. He hadn't lived this long in a world full of child-eating demons and murderous monsters by being stupid.
The Pope, however, didn't believe him when he demanded that he seek shelter.
"God will protect me", he'd said.
Arthur shot back over to the room rooftop by rooftop.
God didn't keep his end of the deal, apparently.

Vatican City, Rome.
Headquarters of the Warriors of Divine Light.

So much had happened in a year, and Arthur was in a daze for most of it. A replacement Pope was voted on- himself. As a veteran Exorcist and one of the closest confidants to the Pope, Arthur was the perfect choice. An exemplary man of talent, knowledge and undeniable power, he was the perfect man to become the Archknight- head of the Exorcists of the Warriors of Divine Light.
On top of that, the sword in the stone had glowed for him, and thus he was ascended.

Arthur stared at the paper in his hand. The sensors had detected several temporary signatures at once, all spaced out along the globe. It was so quick, so brief, they'd barely managed to snag a few of them.
But they'd finally done it.
Arthur sat in his chair, a soft sigh leaving his lips.
"How many?"
"Seven, as they said."
"I want them all collected at once so as to minimize time they could attempt to leave while waiting.. and to lessen the possibility they could cause trouble. Send several units. I have a feeling we're not the only ones looking for them."
It was hilarious in hindsight how easily they'd been able to find the 'Seven'. They were average people living average lives.
A young man living with his roommate in New York,
a young, harmless teenage girl,
even one of their very own members of the Warriors of Divine Light.
Three of the Seven Children of the Devil.

Four more had just been found.

With footsteps coming up beside him just as the door shut and the soldier departed with his orders, two pale hands covered Arthur's eyes. Letting out a soft "Guess who?" the voice was practically dripping with enthusiasm.
And something else.
"I see you've woken up, Illusion."
"Of course. A lady always wakes late to have as much beauty sleep as possible."
"You sleep too much."
"Are you calling me beautiful?"
"I'm calling you obscenely lazy."
"Owie, that hurt my feelings!"
"Please. Your preparations?"
"Almost donesies, of course. I never fail to deliver!"
"That is one of your few good qualities."
"Owie! I'm actually upset!"
The hands slid away from his eyes, but the vision in his left eye stayed dark. The eyepatch that sat neatly over his eye had taken a little bit of time to adjust to, but he was happy he'd gotten the surgery done.
Slipping around from the back of the chair, the petite form of Illusion moved into view with a movement that was almost snake-like. Her crimson eyes slid over the man's body with an amusement that betrayed her true nature. She was a monster in the body of a little girl.
Although it wasn't like she hid it.
Her pale skin reflected the light and her too-red lips opened as she continued to speak. Her vampiric fangs glinted in the light.
"How're you enjoying your new throne, King Arthur?"
"I didn't take it out of choice-"
"-but out of necessity, blah blah, of course. How're you enjoying it, though?"
Letting out a soft sigh and reaching up to rub his forehead, the man shook his head. Looking up, however, the little girl had vanished.
"It's far more trouble than it's worth."
"Ha, of course. With great power comes great responsibility, or something like that. I'll see you later, King Arthur. I have a lunch date with our favourite researcher in twenty minutes."

Arthur slowly stood from his seat, glancing down at the new blade in his sheath at his hip.
"Let's hope we can stop the world from being destroyed, Excalibur." He tapped the blade gently, and it flashed for the briefest of moments as if responding.
He left the room quickly, attending a meeting of the fellow Council Members.

"Well, well, well.. It seems like things are starting to roll into motion.. Isn't that right, Devil?"

Hi hi welcome to this Interest Check and let me know if you're interested! This is still a WIP- I've got plenty of stuff to share but I'm currently in the process of moving it and revamping it so for now this is just a general thing.
Essentially the premise of this roleplay is that in the year 2012 an ultimatum from the Devil himself was given to the most holy of men.
Along with an assassination of said man.

Seven random people who've lived (mostly) perfectly normal lives up until this point are suddenly marked as 'The Devil's Children' and begin to exhibit unnatural powers.
These spots are open but some are taken since people I know are joining this roleplay. However, roles aren't limited to just those characters. It's a lot easier if you ask questions if you're interested, so feel free to DM me or anything with questions you have and stuff- I promise the information will be available soon enough~

I started this roleplay up on another site a while ago and made a rerun a little more recently, but I'm retrying on Guild now because..
I'm overly attached to the story and want it to not die again yeah.

Please note;
If you join this roleplay, don't randomly leave. If you have to leave or back off for a bit, let me know beforehand so we can figure something out. The last run died because people randomly vanished and I don't want that to happen again.
It makes me legitimately angry so pls no.

P.S: I didn't mean to write all that stuff pls send help

This is a placeholder, not gonna lie.
Small Group + Large Group tags are dependent on the amount of people that join, honestly.

So the basis of the story is that a group of Seven Children- creatively known as the Seven Children- were chosen by the Devil to bring about the end of the world. These people aren't related by any means, can live anywhere on the planet, and are all likely to have never, ever met- although if you want to have some pre-existing history between characters then that's fine by me!
These are normal people living normal lives who suddenly found themselves dragged into a nightmare. The only similarity they have is their latent ability to use Magick- either naturally or given to the via the Devil's Blood, something I'll elaborate on in the future.
Or maybe not.
Honestly, who they are depends on the writer so feel free to experiment as long as it's within reasonable boundaries.
The Children's Demonic blood was awakened by one simple thing- each and every one of them has an encounter with a Supernatural entity which activates the blood in their veins. This sets off the WDL's alarm and notifies them of where the person had their blood activated.

There are three races in this universe- Humans, Non-Humans and Demons.
Humans are, well, Humans.
Non-Humans is the umbrella term for different types of Supernatural Beings- these can range from almost anything you'd want them to be.
Demons are the souls of beings that were killed and went to Hell, thus being tied to the realm for eternity. They're able to be any race- Human or Non-Human- and have their own types independent of those categories.

The two major organisations are the Warriors of Divine Light- a militarised holy group stationed worldwide with their main base of operations being a newly renovated military base just outside Vatican City in Rome.
They're comprised of almost exclusively humans and their soldiers are called 'Exorcists'- priests and warriors specialised in the purification of evil and the combat of Demonic entities.

Keep in mind that roles in the other organisations are available but for the start of the story we’ll be focusing on the Children’s time at the WDL.
Since this is just an Interest Check there’s a lot of information missing, so feel free to DM me if you’re interested in knowing anything else!

Originally this was posted in Advanced but I've moved it to Casual instead. Just thought I'd let you guys know that, don't know why, I just feel like I'm obligated to tell.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EchoicChamber
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EchoicChamber Something Forgotten

Member Seen 13 days ago

Interested, as you already know. c:
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by VitoftheVoid
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VitoftheVoid thesunthesunthesunth

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

And I'm here once again to claim my right to the throne character slot. :D
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by A Lowly Wretch
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A Lowly Wretch The Listless Loiterer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I can confirm my interest. Not as much of a surprise for some than it is for others.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Loki Odinson
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Loki Odinson God of Lies and Trickery

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'll stake my interest here. More likely as an Exorcist or a member of an organisation, either to oppose or aid the Seven (mostly because I reckon the Seven slots will be filled very quickly).
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Here again for a shot at one of the seven.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Exit
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Definitely interested in playing one of the seven.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 3 days ago

Alright, I think I will be able to commit to this after all. My other games seem to be falling down.

1. How is this going to work? Will there be an underlying mission. Will it be a team vs team thing. Will you run every group or is it more sandbox?

2. Do we have to be human? and
3. is demonology a thing?
4. Can characters die?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Keksalot


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tenatively interested to try and get a role as one of the Seven.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 21 days ago

Interested, if there is room left.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EchoicChamber
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EchoicChamber Something Forgotten

Member Seen 13 days ago

@Dark Light Co-GM here! I'll try my best to explain stuff to the best of my ability, and Kuro can chime in if I missed any important bits. c:

1. The RP will mainly be following the WDL during the beginning of the roleplay, and gradually branch out to more and more groups as the story progresses. That doesn't bar people from making other characters, though, or those who might be considered antagonists.

2. Not necessarily, nope. I'm writing a Demon Lord, for instance, and it's possible to create a nonhuman character- although if you're hoping to make a nonhuman working within the WDL, keep in mind that the WDL is heavily anti-nonhuman. Illusion, Kuro's character, and the Seven are exceptions, but any other nonhumans would have to hide their true identities if they were working within the WDL.

3. What do you mean by "demonology", if you don't mind my asking?

4. Characters can die, although a character death will only be performed with player permission, or if the player is absent and unresponsive for an extended period of time. It should be noted that if a character does put themselves into a high-risk situation, however, that there will be consequences- although it should also be noted that death in T7C doesn't work as it might in other canons. I'll leave that to Kuro to explain, however. c:
2x Thank Thank
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by A Lowly Wretch
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A Lowly Wretch The Listless Loiterer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@EchoicChamber@Dark Light

Just to add some more detail on that first point it should be noted that the story's main focus is the seven children. That is not to say that scenes cannot happen with their omission but should they move the primary setting and focus follows.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Prinz
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Prinz sentient shitpost

Member Seen 4 mos ago

hi hello it's me ya boi

So my lovely Co-GMs answered your questions really well so I'm just here to quickly drop this while I'm working on turning the page there something nice and juicy and full of delicious lore to read and possibly eat if that's your thing

i also recently discovered that i can make hiders within hiders and I AM SO PUMPED HA

Also a quick side note that while the main story focuses on the Seven as they're the 'Main Characters' the events outside of their little sphere of influence are able to be meddled with as you please- if you want to make a Demon Lord and wage war against another Demon Lord while the Children are tripping over in the WDL then that's perfectly fine to do!
Hell, if you want, you can have a character sitting in their bedroom and eating cheetos or something if you'd really like to.

anyway time to go goTTA BLAST YO *fssssshhhhh*
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 3 days ago


Demonology; Summoning demons, manipulating infernal energies, consorting with dark spirits, opening portals to the abyss and such.


Concept for my character is that he is more of a weaker nerd. A very religious intellect who is slightly useless beside the seven. So he reaches out to the darkness and finds aid in the abyss.
Then it's a moral conundrum as he thinks he can control it but is forced to keep stretching beyond his boundaries.

It will be his shameful little dark secret.
The only way he can contribute.
He's eventual demise.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Prinz
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Prinz sentient shitpost

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Funnily enough yeah, that's a thing- We call it 'Demonic Magick' in the Lore though for consistency's sake.
I wouldn't recommend making too many deals, though, but if you wanted to PM me we could discuss something down that road.
I have a few demons of my own, actually.
Unless you have a Demon of your own in which case don't mind me~
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 3 days ago

@Kuroakuma XD ooh, no I don't.
I'll defiantly PM you to discuss further.
Yay! I'm super excited now. I'll just get a bit more of my character sheet done 1st.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PetiteAmbivert
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PetiteAmbivert The Smol and Angry

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Oh this just looks all kinds of interesting~~~
Is there a detailed breakdown on the limitations of powers/character building? I don't want to do anything super insane but I'd prefer to make sure I'm not going overboard (If yall are still accepting that is)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EchoicChamber
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EchoicChamber Something Forgotten

Member Seen 13 days ago

@PetiteAmbivert We're definitely still accepting! You can find the actual RP link above, in one of Kuro's posts. c:
The limits would depend on what sort of character you're going for, I would say. For instance, Demon Lords are naturally stronger than your average WDL agent or mage.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Loony

Loony Moved. Ask for my new account.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I am very, very tentatively showing interest. Probably won't try out for one of the seven unless I'm sure I can commit, because that wouldn't be fair to anyone.
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