Avatar of Song Book


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current hello! I have been reintroduced to how wonderful roleplaying is on my mental health and would like to restart my adventures here. expect activities!
3 yrs ago
Hello fellow humans and non-humans alike, I hope we are all vibing well in this liminal timespace that we find ourselves in.
7 yrs ago
This book is too good. Makes me want more kingdom type roleplays. Guess i should put that in the interests section below.
7 yrs ago
Been getting into Airships: Conquer the skies, and reading Promise of Blood. Make od thst what you will
7 yrs ago
Guess which lucky binch tried to catch a bad pass and ended up fracturing a bit in her finger? This binch



Young and old; Welcome to my informational page. I am the one and only Song Book. I, in simpleton terms, am a magically transforming book. Human to book. Book to human. You get the gist eh? If your confused on what to call me the usual pronouns work but please to use any form you find comfortable with. Not gonna judge if you can't remember. ( I've been known to call people -it- So...)
Get it? Got it? Good. Anyway on to..
| INFO |

Above this Bio
You will find my latest quote/new character introduction/ a glimpse into a new rp/ or song stuff. It changes regularly when I'm active.
Below this Bio
You will find what I have been active in lately.
| Tastes |

I have a setting I really want to experiment with roleplaying, so when I get a post for it I will link it here. For other interests I am currently looking to join some fantasy, romance, and fun roleplays. All levels of lore are interesting though I would like to restart with something not so lore heavy to start with or at least something with easy to digest lore.
| Important Pages |

| Contact Me.|

If you have a rp you'd like me to see, a 1v1 request, a question, or anything else. Feel free to write me a pm or a visitor msg. Be sure to ping me though. I may not see it otherwise.

Most Recent Posts

"Another one. Could you just get a glass please?"
She would cross her legs leaning on the bar. Watching letting her darkness slowly sink away.

Location. Bar
I have the worst habit of posting in the wrong tab. Thought I got rid of it. @Swagmeister
She's been at the bar since Dark's Character left to go up stairs.
@Swagmeister Jet watched a man leave to a corner of a tavern. Shaking her head downing the shot Aubrey gave her happily.

Location: Bar.
Sorry. Bout missing it. Still have intrestm will not happen again.
Me. sorry. Life is in the way of a large post.
Jet shook her head at the bartender/bouncer.
"Hey Aubrey. Any other hard liqour back there? Vodka is getting old. " she would state plainly to the bartender. Tapping her empty glass. A wallet, a bit blood splattered, sitting open on the stand next to her cup. A few 20's sticking other from it. Mostly to pay for what she had already.
Having a battle.

Sorry for the delay. @HellisI'll try to get a post up today.
Aperntly i can't click links. @Billsomething I was supposed to mention you in my last post.
@Dark Light
She gruffs a reply to the man unhappy with his personality and name for her, Before turning to the devil next to her.
" If your drunk I want nothing to do with you. "her voice was laced, but with dislike to it instead doc honey. One thing she hated more than people to close to her was drunken men. But that was something she wouldn't say. Finishing off her glass she go directing her speech to the bartender.
" Anything stronger back there? This isn't going to help much. " She would say her hair turning blonde once again. She would stay at the bar as long as the devil next to her wasn't going to bug her.
@Billsomething@Dark Light
One handed she would take another drink of the vodka. Turning to face the bartender. He other hand forming her claws which raises to protect her head from the dagger. The claws morphing together to form a barricade. The dagger than impales itself in the substance. the pointy end slowly being covered by the dark substance.
" Thank you Aubrey. I noticed you're against fighting. As why I took my business outside earlier."
She would state to the pig. the dagger falling from her claw, clattering against the ground. as it dissipates.
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