" Im not drunk though, not even tipsy. Without that I go back to being boring." She would state sliding a few more bills from the 'borrowed' wallet. Wiping her hand on the already red stained jeans after laying the bills on the counter. "If it makes you feel better Aubrey I'll take some of that gumbo as well as a new glass." She would say playfully tilting her head to the side. Sliding an pinch of darkness across her fingers, taunting it with the dried blood on the 'borrowed' wallet. Lifting the darkness up with her hand before sliding it through her fingers. She had a happy smile across her face, wondering why some of the patrons here liked to avoid her. She would shrug to herself continuing her little game.
" Im not drunk though, not even tipsy. Without that I go back to being boring." She would state sliding a few more bills from the 'borrowed' wallet. Wiping her hand on the already red stained jeans after laying the bills on the counter. "If it makes you feel better Aubrey I'll take some of that gumbo as well as a new glass." She would say playfully tilting her head to the side. Sliding an pinch of darkness across her fingers, taunting it with the dried blood on the 'borrowed' wallet. Lifting the darkness up with her hand before sliding it through her fingers. She had a happy smile across her face, wondering why some of the patrons here liked to avoid her. She would shrug to herself continuing her little game.