@Pineappletumble "I'M NOT A BLUEBERRY!"The Fairy boys newest outburst woke her from the long very cheaty, on her part, staring contest she had been having with the stare case. Her glass still half way full she had been fairly off in her own world.
With a swivilin gaze she looked around. It seemed the trechcoat toting man from before was still there. He seemed nervously releaved for the reason she, stupidly yes, didn't catch. Due to the aformentioned contest.
The conversation with the fairy boy, Tic, if she remembered right went on. The girl aperently wasn't going to eat him.
She could say it would be the spectical of the day. Quite amusing to see the skinny girl scarf down the annoying blue drunk. Alas it wouldn't be today she gets to witness such a gory spectical.
Her hair, from its blonde state has slowly been changing darker the more intoxicated she got. Every sip added on to that total. She knew when to stop herself. Wondering if it was nessicary or if she could rent a room from someone here. She knew they had them.
She would tie her hair back messily. Disliking the fact it hung in her face. Showing off the edges of a pair of wings. Tattooed across the top of her back and neck. Black and blonde strands of hair covering most of it. Her gaze wandering back to the trenchcoat sporting fella. He could be up to something. Everyone was to be treated as suspicious until she met them.