Avatar of souleaterfan320


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The sun sets upon a day long over. The end of what was was is nigh. The weight of reality sets in...

.....What will rise when the new day dawns?

*across the cosmos, a live feed is brodcast to the masses of Existence*


*sits at a confrence table, surrounded by his generals*

People of Existence. This is a message dedicated to you. We amongst The Amaranthine are grateful for the love you have given us towards our goal of eliminating your tyrannical leaders within the Tier Five, and for your unyeilding support in this endeavor. Those of you who have joined the Amaranthine and our righteous Golden Path have thrived within your new lives. It warms my heart to see the enlightened ones amongst you striving for the perfection you desire. As always, we will continue to aid you in the right direction to accomplish these goals. However, we have moved onto the last and final step: the final battle in this overdrawn conlfict for all of existence. Our numbers have grown exponentially, and we have reached our goal of completing our army. Now, we take the fight directly to those bastards that have defined and controlled you since before even your birth. Since the dawn of recorded time itself.

*the camera zooms in slightly on me*

To the Tier Five... your time is up. In approximately 1 hour, your reign will begin its end. In its death throes, we will snuff your kind out, and reduce your embers to ashes. You have done enough damage to existence, so much so that us ending the lot of you could be considered a sentence of mercy. This war will end, tonight.

*the brodcats cuts out, and suddenly, multiple distorions in dimensions can be felt throughout existence*
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

Of course, of course!
*Intercepts the handshake, and when I withdraw my arm, my glove stays in your palm still formed into shape while my own hand reveals another glove beneath it*
Until next time.
*Taps the ground twice with my cane*

*nods, as you both leave*
.... hmm.
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

Ah, maybe I'll have the opportunity someday.
*Stands up*
Until next time.

*extends my hand for a handshake*

Thank you, friend. For hearing me out, and understanding the situation. I promise to do right by you all.
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

She's insane. Seal her away before you regret it.

I... can't do that. But what I can do is stop her before she does anything against whats she's promised me.
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

I don't get the fun secrets anyway.

You gave me more info than anyone else was willing to. I'm apreciative. Makes it kind of difficult to believe that my girlfriend was a terrible warcriminal but withold why that accusation is being thrown around. Gotta say though, she's been treating me extremely well. Compared to Kirina, she's practically a saint. If she's truly changed her ways, I think I've found myself a winner.
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

*Claps my hands together once*
And if he shows up, she can handle her business however she wants. Sounds reasonable to me.

It sounds like we are in agreement then. Thank you for being honest and open about things. I was getting a little tired of the 'it's classified' routine.
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

If it’s true, we can take care of it. It really isn’t any of Fairy Blue’s business what happens to my daughter.

It isnt any of her business what happens to machina, no. But it is her business on how her captor is dealth with, im sure you understand.
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

He’s very well versed in that area. A leading expert, actually.

Understood. I trust your judgement. I would like to work in tandem with you both on this endeavor, however. At least to monitor progess. Should we find that this issue happens to be proven true, how would you like to proceed?
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

Fairy Blue will never be over this obsession of hers. If there’s something about Machina I need to know about, Data will find out.

Thats the thing. Even if this is still some obsession of hers, the calculations ran s5ill present too high of a number for this to be just chance. There is an actual possibility that this can come to pass. Does data have acess to Soul reading technology or techniques? If not I can lend my services. I'm very well trained in that department.
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