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Could we, and I know this is going to sound crazy but bear with me, teleport the entire thing somewhere else?

The other groups, most of which have base premises that are fleshed out enough to be a series of novels such as the War of The Shadow RP by Marrakt, are like joining a book.

Especially if the RP has been going for a while. It's not exactly a comforting sight for someone who hasn't written a lot. There not bad by any means. Just not easy to get into from a novice/apprentice writer's perspective.

Interesting, this doesn't have that problem even though the pagecount is so large?
<Snipped quote by Source>

...I was saying that's why we avoid drilling and flying. The more complicated something is the less likely it is to succeeded.

That's more complicated than infiltrating it with stealth?

Could we, and I know this is going to sound crazy but bear with me, teleport the entire thing somewhere else?

It seems that the problem would still exist. We would have to teleport it without the individuals included.
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But we also risk harming the very people we wish to free in this operation if we do so.

Not if we don't drill through them.
*turns to Seth*
I have a question. Magic is one of the main things she's using right?

Correct, forms of magic. Specifically "colors."
<Snipped quote by Source>

But the destruction itself will have a far more likely chance of unintentionally hurting those we wish to avoid hurting. We're trying to take back a planet not conquer it. By focusing on stealth and then raw confrontation we avoid getting civilian casualties involved and reduce the time spent causing harm.

We're there to get in, wreck the thing safely, and get out.

Drilling a hole to our destination seems to be the fastest and least confrontational method. We stand several chances of being discovered if utilizing the primary entrances.
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I quite agree. The conversations themselves lend more to the immersion then any book I've ever read, though webcomics andmanga are a close second.

It's how I imagine a text base adventure game would be if it had perfect AI.

Indeed it does. More so than writing out entire paragraphs. It also helps newcomers to the site or the RP feel more welcome. It's quite intimidating to see several walls of well written paragraphs when you jump into a new RP for the first time.

That's good to know. We don't get that perspective often because very few of us participate in other groups.
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I think you're focusing too much on destruction, as much as I would have no quelm if it didn't conflict with our goals.

I'm focusing on destruction because a direct path to our destination prevents us from coming into conflict with living beings that we wish to avoid destroying.
<Snipped quote by Source>

I apologise; I miscommunicated the goal of reaching the access points. I have to shut down different layers of the server using the access points and then use those points to authorise my full access at the spire.

I see. Then controlled, precise destruction from above? We can crush a path directly to the access points.
<Snipped quote by Source>

If I wasn't seeking redemption I'd agree with you on nuking it from orbit. But I'm trying not to go to Hell so I'll have to pass on that. As tempting as it may be.

Honestly, maximizing destruction while minimizing interpersonal would be quite convenient, if it happens to be feasible.
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