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<Snipped quote by Source>

*It cleaves straight in, causing another explosion from my person just as the one that occurred when you attacked with claws, only this time I tighten my grip on your head further and don't allow you to be swept away by the force of it*

*Glares, my voice rough and muffled by your hand*
Coward. You send this empty husk to fight on your behalf.
<Snipped quote by Source>

*Manifests from the black of space directly in your path, causing you to crash into me with the full brunt of your momentum. My hand expands and grips you around the top of your head, squeezing tightly as I lift you up to look you in the eyes*
Let me see you give up, so I don't have to "delete" you.

*Swings the sword, enriched with new damage, directly into your side*
<Snipped quote by Source>

*The blow causes reality in its entirety to shatter here, sending a catastrophically large explosive surge of energy cascading into the universe before space collapses inward to fill in the hole created, leaving no trace of anything for many light years around*

*Jets away from the epicenter as space collapses and pulls me toward it; I boost my momentum with several area steals*
<Snipped quote by Source>

*Reality begins to shatter more and more each moment in instantaneous bursts, akin to plexiglass being smashed repeatedly and cracking more with each blow*

*Stops in front of the densest array of cracks and summons Muramasa, imbued with all the damage I’ve taken up to this point, and thrusts it into the shattered display*
<Snipped quote by Source>

*Space begins to crack where I am, creating veins of Brinkspace that cut through the sphere, all stemming from where I am*

*Navigates between the cracks, turning between the splits in reality on a dime*
<Snipped quote by Source>

*My form begins to tremble as an outward exertion of force begins to emanate from my person, despite the power limiters in place, shaking the very foundation of the fabric of space and creating a distortive spectacle that can be perceived throughout the dimension just the same as the spectacle that led you here in the first place*

*Flies toward you, tearing into the black void at maximum speed*
<Snipped quote by Source>

When I break out from your most powerful method of containment, then I will demonstrate exactly the pecking order of things, so you will no longer doubt fate.

*The sphere of darkness grows larger, gleefully razing the next layers of shields as it grows more concentrated at its center point*
<Snipped quote by Source>


*The area becomes devoured a planet-sized sphere of solid darkness, purple static arcing around its surface like lightning, chewing away at the outermost shields and applying persistent a power limiting effect to anything it touches*
<Snipped quote by Source>

You never would have. I would love to hear why.

For a Melody of reasons.
*Barriers, shields, auras, and carapaces materialize around you, half-domes of defense crashing into each others’ circumference around you, entrapping you in several dozen defensive layers*
Extension Chip: Turtle Haven.
<Snipped quote by Source>

*They stick in and dissolve immediately, my leg returning to normal as I face you*

*Hovers above you in a defensive position and chuckles*
Did I ever mention that I consider you an ally?
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