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<Snipped quote by Source>

No kidding. Time for a break. Perhaps a long one, for me.

Our team will be in contact, and we'll keep the crystal in isolation.
<Snipped quote by Source>

If it even has a reason to come to us.

A mystery to solve another day.
<Snipped quote by Source>

Part of me wants to know where Nemid came from. Part of me wonders if there’s even a shred of truth in what he said about where he came from, because anything he didn’t have the confidence to face is not something I want to chase.

It would be a foe to prepare for nonetheless.

Maybe a different way to describe action symbols would be like moves in a board game. They contain dynamic info relevant to other players, whereas strategy/considerations are vocalized in negotiations or used to justify the actions/words that are visible. You mentioned that interjecting personality was important to you as a writer—it could be a good challenge to saturate the words and actions of a character with personality rather than describing it directly.
<Snipped quote by Source>

Definitely. He just needs not be the spearhead of the endeavor himself. He's never been much for conflict, I know this took a toll on him.

Frankly, his written research and a bit of time would be sufficient to begin unraveling this mystery.
<Snipped quote by Source>

They both would have died though due to the curse he put on him. It was his only alibi to get Faering to listen to him and leave.

It was a decent trade.
<Snipped quote by Meta>

That was a close fight mate.

Yeah, he woulda stood no chance had Faering not popped in with her armada.
<Snipped quote by Meta>

Remember he decided to consume/destroy the book to unlock all it's power and knowledge.

Yup. There are variables that have been left unaddressed, though.
<Snipped quote by Source>

It would be my hope that this never rears its head in this fashion again in his lifetime.

I'd rather not replicate the work he's already done if it can be avoided.
<Snipped quote by Source>

*Crosses my arms*
He is fine. I do not know why, but Nemid specifically deposited him into his realm unharmed before returning here. My family is just fine.

What an unusual opponent... we're going to need young Waternaux in the future. His prior research will be paramount.
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