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<Snipped quote by Source>

Surprise huh? Call me Ona.

Hiya Ona. What’s got you down?
<Snipped quote by Source>

I’ve been beat, man.
*Rolls my head over to look at you*
I don’t recognize you.

That’s okay, sometimes I don’t either.
*Laughs to myself and grins*
I’m Surprise! What’s your name?
*Downs a shot of some drink at the bar, and drops my head onto the table in exhaustion*

*Leans forward*
Hey there! You look beat.
<Snipped quote by System>

There's still the unknown entity. We don't know anything about what it's doing here.

<Snipped quote by GalaxyRaider>

<Snipped quote by System>

*To no direction in particular*
Good work you guys!
*A shifting sword of light appears in my hand, and I cut the phoenix in half diagonally against the scar Isaac left, the creature not healing this time*

*The lights rise out of the viruses and fly into Melody, still too frozen to move*
<Snipped quote by Source>

*Points forward with it there and blasts through you at the same angle the sword is pointed with another intense fire beam*

*Rears back and drops the sword, but when the other viruses notice I’ve fallen, they start approaching rapidly*
<Snipped quote by Techspert>

Careful just touching it like that!
*Jumps up and stands on a pulse field above it, slashing down through its head from above*

*The gash freezes while the sword is still lodged inside*
<Snipped quote by GalaxyRaider>

*Exhales with a smile and rolls my eyes*
*Generates my signature fist and punches the phoenix in the face*

*A collection of ghost-like entities become visible and bite onto you, while the magic circuits arc across your body, priming your entire form for an explosion*
<Snipped quote by Source>

*throws multiple stars at you that grow in size before they impact, sticking on your body*

<Snipped quote by System>

I know, working on it!
*Closes the distance by using a pulse jump across the room, slashing the pillar down its length into six symmetrical bits by sending arcs of energy through it when I slash it that also hit the bird, then the new pieces spread from each other to their designated spots*

<Snipped quote by GalaxyRaider>

*The red light coalesces into a large, razor-sharp disk that materializes in my hand*
Nice assist!
*Flings it at the bird, cutting cleanly through its form and bouncing between the pillars and re-striking it six times in a star pattern*

*Falls from the sky and hits the ground, cracking it beneath me*
<Snipped quote by GalaxyRaider>

I would agree.
*When the glove jets, I stick out my arm, bracing it with my other arm, and a massive ball of fire swirls into a small compact orb that shoots a fire beam at the creature*

<Snipped quote by GalaxyRaider>

*The spike nails the phoenix in the chest, and I erupt from the ground behind it*

*Rears back after the two strikes*
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