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<Snipped quote by Source>

Not quite yet. You’ve tolerated the most summarized form of my life story ever, while I’m slightly tipsy, and didn’t walk away so I’d say you’re headed in the opposite direction.

Least I could do it sit and listen!
<Snipped quote by Source>

Well, unless you also bully, blackmail, kill, lie and oppress people, then the worst opinion I’ll have of you is maybe annoying. But that’s not so bad compared to bloodlusted resentment, is it?
*Requests another round*

We can work our way up to annoying! Unless we're already there.
<Snipped quote by Source>

I would say that no one really deserves it. But I don’t really believe that, do I? You act like a relatable human, though, so you definitely don’t deserve it.

I'm definitely too weird for that. But you never know, you could find something out and decide you feel the same way.
<Snipped quote by Source>

*Laughs as well, and shakes my head*
Weeeell, maybe. Guess that depends on the reasons why. Did you give it to to ‘em or did they make it up?

Y'know, I betcha that depends on which one of us you asked. I make plenty of mistakes, so I probably deserved at least one.
<Snipped quote by Source>

That’s the sort of mentality of someone who’s either very wise or very stupid, and nothing in between.
*Finishes my glass and slams it down on the bar*
But I ruled out stupid the moment you’ve said others have wanted you dead before.

*Bursts out laughing*
If I got someone to that point, I’d say it makes me pretty stupid.
<Snipped quote by Source>

Anywhere else, you share intent to kill someone and they call the authorities, you know.

I couldn’t do much about it if I wanted to. I’d rather talk than cut you off because of it.
<Snipped quote by Source>

I normally wouldn’t be so open with someone I didn’t know anything about.
*Stares at my near empty glass*
Wonder if it’s me changing, or just one too many of these things…

Well, you know that I’m Surprise! and that I act like a shark and like sweets. So you can be as open as you want.
*Flashes a toothy grin*
<Snipped quote by Source>

They’re conveniently tied to the previous issue I was dumping on you.

You're not dumping anything! Listening to people's stories is why I'm here, after all.
<Snipped quote by Source>

Yeah, no. It’s not that brutal. It just sucks.

Can you do anything about those powers that be?
<Snipped quote by Source>

*Takes my hand and makes a slicing motion across my neck with it*

Wait, that paints a worse picture than I meant. We were cut off from each other. The powers that be decided it’s not okay for us to associate anymore. They’re not dead.

*Exhales and puts my hand to my chest*
Whew, you had me for a second there.
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