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<Snipped quote by Source>

What’s an extended me?

Eaaauuhhhh... I guess you could think of it as like a fake history? But where anything can happen?
<Snipped quote by Source>

I don’t know what that means.

The extended me has done beyond bad things, like hurting people real bad. The me me doesn’t go much further than messing with people.
<Snipped quote by Source>

What did you do?

Me personally or the extended me?
<Snipped quote by Source>

That so? How villainous?

*Pushes on my lip with my finger*
I had horns in one of them. That was really cool.
<Snipped quote by Ignacious>

Appreciated. Give her something to do since we seem to be alone at the moment.

<Snipped quote by Source>

Maybe I should keep an eye out for you and your evil while I’m on the clock.

It doesn't happen often, but I've been a villain before. It's fun!

<Snipped quote by Source>


Why's that?
<Snipped quote by Source>

I don’t mind flying itself.

So it's just planes?
<Snipped quote by Source>

You really have the most diabolical forms of torture up there, don’t you?

*Sucks on the straw and then bites down on a piece of chocolate*
I mean, chu gotta convinch dem shomehow, right?


<Snipped quote by Source>

I guess so.

What about flying?
<Snipped quote by Source>

You’ll have a lot of uncooperative people you’ll need to convince.

Maybe if I got them to laugh, they'd change their mind.
Or not. So instead we kidnap them and spin 'em in a circle until they agree.
<Snipped quote by Source>

Maybe it's somewhere out there.

Hope so! I think the world would be a better place if it acted that way.

<Snipped quote by Source>

It’s more of the fact I don’t like the feeling of being in there. I’m fine with tight spaces.

Like in the air?
<Snipped quote by Ignacious>

What a loyal employee.

<Snipped quote by Source>

If only the whole world were so lighthearted as that.

That's the kind of world I wanna live in.
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