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<Snipped quote by Source>

Probably come with me, help out a bit while looking into the problem.

I take it it’s something you need dad to look at, right? It’s not something I could do instead?
<Snipped quote by Source>

I don’t know how much of a benefit it would be unless it can do a little more than just talk.

What do you need it to do?
<Snipped quote by Source>

*Raises an eyebrow*
What do you mean by that?

Dad has a habit of, ah, making himself the target of useful experiments. I'm sure he has something you can talk to.
<Snipped quote by Source>

Oh. Well, other than the warning that was too late, there’s… Hmm, how much can I say?… There’s a person of mutual interest out there that it would be best to track down sooner than later, especially while we know where they are.

Would it help you if I could find something very close to dad for you to talk to?
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I want to know what it was, but I don’t. It would tell me how to help.

Er, I mean on what you want to talk about.
<Snipped quote by Source>

I wish. I really do. I was hoping to talk about some important things if he was available, but, you know…

Hm... do you have any details on what it was? Maybe I can help.
<Snipped quote by Source>

I don’t really want to get too comfortable. The way Zoey was talking, it sounded like she felt there was imminent danger, not danger already passed.

Does she have any idea of what's going on or where he is?
<Snipped quote by Source>

*Nods as the brown aura on the ground is dispelled, glancing down at it as though I had forgotten about it before walking in*
Thank you.

Of course! Can I get you anything to eat or drink?
*Picks up the stack and steps inside, while the few pages that the wind carried into the distance seem to be blown through just as the door closes*
<Snipped quote by Source>

*Ponders for a moment*
I think it’s worked itself in that direction, yeah.

*Holds the door open*
Then please, come in. I don't want to leave a friend out in the heat.
<Snipped quote by Source>

Long story. Cosmic connections of recent development, we’ll call it.

*Nods knowingly*
I understand. You're a friend of his?
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