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<Snipped quote by Source>

Yeah. She presents herself as refined... but she can sure getl out in her work.

*a loud thunk and the clashing of metal echoes louder than before*

Speaking of which, we better go check on her. Keep up.

*picks up the pace towards the sound*

*Keeps up next to you, running with my arms straight out behind my back*
Can she hold her own?
<Snipped quote by Source>

.... On my off time from the military, I'm studying engineering with Falcon, the person we're going to rescue. They're my....Instructor.

Oh, is she? That's cool!
<Snipped quote by Source>

.... you are one strange being. let's press forward.

*picks up my pace toward the correct direction*

*Bounces on the balls of my feet behind you*
So, uh, got any hobbies?
<Snipped quote by Source>

and what the hell is that supposed to mean?

*looks at you with a raised eyebrow*

*Mumbles to myself*
Anything's better than...
*Clears my throat*
Tch, just don't worry about me so much, dummy!
<Snipped quote by Source>

....Please don't get yourself killed.

The more you laugh with me, the easier it'll be for us both to get out of here alive. Truuuust me.
<Snipped quote by Source>

*catches you and stands you up*

what the hell were you thinking back there?!?

I was thinking that move was gonna look really cool.
<Snipped quote by Source>


*rolls my eyes*

crazy ass woman, she has no idea where she's going!

*runs toward a body on the ground, ripping a grenade from it's holder, and puls the pin. the monster roars, and he tosses the grenade into its mouth, just as it explodes, seeming causing a lot of damage, but after falling to the ground, the beast begins to heal slowly*


*I take off running in the opposite direction of the beast*

kid... I hope you're ok...

*After you turn another corner, we nearly run face-into each other*
<Snipped quote by Source>


*keeps firing at it to keep its attention*

Go on without me! I'll catch up!
*Turns a corner*
<Snipped quote by Source>

so punny.

* raises my rifle, firing at it's exposed bits of its head in an attempt to slow it down. your bullets dont seem to have much effect on the beast, as it turns around to look at you, snarling*

*Pulls down my lower eyelid and sticks my tongue out it*
*Keeps running*
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