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<Snipped quote by Meta>

*Wide eyes you in exasperation* You are crazy!!!

<Snipped quote by Source>

I... i wasn't supposed to, in fact if the federation finds out, i will likely be court-martialled! This is me being stupid! I'm sorry alright?!

You're free to go back down, then? Nobody here's holding you hostage.

<Snipped quote by Interface>

Well this is just great...

<Snipped quote by Source>

Wait... a whole UNIVERSE collapsed on top of the solar systems? This is becoming too trippy for me!

It was at least disturbed. Whatever the quest said happened in the other universe—it wasn't a very important detail.
<Snipped quote by Source>

I did post the quest, but again, it is the federation that requested the information. And from what we got thus far, i can conclude the quest completed. Well... at least as far as the federation is concerned. This is a weapon of cosmic destruction. It is built by powers that cannot be comprehended yet, and an update to the quest, after you all get paid, would be to whomever is willing to destroy this place... at least that's what they told me.

How does it relate to the nearby universe collapse? Why would you come with us when you could've investigated this much on your own? There are so many questions left unanswered for an investigation quest.
<Snipped quote by Meta>

So um... do you think we gathered enough intel to retreat? This... this doesn't feel right at all!

*Raises an eyebrow*
You didn't post that quest, did you?
<Snipped quote by Source>

... uh ... well Ben seems to have taken the words right out of my mouth... though i never heard of this "Art Magics" thing... the more you know i guess...

Levy's a scholar; she's probably written a chapter on it in a book somewhere. I'm not a magics expert, so you all go crazy.
<Snipped quote by Source>

Sure... but i still can't shake the feeling this is a structure built for nefarious purposes.

Any thought on what that purpose could be?
<Snipped quote by Memory>

I mean, neither did i, but i guess one must take the good things wherever they pop from right? C'mon we need to focus and decipher what this temple, or... liminal building is. *Carries on moving up the stairs with evident caution while keeping my senses perked*

*As we continue, the depth of the starfield becomes a pastel, emerald green, full of internal refractions of light that take on the nature of sunrise*
Can’t say it isn’t pretty, at least.
<Snipped quote by Memory>

Well if i may chip in, if she conspires, then at least we know what's up, if she's even half right... what does that matter? Why should that make you worry? It's not like, in this very moment, you are not... well... you... Nevermind tags of existence or whatever. Just find your way and your purpose from now on. *I smile warmly*

<Snipped quote by Memory>

<Snipped quote by Interface>

*Stares conflicted* ... yeah, what i was going to say ... exactly...

Same here, actually. The label they put on you or the name they call you is meaningless, isn’t it? The only thing that matters is who you’ve decided to be right now.
<Snipped quote by Source>

It is basically a glorified window.

What do you mean by that?
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

I am a single person.

<Snipped quote by Source>

<Snipped quote by Source>

*fist bumps your hand symbol and gives you a thumbs up*

What'd you find out from your magic eyes?
<Snipped quote by Source>

*shrugs* Hey... she suggested cosmic scale levels of murder may just be misunderstood acts and not abject evil...

<Snipped quote by Source>

I'm losing my mind about lot of things... a staircase is nothing, but when some lady suggests ambiguous morality on the basis of some philosophical debate, then yeah... i will lose my mind.

<Snipped quote by Source>

Also get a room you too!

And if we finish this quest, her perspective on good and evil doesn't matter either, right?
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