While I don’t have any oppressive dictatorships currently on my to-do list, you can definitely consider your foot in the door. *Snaps and points at you with a grin*
Appearance: Appearing at the short height of 5'2", Mayeda wears a long cloak with a hood, the sleeves usually covering his hands, and the rest of the cloak dragging behind him. He has deep green eyes, medium length, ash-blonde hair, and a very young looking face. He also wears two sickles on his back most of the time.
Personality: Mayeda is childish most of the time, but can be very useful and caring at other times as well. If there is something or someone threatening someone he is close to, he won't hesitate to protect them.
Backstory: Mayeda grew up in a fairly normal family, having an older sister, Nagao Takashi, and younger brother, Tada Takashi. He had never really known about spirits, yokai, or anything like that. He was very protective of his older sister, and not very attentive to his little brother, but he still cared for him. When he was 10, his sister died from an illness, causing him to isolate himself from others for what seemed like a long time.
Every other night, he would go out of his house to visit his sisters grave, bringing various items, such as flowers, lanterns, or small things he had made for her, placing them on or around her grave, praying he would see her again for one last time.
One night, when he was around 13, he had gone to his routine visit of her grave, by this time, he had learned about spirits and the like, he did his usual routine of placing the item on her grave, praying, and taking a moment to reminisce, but this time, he heard a whispering, it sounded like her, but when he had looked around, he saw nothing around him. Later that night, he would be sleeping when he heard a clatter from next to him, he woke up to see various items of his fallen onto the floor, he looked up to see the ghost of his sister, watching over him, but didn't panic or show signs of any wariness, instead, he engaged in conversation with her, eventually coming to an agreement for a contract.
Skills: Mayeda has skills in baking, medical care, and knowledge of various plants. He recently started to train in fighting using sickles, as he found them quite easy to wield and very cool.
Spiritual Energy Grade: D. As he has only recently started learning, his rank is pretty low. I wanted to have a fairly weak character, so I could give them some growth.
Contracted Being: Nagao Takashi, his older sister, who is now a ghost that stays beside him always, only appearing to talk to him or others.
Contract Rank: D
Contract Abilities: Echo Attacks. Mayeda can choose to empower some of his attacks to where they hit twice, the second attack being delayed for up to 5 seconds, the longer it waits, the more energy is used.
Cost: Nagao requested that she stays by his side forever, and not to allow him to get into any relationships that could result in any sort of heartbreak, for she does not want to see him that sad again.
I only have one question, do I need to add more to his contract at all? Thanks for reading through, by the way. :D
[center][b][i]"I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are."[/i][/b]
-Freddy Fazbear[/center]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><div class="bb-center"><span class="bb-b"><span class="bb-i">"I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are."</span></span><br>-Freddy Fazbear</div><br><br><div class="bb-center"><img src="https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/33b05663-5dee-4fea-b710-8f5d1524ef90.png" /><br><img src="https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/700095c6-0637-4b12-beaa-db5fa4b74742.png" /></div></div>