Avatar of Sp00ki


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25 days ago
Current Me: writing a semi-serious character. My headphones: GYRO, GYRO
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25 days ago
My Soukaku obsession has started. I don't even play ZZZ
29 days ago
Who taught you that word, Kakyoin?
29 days ago
Happy Valentines Day. to all the other single people out there... uh... I got nothing...
29 days ago
@Valley Lily A Princess Bride reference on my roleplaying website? Inconceivable!


"I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are."
-Freddy Fazbear

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<Snipped quote by Etcetera>

*You suddenly see a flash of those million eyes of blinding light, as a bright bolt of lightning strikes you in the head, the darkness you created is turned off and delta's @RoadkilBanana vision vanishes before it can fully form to frighten her, your hair is burn to a crisp making you look ridiculous... and suddenly... you can talk... to everyone... normally...*

∆: What... was that...
<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

Nope. But this isn’t a normal situation.
*A street light above us goes off, and we’re shaded by an unusually inky darkness*

∆: Huh... What is this?
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Sure, no problem!
*As soon as you’re out of earshot, grabs Delta’s arm and starts moving*
Come on, we need to go.

∆: Is this a normal thing you do?

*Meanwhile, at the Tavern, Axl fell asleep where he was sitting*
<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

That’s fine. I can get you wherever you want to go. But it’s critical to make sure this dimension doesn’t suddenly start trying to escape and invade others.

∆: This is the longest I've been in a another dimension... I've been able to have quick flashes or glimpses of other dimensions, but I've never been able to actually travel to them...
<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

Don’t freak out, but you’ve left your home and found yourself in another universe entirely. I may or may not be able to help you get back, but you can’t let the people here find out.

<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*In a normal voice*
He sounds like the best form of a manager, huh? No red flags?

∆: I probably wouldn't mind not going back, that place suuuucks now.
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Please excuse my friend here. She gets a little enthusiastic about her favorite authors’ hometowns.

<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

*Takes your arm and speaks under my breath*
We need to talk.

∆: About what?

*She says in a similar tone*
<Snipped quote by Memory>

<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

<Snipped quote by Memory>

Agent Yklo: Ah! Cool yeah, he must-have just come back from Phobos battle! *Stands there with his long arms slacking confused with head cocked at the conversation and glitching and confused crisis moment of the girl*

Uuuhhh... she alright? what is she talking about humans being eradicated and sandstorms? huh?
Mam... mam! calm down, this is planet Mars year 4507 Terran Dominion, and yes, before terraformation this planet did used to have sand-storms...

*Points at the jungle covered mount Olympus just behind you two*

∆: So, I'm just on Mars... Thought this place was cut in half along with the moon...

<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

You... you destroyed the world? Really?

∆: Not exactly...
@Shadrack Nor

I was about to respond to that, but I had something to do real quick
<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

A threat? A threat to who?

∆: Well... I was kinda a factor to the whole world destroying dealy...
<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

*Pauses to give you time to think*
Some kind of disaster?

∆:I don't think so... I don't usually go near bunkers, I'm considered a pretty big threat, apparently...
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