Avatar of Sp00ki


Recent Statuses

1 mo ago
Current I just had the best sleep I've had in months... My mouth is so dry tho
1 like
1 mo ago
At least in rained this morning before it got hot...
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1 mo ago
2 mos ago
Depends, are they just an enjoyer of cosplay? Or do they think themselves of an actual animal?
1 like
2 mos ago
What's your opinion on cats? For me, I really like them, but allergies have to screw me over and not give me what I want.


In wilds beyond they speak your name with reverence and regret,
For none could tame our savage souls yet you the challenge met,
Under palest watch, you taught, we changed, base instincts were redeemed,
A world you gave to bug and beast as they had never dreamed.

Pet the gud boi. (his name is Houdini)

Weeellll, hellooooo there!

I'm just a guy who does things that sometimes involve other things. Also, I don't use discord or anything like that, no reason in particular, I just don't.
I am also more "mature" than my age suggests, that doesn't mean that I have an excuse to be in 18+ roleplays, which I don't participate in anyways, but I do roleplay with more adult themes (gore, violence, etc.). It may seem confusing, but confusion is basically my middle name.
Anyways, here's my ♦︎♠︎information♣︎♥︎

Names/Aliases: Roadkil, Luigi, Microwave, Spooky
Gender: Male, also probably Ace... Not sure.
B-Day: le 19th of July
Current exact location: earth, waddaboutyou?
Favorite food type: Spicy

♣︎♥︎Other stuff♠︎♦︎

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

W-woah! What is that?

∆: If I were to guess... knives, lots of knives.
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

*The portal dances and warbles before stretching into a sheet across the entire alley, coating it in pitch darkness and raining down knives from above*

*Delta acts quickly and tackles Prism out of the way, covering them both in a glitchy looking shield.*
<Snipped quote by Etcetera>

*The butterflies glitch back into place as the flesh is healed and you hear in your mind "not a game!" completing the sentence as the butterflies turn into sharp spikes of light and target you in your hidden space*

*She quickly glitches out of the hands grip, her hand still on the handle of the blade.*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

*A giant arm erupts from the burning flesh, scattering the arms and seizing both of you in its grasp*

<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

<Snipped quote by Etcetera>


∆: Nice observation, you think I could cut these?

*She reaches for the sword again.*
<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

<Snipped quote by Memory>

*With no clear source, bloody hands with missing fingernails emerge from the portal, reaching out and grabbing it by its sides and stretching toward both of you*

∆: That is in no way abnormal... Hold on.

*She reaches for her ∆-Blade, it emits a red light as she pulls it out. She then sees the hand burn up and puts the blade back*

∆: Dammit... Really wanted to cut something...
<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

We need to get out of this world, ASAP.
*Takes you by the wrist and runs down an alley*

∆: Huh? Whoah!

*She is caught off guard by him grabbing her wrist again*
<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Random pedestrian: HOLY HELL!! *Screamed at the lightning hitting Misty*

∆: Yep...

*She stares at Misty*
<Snipped quote by Etcetera>

*You suddenly see a flash of those million eyes of blinding light, as a bright bolt of lightning strikes you in the head, the darkness you created is turned off and delta's @RoadkilBanana vision vanishes before it can fully form to frighten her, your hair is burn to a crisp making you look ridiculous... and suddenly... you can talk... to everyone... normally...*

∆: What... was that...
<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

Nope. But this isn’t a normal situation.
*A street light above us goes off, and we’re shaded by an unusually inky darkness*

∆: Huh... What is this?
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Sure, no problem!
*As soon as you’re out of earshot, grabs Delta’s arm and starts moving*
Come on, we need to go.

∆: Is this a normal thing you do?

*Meanwhile, at the Tavern, Axl fell asleep where he was sitting*
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