Banned because it was a quote, not an @
*All that is remembered is you nearly falling into a field of magma and then suddenly... bzzzt... you are now standing in a seemingly barren wasteland among some advanced domes all with the mark of the terran dominion but something is off... everything is monochrome yellow, and a strange white glittering dust seems to fill the air and as you look at your hands, also monochrome yellow...*
So i came up with a small idea, @RoadkilBanana @Memory, what if, due to the chaos, you glitched to a rim territory colony, in the currently monochrome yellow frozen in time universe, and you just wander around confused for a bit, the reason glitched off to another terran dominion planet, because currently the Sol system and a few neighbouring systems look like the dreams of insanity and delirium, not very stable places in reality for ne to find themselves in...
So i prepped an image for that planet:
<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>
*Nods expectantly*
*With a spin, twists back onto my feet, opening up a lava pit below me and cauterizing the severed hand by dipping my wrist into the smoldering magma*
<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>
*The glee of reckless abandon fills my face, and I twist my body into a triple spiral onto my good hand, kicking the severed appendage upside down, the bones of which rocket out of the flesh and shoot into you like needles*
*The chants grow more expectant, now squealing "pain, broken, more, fighting, death"*
<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>
*Looks at my wrist, curious, and bends backwards with surprising flexibility to meet your eyes upside down, face-to-face*
<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>
*Shakes my head earnestly in agreement and slams my fingers into your side, my nails sharpened like blades*
<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>
*Grins and flashes two thumbs up, one ringed with the pin of a grenade, the body of which is falling toward my foot, and I punt it at you*