So our are characters supposed to be villians/bad guys?
I like multiversal RPs sometimes.
Kind of but also not really, they very well can be if you'd like
So our are characters supposed to be villians/bad guys?
I like multiversal RPs sometimes.
<Snipped quote by Artifact>
Well then, follow me, once everyone's finished their food and drinks.
<Snipped quote by AlmostEternity>
I think that's due to Katherine's kind precautions. Allow me—
*Walks up to the shop's counter and orders a flight of coffees, teas, and hot chocolates*
<Snipped quote by Sp00ki>
*Turns towards @Webmaster('s character).*
Umm...*half smiles* annihilation of all murderers.
...On another note, I do believe we haven't shared our names.
<Snipped quote by Sp00ki>
Oh, dear, there is no way you just said a cloud demon exists.
<Snipped quote by Sp00ki>
It'd take a bit more evidence for me to believe that demons are cute and cuddly.
<Snipped quote by Sp00ki>
I think I'd pass. Maybe I'm going off stereotype, but aren't such things...evil? Doesn't it affect you...emotionally...physically in some way? Does it...*hesitates*...possess you?
<Snipped quote by Sp00ki>
A devil? And you're fine with such a thing you?