Avatar of SpaceByn


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3 yrs ago
There are two wolves inside of you. Both want cheese but you are lactose intolerant
3 yrs ago
Dad's have entered the chat
3 yrs ago
That sounds like a dope rp though
1 like
3 yrs ago
I have never seen something more relatable


I'm non-binary (They/Them), 27 and I am from Scotland (GMT). I'm an inexperienced with roleplay but keen to learn more

I'm mostly interested in 1x1. Anything in scifi, urban fantasy is my prefered though I am interested in historical stuff. I strongly prefer slice of life type stories.

I generally write around 2-4 paragraphs and try to post every day if not multiple times per week.

Most Recent Posts

Name: Markula

Age: Exact age unkown but easily a few thousand years old at least
The Vampire Lord
Looks great! Thanks for understanding. I'm gonna put my character together asap
Yeah totally understand that age andlooks are and will be different for this kinda thing but I wouldn't feel comfortable unless we're doing something with characters that are and look 18+
I'm uncomfortable with the idea that the elven princess appears to be in her early to mid teens. I don't want to do any rp that involves a character trying to marry someone who appears to be a child.
This is my first draft! Pointers to help expand more would be great!

Just working on my character now haven't had a chance to get to a computer so I can properly look at all the lore to get more in depth
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