Avatar of SpaceByn


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3 yrs ago
There are two wolves inside of you. Both want cheese but you are lactose intolerant
3 yrs ago
Dad's have entered the chat
3 yrs ago
That sounds like a dope rp though
1 like
3 yrs ago
I have never seen something more relatable


I'm non-binary (They/Them), 27 and I am from Scotland (GMT). I'm an inexperienced with roleplay but keen to learn more

I'm mostly interested in 1x1. Anything in scifi, urban fantasy is my prefered though I am interested in historical stuff. I strongly prefer slice of life type stories.

I generally write around 2-4 paragraphs and try to post every day if not multiple times per week.

Most Recent Posts

I'm getting a bit confused with the post order. Is it just a free for all on who posts next?
Welcome back!

Markula watched the castle from the hills, hidden in the shade of barn. The sun beat down on the earth around him. He could make it stop, he could cover the sun with stormy clouds but it wasn't time yet. Let them have time, after all I have all the time in the world he thought nothing they can do can stop me. I will have what I want.

Markula picked up a blade of grass, it turned to ash in his hands. He smiled at the thought he could lay to waste the entire kingdom. The kingdom ashes much like the grass. "Soon" he wispered as dark tendril stretched accross the ground, grass turning to ash as it touched it.
Name: Bai Ling
Age: late 20s
Body Type: Slim and average height

From: The port originaly but has sinced move to live and work in the gardens.
Occupation: Botonist
Quick Skills: Identify plants and their needs and uses.
Advanced skill: Masters in biology and botony from an Atli uni.
Backstory: Bai grew up in the port and discovered they had an affinity to plant life. as a child he discovered nutriouscious mushrooms that grew in the less well maintained parts of the port and cultivated them to help feed himself and the other poor kids around him. When security discovered his unlicensed farm he was refered to a university where he was given a scholarship to get a masters in biology and botony which lead to him being employed in the gardens to help maintain the artificial ecosystem. The longer he has worked in the gardens the more his affinity with plants has grown, he is able to sense when the ecosystem is out of balance and which plants are failing and why.
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