Avatar of SpaceByn


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
There are two wolves inside of you. Both want cheese but you are lactose intolerant
3 yrs ago
Dad's have entered the chat
3 yrs ago
That sounds like a dope rp though
1 like
3 yrs ago
I have never seen something more relatable


I'm non-binary (They/Them), 27 and I am from Scotland (GMT). I'm an inexperienced with roleplay but keen to learn more

I'm mostly interested in 1x1. Anything in scifi, urban fantasy is my prefered though I am interested in historical stuff. I strongly prefer slice of life type stories.

I generally write around 2-4 paragraphs and try to post every day if not multiple times per week.

Most Recent Posts

Sorry just catching up. I thought that the king would already know who the vampire lord is from the start post?
In Ham 3 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Welcome back!
Markula watched the king hunt a buck from the treetops. The elf's subtle, almost elegant movements seemed impossible. He breathed in, smelling the blood of everything around, the bland blood of a few rabbits and the buck, The sickly sweet smell of the kings elven blood but above all the stench of lycanthrope blood filled the air. Jean Luc had served Him well but Markula hated the smell of him.

"Good boy." Markula grinned as he watched Jean stalk the king "Now get him."

Jean took down the buck. The king ran towards his horse and Jean let out a howl and followed. Jean caught the king just before he reached his horse. Jean roared in the kings face before howling to celebrate his achievement. The kings face locked in a state of terror.

"Hello Galenadol. How's the family?" Markula Smirked.
Love a werewolf minion!
Sorry peeps had a back injury so haven't had the time. Will post asap
In Ello! 3 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Yeah I'm wondering when i should come in I don't want to before everyone is ready to start the drama
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