Avatar of SpaceByn


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3 yrs ago
There are two wolves inside of you. Both want cheese but you are lactose intolerant
3 yrs ago
Dad's have entered the chat
3 yrs ago
That sounds like a dope rp though
1 like
3 yrs ago
I have never seen something more relatable


I'm non-binary (They/Them), 27 and I am from Scotland (GMT). I'm an inexperienced with roleplay but keen to learn more

I'm mostly interested in 1x1. Anything in scifi, urban fantasy is my prefered though I am interested in historical stuff. I strongly prefer slice of life type stories.

I generally write around 2-4 paragraphs and try to post every day if not multiple times per week.

Most Recent Posts

@ClocktowerEchos can't stay away too long lmao
@POOHEAD189 Thanks!

I'm looking for little and often with my RPs. A few paragraphs either daily or a couple of days a week. Don't worry too much about grammar and spelling with me as long as you get the point across I don't mind.

I will only RP with people who are 18+ even if the RP doesn't contain any smut so please confirm you are 18+ if your age isn't in bio.

I am smut positive so if you're wanting to include smut in an RP that isn't smut focused I am down. I'm also good with darker and taboo themes (I do have hard lines so please don't include anything without asking first).

I am trans and queer friendly and would love to RP with other non-binary people like myself.

Without further ado; here are some stories I would be interested in:



Would love to write a story set in the universe of either Star Trek or The Expanse.

If any of these catch you eye send me a PM!
Hi all!

I haven't been back to the site this year and really want to get back into RPing.

I'm mostly into romance and slice of life RPs though these can be set in any genre if that makes sense. I'm really wanting to stick at it this time and hopefully make some friends!

I'm a big Star Trek fan as well as The Expanse. So would love to write something in those universes
I have an fxf plot involving a crime/mafia sort of setting if that would interest you? Send me a pm :)
Plot: Two woman meet at a bar and go home together. During the night they get to know each other as both physically and as people.

I'm looking for someone who will really flesh out their characters though obviously this will involve heavy amounts of smut.

Pm me if interested
Im pretty swamped with work and family right now so i dont Think ill have the time to post for a while. If you someone wants to take over the vampire lord role I'm happy for that as I'll just be holding yah back
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