¤ Age, approximately.20s.
¤ What Are You?The Hocus. Mr. Happy leads a cult called The Order of the Unicorn. They are a group of self-proclaimed occultists that are mostly just in it for the drugs and sex and because pretending to be magical is really fun. Their practices are a meaningless amalgam of Satanism, Hermetic Sorcery, Necromancy, Dungeons & Dragons, and other shit that Mr. Happy made up. Worship includes unconditional love and support, talking about things that are stressing each other out, tabletop RPGs, pizza parties, sacrificing goats and the people that piss Mr. Happy off, painting, doing drugs, orgies, and other fun stuff. His followers have lives outside of him, but they do depend on him for spiritual guidance, and also his services tend to be pretty rad. His group usually has about 8-15 druggies, perverts, and other psychos who are interested in the occult and emotional support. If he can get 10 or more together to do a ritual, sometimes, just sometimes, they say he can perform miracles.
¤ What defines you?Mr. Happy is a fucking WEIRDo. Those scars on his face? He's a pain addict. He did it to himself because it makes him happy and his dick hard. The star tattoo on his forehead is something he got Conair (his tattooist) to burn in there with a hot knife.
¤ Who are you?¤ What do you want?Mr. Happy kind of wants to die, but worries about how his followers would fare without him.
¤ What do you believe?Mr. Happy believes that the universe is ultimately a cold and uncaring place. In Mr. Happy's world, we only have each other.
¤ What do you follow?Mr. Happy follows his empathy. At the end of the day, he wants people to be accepting of themselves and others. He is willing to make sacrifices in order to achieve this.
¤ A scarcity embodied:Love is scarce enough that people are willing to take it from this weirdo. Or maybe the people he hangs out with are just so fucked up that he's the only one who's willing to love them.
¤ Basic Instincts:¤ What is the worst thing you've ever done to stay alive?¤ What do you most regret doing?¤ Who do you owe?¤ Who owns you? Literally or figuratively.At the end of the day, he belongs to his followers way more than they belong to him. Mr. Happy is the sort of person that needs attention. His followers have lives outside of him, but Mr. Happy's entire life is built around his flock. Without his support group, he'd be even more self-destructive.
¤ Who did you fail to save? What did it cost?A follower that was dear to him, Bible, suffered from depression and committed suicide. Mr. Happy blames himself.
¤ Who makes you feel (angry/sad/murderous/lustful)the moment you lay eyes on them? Why?¤ What/Who are you addicted to? What are you willing to do to acquire it?Mr. Happy is secretly very depressed. He uses a combination of alcohol, LSD, marijuana, stabbing himself, and pretty much any other drug he can get his hands on to treat it. He's smart enough to avoid the kill-you stuff, at least. He actually mooches a lot of his drugs by asking his followers to bring them to parties. He, Raven, and Ampersand also maintain a modest, yet most dank marijuana crop. Parrotfish comes to service off and on but always has a massive amount of acid.
¤ Who's intentions do you question?¤ Who wants you all to themselves?¤ Who or what do you worship?Mr. Happy believes, at his core, that man is the master of his own destiny. Yes, he thinks that demons exist that can grant magical powers, but he thinks that mankind is the one that must invoke them. Mr. Happy says he worships Satan, Pazuzu, Tiamat, Azathoth, and Cthulu. But really, he only worships Man.
Hear the Whispers...
When Mr. Happy opens his mind, he sees darkness. The cold, uncaring infinity of the universe, with himself at the very center. He wonders if life is nothing more than a dream.
Own What You've Become
When you've decided What You Are, PM me with what title you chose and a brief description of what you mean by it (doubly so if you made one up.)
Based on what you describe to me, I will give you 3 more questions. These are non-negotiable. You will answer ALL of them.
¤ Question Will Go Here¤ Question Will Go Here¤ Question Will Go Here¤Your theme song goes here, if you are so inclined.And some lyrics down here, if you are so inclined.