Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

10 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
10 days ago
12 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
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19 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
22 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

Dia grumbled into her hands at Benjamin's words.
"Yes, I know." She said with a bit of an aggravated sigh, "Life was so much easier when I was alive. Sure the warring countries didn't help but I wasn't tied to someone like I am with Ray."
Ray waiting and listened to Dia and Benjamin before she spoke again, "M...My family." She replied quietly.

Sara looked to Marc and shook her head, "No no, we should continue!" She said with a bigger smile, "Walking is fun, I just forgot how pretty the night sky is on clear nights." She walked to him and sighed, her hand instinctively moving to brush against his, as if asking if she could hold his.
Nessa blinked, "of course we're safe. I spent the time getting undressed and relaxed some muscles before changing clothes and heading out." She stated, confused at first before she blinked. "Chance said he was heading off into the city, he left the hat behind." She said as she lifted the beanie out of her bag before putting it back in.

Ra scratched at his bowtie in anger, unable to reach it with his mouth to pull it off, he would have to try and pull it off another way.
Nessa glanced to her beast companion and gave a small smile before she looked back towards Adrian. The man seemed serious, and something was off.
"You seem breathless, are you okay?"

Chance shuddered as he felt the cage moved, his hands slowly moving to pull out the flower and gripped onto it tightly.
"Hey, what's this?" One of the voices spoke, moving to grab the flower from Chances hand. As soon as he felt someones hand near his, Chance pushed back and kicked at the hand with his foot. The man yelled and the cage was dropped, causing Chance to stumble, almost losing grip on the flower before the cage door opened.

"Sadly we don't have any soft rope to cuff him with, we have this silver chain though." The leaders voice echoed again, Chance moved the flower back to his pocket before he felt his legs being grabbed and his body moved upwards.
He didn't know it, but one of the men was holding him upside down as the other slipped down his pants legs so the silver chain was touching his skin.
Chance let out a loud yowl as the metal burnt at his skin. Not as much as a pure vampire would feel, but it still wasn't pleasent.

"When I get my hands on you you're all DEAD." Chance yelled angrily, "I'll crush you all under rocks and trees, feed you to the vines beneath!"
"He's so cute when he's angry. Poor little kid." He laughed as he ordered his men to wrap his hands up as well.
Hunter smiled towards Faber as he spoke, "If you need me around, I am more than happy to help where needed." He grinned before he looked to Two-Feathers as he spoke, his eyes narrowing before he smiled slightly. "If you'd excuse me, I have family business to attend to." He turned and bowed his head to Ash, "I assure you can finish everything off? Or should I get Oliver?"
"Oliver would be helpful." Ash said with a nod, "Thank you for Everything Hunter, you're a good kid."

Hunter bowed his head as he quickly left the house and headed towards the forest. He waited until he was out of sight of anyone from the town before he pulled off his shirt before he twisted into his wolf form and sprinted towards the forest.

The Ki-rin moved the illusions in all different directions as the beast stepped forward. The Beast watched the Ki-Rin quietly as he snarled loudly, showing his large fangs.
"The Human." He rumbled, "Give her to me." He stepped forward, The Ki-Rin stepped forward as well before it flicked it's tail.
"Run." The Ki-Rin said towards Marigold as they bounced towards the Beast.

April looked towards Hazel as she asked about something, grinning softly as she thought to herself about the response.
"Well, I hope you're not afraid of birds." She said with a bit of a laugh. "Stay out here Ali." April said towards the girl before she moved to pull open the door to the bedroom.

The light inside slowly crept out into the hallway; the bedroom was beautifully decorated with gorgeous furniture. A four post Bed sat in the middle of the room. The Bed itself was still standing, but the blankets were moved and fixed into place like a large, fluffy nest.
A quiet chattering could be heard from the bed as a figure poked her head out of the nest. Her head was a brilliant shade of blue, with deep pink eyes.
Seb slowly opened his eyes as Jill spoke to him, he lifted his hand away from Fer'a's carapaces as he looked towards Jill with a small smile. "He is easily stable." Seb chuckled before he moved to tuck his hands in his pockets. "His heart is still beating, his brain functions are at optimal levels. He should be up within an hour or two." He glanced to Fer'a with a bit of a smirk, "Although, I don't trust Ash to not surprise us earlier." He laughed.

He turned to face Jill again with his hands lazily in his pockets, "Didja need anything else?" He asked with a grin, "I don't know how much longer I can trust Ricki with the Pups, too much longer then she'll be begging us to keep them all." He chuckled.

Alice listened to Gnol with wide eyes as he spoke, "BUGS ARE COOL THOUGH." Alice suddenly yelled, which caused Avia to flinch and look upwards towards the group.
"Alice darling," She started before she walked over towards the boys to move to pick up Alice gently from the ground. She smiled towards Gnol and Alan. "Eating Rocks?" She laughed as she moved Alice off to the side with one of her hands on her head.

"I don't believe any of us are Tunnellers so I don't think we'd eat rocks." Avia said with a gentle nod, a gentle smile on her face before she continued. "Isn't Ty'rop essentially useless? Unless there is something that the Captain needs from there. I'm sure Treghor will be excited, maybe even Ricki and Seb."
Her wings flexed slightly as she looked towards Alice as she flailed towards her hands to get off her grip. "And of course Alice would probably want a a few for herself to pin."
Jase hesitated before nodding once.
"I consent." He uttered as he fumbled to get at his belt to take his pants off. His hands slowly flexing and his nails became sharper claws. "Augghh." He rumbled to himself, feeling his ears droop back as he moved to lift his hands up to look at his hands, "Would explain why my nails grow back so fast." He laughed to himself before he moved to slowly unbuckle the belt and slipped off his pants.

The Timberfae hesitated as he looked down at his bright pink underpants. He glanced back towards his own tail, watching it slowly sway over the waistband of his underpants.
"Right." He said, "Naked." He continued as he cleared his throat and moved to slip them off onto the ground.
The fur from his chest carried down to the rest of his lower body, the colour unchanging until they hit his tail and butt, The colour slowly lightened.

Steph shuffled closer to Benjamin, embracing the warmth of his body. But she was too afraid to focus on it instead.

Gaia tensed her body as she heard Morrison and Ethan, her instincts roaring against her logical mind. Her instincts were winning, and fast. Her Logical mind managing to gain control quickly and sent out a mental teather to the nearest person she could, and since Harriet was too far, the nearest person was Ethan.
"P...Pain." She mumbled to Ethan before she crouched as her instincts suddenly waved over her and took full control.

She fanned her wings out more and leaned upwards, letting out a bloodchilling roar before she stood up and turned towards Morrison and Ethan, her instincts only Identifying the Gun rather than the person before she dropped to all fours and let out another rumble.
Nessa finished getting into her relatively fancy clothes, she slipped her vest over her dress top and fixed up her high-top boots. She moved to put her travel bag over her shoulder and moved to grab the leather shoulder brace that she usually carried Ra on.
All the while Ra sat on the bed trying to get the stupid tie off his body.

Once the Brace was on, Nessa moved to lift Ra up onto her shoulder, giving him a small peak on the cheek as she exited her room and locked it. She noticed Chance's hat she had got him on the floor and gave a small sigh.
"If the boy didn't want it I would have just taken it back." She said with a mumble and put it into her bag as she looked around. She slowly made her way to the main room in the inn and looked around more, no sign of Adrian or Chance, although they both had a headstart on seeing the city for themselves.

Nessa checked where the sun was before she looked up, stepping outside and past everyone to see Adrian running towards the inn, she waved him down with a small smile. "Welcome back! How was business?" she asked with a tilt of her head.

Chance pushed his body to his limits to get away from whoever was chasing him. He pushed over barrels as he slipped down an alleyway that he thought wasn't blocked off. He looked up from the ground to see two men blocking the way out before he acted quickly, moving to side between the men and narrowly escape being grabbed.
"Don't let 'em escape! He'll be worth all of yer blood in gold!" The man chasing him called out.

Chance moved and climbed over a wall, darting through a few peoples gardens and onto a roof before he moved to lay out of sight.
He felt his heart race, his breath heavy as he moved his hands to cover his mouth in hopes of keeping the noise down.
He waited as he heard footsteps run past, peeking over her didn't see anyone below so he slipped down from his hiding spot and continued a brisk walk around.
He had lost his bearings, he didn't know where he was. Fear started to grip him as he quickly moved along; the crowds were becoming too much for him, and the added fear of potentially being hunted down wasn't helping him either.
"Haki I wish you were here..." He uttered, unaware that he had said Haki's name instead of Iella's. He looked up to the taller buildings before he suddenly slipped and slammed into the ground.

He went to get up before he felt someone grab his arms and hold his hands behind his back.
"Try and attack me and I'll shoot you with silver bullets. I know it won't kill something like you, but you bet your ass it will sting." A hushed whisper echoed through his ears, Chance quivered as he was slowly lifted up and walked into a nearby allyway.
"Holy shit we actually caught him." The leader said with a grin on his face, "Get the hood, Vampires are known for their convincing gaze." Chance went to yell something at them before his head was covered by a thick, damp smelling fabric bag that blocked out all the light. He felt himself being lead along towards a cage and shoved into it before slamming into the ground again. His hands were free, and he instinctively went to check if the flower had been squished. Luckily the place it was kept made sure it was safe.
That could definitely work! Sorry I didn't see this earlier!

Iella was Chances' Old Girlfriend, they were childhood friends and never really left each others side, they had planned to have a Fae styled wedding, and that's when the Lich ended up conning Chance into becoming a Vampire, by offering him a Potion that was said to make him the 'best husband', but instead it turned him part vampire and got him exiled from his forest domain.
Nessa waved to Adrian as he left, leading Chance up to their rooms quietly. She put her stuff away and moved to start to get changed into more comfortable clothes. Chance left her to herself as he went to put his stuff away, he moved quickly to grab his sidebag before slipping it over his shoulder, making sure not to crush the flower in his pocket. He passed Nessa's room and knocked on the door.
"Having a look around. I'll be back by Starfall." He spoke as he left, feeling his ears itch under the beanie, moving to take it off quickly and tossing it to the side with a grumble.

He walked along the streets slowly, one hand on his bag, the other over the pocket with the flower, as if that was to help in anyway.
"I should have just given myself up." He mumbled as he glanced to the flower, "You'd be alive. The others... would be better off. I can't even use my powers properly! What use am I as a Fae or a vampire!"
"You'd make a good amount of coin to someone." A voice came from behind him and Chance narrowly missed being grabbed by a male. He didn't turn to look, he just ran.

He ran deeper into the city, not paying attention to the way he went. Someone was after him, and he just needed to escape.

Nessa had nodded at Chances words, moving to change into a lighter dress top and some shorter pants. The dress top she put on had slip holes for her wings to slip out of, which made her feel a lot more comfortable. She looked at her arms in the mirror, observing the circle-like runes that ran down her arms and over her shoulders.
She gave a sigh, something like this reminded her of home. She moved to grab her bag again, pulling Ra out and moving to grab something to put on his head.
"You are not putting that on me!" He hissed when he saw her holding a little bow tie, "Missus Nessa you are not-" He was cut short as Nessa wrapped her tail around him and slipped it over his neck, grinning like an idiot.
Nessa moved across some of the stalls as she waited for Adrian, finding a cute little beanie and offered the amount of gold for it, before she returned back to Chance and slipped it over his head to hide his bat-like ears. Chance flinched as Nessa touched him, before he turned to see Adrian walking back with the keys.
"Thank you Adrian." Nessa said with a small smile towards him. "Should we put our stuff away?"

Chance took the key and slipped it away before Adrian handed the flower from Haki. As it was put into his hands he instinctively gripped onto it; being careful to not hurt the flower, but strong enough to seem like an iron grip.
"I will guard it with my life." He said as he looked down at it, not looking at Adrian. Something flexed inside his body, he had lost the meaning to his life when he became a Vampire, but now? This was different, why was it that a flower potentially containing someone he had only just met give him a sense of feeling?
I will take care of you. He promised to Haki through the flower, moving it to one of the pockets of his shirt under his cloak.

A figure slunk deeper into the crowd as he walked towards his group of companions.
"Aye boss." He started, getting the attention of a black haired male, "Looks like you were right, we got a few weirdos coming in with the festival. This kid had bat ears." He watched the attention of the Black haired male twist towards him, his eyes narrowing through the crowd and pinpointing the back of Chance.
"Keep an eye on him. Do not strike until I say so, we need him alone to get him. Those two may cause a problem otherwise."
Frosiien waved to Whitney when she was introduced, moving to stand off to the side as she watched Andy and Bear fight the girl and her Miltank.
Her eyes slowly moved to the other figure who entered after her, her eyes instinctively widened and she looked towards her cousin. "Orikin." She sent to him mentally, watching him turn his head away from Andy towards Frosiien. Orikin frowned towards her and moved to lean against the wall to watch.
"Where is your guardian?" Frosiien asked, Orikin only grinning at the mention of his guardian.

Gavin gave a small chuckle at Michael's words, "I mean, she's definitely not wrong." He said as he turned his head away and closed his eyes. "It is indeed a reunion for everyone. But it's also used as a general update for all of the Legendaries and their Guardians. They're not often in the same area as Arceus, so having him there is usually a big deal."

Li's ears drooped as she talked, he looked out over the city and didn't reply for a few moments before he looked back at her as he flicked his ears up again. "I'm not usually allowed out to sight see, so I don't really have a favourite Location." He said as he looked over the city again, "Anywhere safe is good for me. And Niccia likes to keep me safe."

Niccia looked to Sparky as her eyes lit up, she bounced up onto her trainers shoulders, suddenly full of energy.
"I wanna do a contest!" She barked, Niccia moved to pet her head gently, trying to calm her down.
"We'll put you in a contest at some point Sparky." Niccia laughed before she looked towards Mindy, "A lot of Sparky's moves are very... decorative, a lot of people don't think she can deal any damage with them until well.. she does."
Sparky lifted her head up above Niccia's with a big grin, "Yeah they may be flashy but you don't want molten glitter ON YOUR FACE."
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