Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

9 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
9 days ago
11 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
1 like
18 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
21 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

Chance listened to Haki's words, his eyes widening at his words before he smiled a bit more towards him as he hugged him closer; Chance didn't realize but his tail started to wag happily.
He enjoyed being in Haki's arms before he felt the explosion of magic through the forest and looked around to the trees quietly. "Oh wow!" He started as he looked towards Haki before he moved to get ready to dance.

Chance looked over towards Haki as he asked about if he knew how to dance. "Well~" He grinned, almost cheekily. "Just follow my lead." He said as he reached out to hook his hand in Haki's and moved it to his shoulder as he hooked his other hand around Haki's hip.
"Although, I'm not used to dancing with someone much bigger than me." He said with a bit of a blush but still had a cheeky grin on his face.

He felt like he could be relaxed around Haki, around the air currently. Chance didn't have to hide his cheekiness, his happiness or any of his other emotions.
He moved to grab Haki's free hand and pulled him a step closer. "We step with the right foot first." He instructed, stepping sideways for a step before moving his right foot back, pulling Haki with him.
Chance pulled Haki around the field gently in a slow but simple ballroom dance, it wasn't the only thing he knew how to do in terms of dancing, but Haki was a newbie; he needed something simple but fun.

Nessa grinned as she fixed herself in a similar position to Adrian, she watched his eyes as well. A smile spread across her face as she tilted her head slightly.
"I love this." She whispered to him quietly, She didn't take her eyes away from his, watching his eyes gently.

"I didn't notice your eyes change colours." She mumbled with a bigger smile as she gave a slow blink. Her ears flicked slightly as she was focused on everything between Adrian and herself. Her heart paced quickly, she hadn't felt like this in a while.
Nessa let out a happy sigh, for the first time in a while, she had relaxed properly. She watched Adrian softly, watching his eyes carefully to try and watch the colours.

For once... She was happy to be around someone else; she hadn't gotten close to anyone else since her Husband. But... Maybe she could star again?
Steph jumped at Benjamins' words, remembering he was here with her. She looked back at him with a deep blush on her face, "I...Uh" She started a wonky grin, "I think I...I'm good in terms of moving things around, D...Did you want to do something else by yourself?" She asked with a tilt of her head.
Her tail slowly flicked around to pull open a dresser, almost instinctively, on its own, to start putting the clothing items into them quietly.

Her body was frozen in place as she watched Benjamin, she didn't want to move. Was he staring at her body? Did... He like her body?

Rose gave a small smile towards Stuart as he mentioned about the other agency.
"Thank you." She started quietly, tears starting in her eyes for a second. "Thank you so much." She left the room and headed towards hers for a moment.

She hesitated and turned around, heading towards Rudrigs room and hesitated to knock on the door to see if he was there.
They were never really friends, but he often talked to her when they had to work together. She would never admit it to anyone, but she had a crush on the man. But would her new form cause... difficulties?

Gaia slowly flew down from her place in the clouds, she fanned her wings out slowly to sail quietly towards the grounds of the mansion.
She circled around the mansion before she landed against the tree slowly, gripping her feet into the bark as she started to settle back into the air near the ground.

She let out a soft sigh, moving to settle on a branch quietly as she moved to lie on her belly and chest, dropping her hands from her sides to just hang there.
Fae was quick to notice the power suddenly turning on, moving to reach out to Daphne. "D-Daph...-" She started before she watched the automobiles snagging her cousin. "Daph!" She called out in worry as she was carried off.
Adrenaline flooded her body before she started to sprint off after the ride. She wasn't the fittest, but she was incredibly happy she was wearing her sneakers rather than any fancy shoes.
Instinctively she let go of her drone and it immediately started to fly quickly after her, buzzing around her like a bee.

Fae paid no attention to the animatronics, she knew they caused her to panic. She hated them ever since she was grabbed accidentally by one when she was around 7 years old, becoming older helped with the fear of them attacking her on their own works- but it was still ingrained.
She had read too many things about haunted mechanics, too many nights up late reading books, articles and stories anywhere she could.
She moved to tap her pockets as she ran, swearing silently to herself for not bringing a faster drone than B.V.
"B.V go ahead," She said as she continued to push herself to run, "Please find Daph." The drone spun around her head before starting to fly faster than her and disappeared into the hallways in front of her.

"Shit!" Dianna swore as she started to fall, Maggie's hand grabbing hers to pull her out. She pulled herself up with Maggies help and shook herself off before she looked around with a bit of a sneer. "What was that?" She looked to Maggie with a worried look.
She glanced towards the boys with a blink as she heard them yell. "Did you hear that laughter?"
Chance could sense Haki's sudden awkwardness, he hesitated as he moved to help him up.
"I'm sorry if I interrupted anything I didn't-" He started before Haki started to speak again. He looked down to the flower in Haki's hands.
His eyes widened at the sight of the flowers, accompanied by the words Haki said. "I... H..Haki you-" He spoke before he felt something shove him toward into Haki, a small chuckle of the Stag echoed through his head, "I...I would love to!" He said.

Chance looked up to Haki with his entire face deep red, "I don't know why you would choose someone like me, but I would absolutely love to! I...I'm honoured, n...no one has ever asked me this."
He felt his heart start to beat faster, which for Chance, this was definitely odd. His ears pricked up and twitched slightly befor he gave a happy grin to Haki, moving to hug him tightly.

Nessa had finished her tea and food as Adrian mentioned he was thinking. She blinked when he pulled her up from the couch, grabbing her sidebag quickly with Ra moving quickly to bound after them.
"Where are we-" She started as they walked through the crowd, Ra easily keeping pace with the two of them, unable to leap to Nessa's shoulder just yet.

Once they got to the middle of the city, Nessa looked up to the tree with widened eyes. She was staring at the tree before she looked over towards Adrian as he spoke to him.
"A...A dance?" She repeated, her face turning a soft shade of purple as the blood flushed her cheeks. "A...Are y..." She looked towards the flower, looking at the petals before she swallowed and looked back up to him with a bigger smile. "I would love to."

Ra moved quickly to climb up her back and onto her shoulder, causing Nessa to stumble forward slightly into Adrian. Ra moved quickly to spring up to the tree to climb into the branches, his fur glistening like starlight as he tried to climb up even more towards the center of the tree and the top of the branches.
Ra pushed himself into the air and shook his ears, causing starlight sparkles flicker into the wind and slowly wash down over the people below them.
Niccia waved to her as she moved to go, before she looked towards Michael, "I need to change into cleaner clothes before we go." She said with a gentle smile towards him, before she looked towards Frosiien as she mentioned about the others being in their human forms for her.
"They know they don't need to be, right?" She asked softly.
Frosiien gave a small smile, nodding towards Niccia, "They know." She started before she looked towards the doors as Penalopy, James and Rorsh came into the Pokemon center again.

Rorsh followed Penalope quickly, before she grabbed James in her hand before pulling Penalopy to the side to talk to her, out of the vision of anyone around and gave a small sigh.
"Look, brining up Darkrai around those two is.. Not a good idea." She started quietly, "I'm not sure what happened to the human male, but we all know what Darkrai did to Niccia." She continued with a dark look in her eyes.
"The betrayal, the controlling, the attempted assassination of Arceus himself. He made Niccia do all of that while under his control, to ensure he was easily able to talk himself out of it."
Dianna watched the three Rogers with a bit of a smirk before she looked through the doorway. She looked around the dining room like area and stepped through, blinking as Maggie grabbed her hand.
"Oh wow." She said out loud, "This place is... Gorgeous." She said as she spun around slowly, taking in the room completely.
"Spooky," She continued with a bit of a grin, "I love it."

Fae walked along with Daphne, keeping her eyes up as she looked around. She held her compact Drone in her hand, just in case they needed it for later.
"I still think it is a good idea to use them." She spoke under her breath as she glanced down at her hands before she gave a glance towards Daphne, her eyes moved away as Daphne looked back at her to answer.

She kept her eyes out for anything out of the ordinary, paying attention to everything she could see. She felt the urge to use the drone, despite everything that Daphne told her not to, it would help, it had a small inferred camera in it to help with the darkness around the two of them.
Chance relaxed slightly as he got to the roof before he was suddenly pulled up into the air.
He let out a bit of a yell before he stiffled himself as he looked towards the Griffons, He almost let out a bit of a sigh as they flew him along. He closed his eyes momentarily before he looked up again.
He tucked and rolled when he was dropped into the field, pulling himself up easily as he stepped back before he looked back to the Griffons.

"Why'd you-" He hesitated before he looked towards Haki again, he felt his entire face flood a deep red. "He wanted to be left alone! I...I can't be here." He said before he noticed the glean in the Griffons eyes before he gulped and stepped forward slowly.

"Haki...." He called out gently, he didn't want to aggravate him if he didn't want him to be there. "I'm... Here if you want to talk." He stopped about 15 feet away, dropping to sit cross legged as he looked to teh grass.

Nessa watched Adrian as he poked at his food, she frowned slightly as she had started to eat hers, already about halfway through.
"The festival is nice I guess." She said with a gentle smile, trying to hide her worry for Adrian.

"Are you doing okay? Is the food and tea helping? I have noticed you haven't been eating." She said with a worried look.
Ra chomped on the other half of the scone happily with a thump of his tail. He finished it and darted over onto Nessa's shoulder and went after her food, moving quickly as Nessa went to grab him.
Dia lead him out of the medbay before she started to slow her pace a bit.
"Should I still act as a nurse or just as a patient?" She asked as she glanced back towards her human friend. She was... unsure if she needed to actually eat in this form. "Should.. we find Josh and see if he could help? He's the only one I can think that could help." She sighed, she really didn't want to have do deal with that bastard again any time soon.

Ray sat in her body for a bit before she slowly sat upwards, she coughed slightly as she breathed in and shook her head as she tried to fix her now blurred vision.
"D..Doctor?" She asked as she moved to tug at the gas mask.

Sara took the coin and watched Marc as he spoke to her, before he turned to his game.
She turned back to her machine and narrowed her eyes, suddenly focused on the game as hers lit up as well.

She moved quickly, attempting to shoot whatever showed up on the screen. Unlike the other games, she wasn't doing the best at this one.
Out of all the shots she managed to shoot, she hit just under half of them, only getting half of the amount of tickets as she would have gotten.
Steph placed the bags down on one side of the door, she straightened up as she lifted herself back up. She let out a loud sigh as she looked around her room and looked around for a moment.
She locked eyes with Benjamin with a soft smile. "Thank you." She said softly with a bit of a head tilt, she moved towards the small dresser with a mirror on it.

She took a moment to press her hands to her cheeks and moved them around her features, fanning her wings out slowly as she took in her own features. With everything that happened, she just needed to take the time to look at her body.
She momentarily forgot that Benjamin was there, moving to pull off her shirt, revealing her bare skin- Bar the bra- underneath, various scars and headed wounds scattered over her back and shoulders.

Rose started to redress herself once Stuart told her she could, "Please don't hesitate to find me." She said as he mentioned he'd come visit her if he needed questions. "I... Don't get a lot of people visiting me... Especially probably after this stuff." Her smile wavered slightly before she slipped on her hoodie after finishing getting dressed before she stepped towards the door, pausing as if she was waiting for any other words from Stuart.

The spiderman nodded, looking towards the leaves before he clicked his mandibles twice and the shadows seemed to twist as a few more, much smaller, spider people- almost children-esque- tumble from the leaves and head towards the poles quietly. They lifted them up and started to wander along and slammed them into the ground.
Fae immediately looked towards Fred and Velma as they appeared. She seemed to relax a bit before she looked over to Daphne as she was told to go with her before she nodded and stepped over to her cousin, she looked over towards Maggie and Dianna almost longingly.
"I think I have a more of a quiet drone if we need." Fae uttered, moreso to herself, out loud. She moved her hand instinctively to the pocket that held the tiny drone, folded up in order for it to stay hidden.

Dianna looked over towards Shaggy and Scooby as she was told to look after them. Baby-sitting duty again, unsurprising to Dianna at this point but she smiled anyway.
"You guys okay?" She asked the older Rogers and the Great Dane, she gave an almost motherly smile to them before she looked towards Maggie with a small sparkle in her eyes.
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