Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

8 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
8 days ago
10 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
1 like
17 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
21 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

I;ve had the majority of it done for a while, it was just from Meltan onwards for the legendaries I needed to do, and for the guardians I had one up to Stakakaka? I think?
The latest ones took about 3 days became names are hard and I kept falling asleep due to me not being well.
Guardians added! I fell asleep before I could finish them last night >>;;
All legendaries have been put in the character side and I'll get to the guardians soon~
Freya looked back to the door before she leaned back and closed it, looking towards Rudrig with a serious look on her face.
"Everyone keeps fucking mentioning that Article." She started, "So I looked it up, VPN and access to the mainframe." She kept her voice down, pushing the chair forward and leaned towards Rudrig so he didn't have to ask her to repeat herself.

"I don't believe they won't hurt her." She continued, "All I could find about the place they're taking her, and whoever else was changed, to; was that they do experiments there." Freya pulled up a phone, one that wasn't registered to the company. One she wasn't suppose to have. She slid it over to Rudrig before she straightened herself up.
"They're potentially going to do everything but kill her." She started, moving to stand up from the chair as she turned away from her old field-mate, "I'm telling you this because I know Rose loves you Ruddie. And I know you'll think of doing the right thing." She opened the door and walked out, walking down the hall before her footsteps suddenly disappeared.

Gaia was dragged to the van, before they lifted her up and put her in another cell as Rose rounded the corner with the agents pressing their guns to her back.
Gaia's mouth started to smoke before the first agent moved to stab her with a needle that contained some silver liquid. "Don't even try it you fucking abomination." They hissed, watching Gaia's eyes grow pink, red and then grey as she suddenly feel limp.
"E...than." Her mind called out once more, "I'm... Sorry."

Rose was lead to the van, and she looked towards the Agent who had put the needle away before they turned to her.
They furrowed their brow, lifting their chin up towards her. "Ah so some sort of shitty spiderperson?" They said before they crossed their eyes, "Specifically interesting considering the nest they found. I'll have fun with you when we get you into the facility."
At these words, Roses' mind blanked, and she ran only on instinct. She moved to push her extra legs on the ground to almost bounce over the van before the first Agent grabbed her human leg and pulled her down to the ground painfully.

Rose yelled out in pain as she felt her ankle be fractured from the figures grip, and the slam to the ground knocked her out.
"Idiot." The Agent said before they moved to toss her into another cell, moving to lock it up and close the door over the three female agents. "Right, where's the fucking Angel and that beast fuck?"
"We can't find them ma'am." One of the other agents spoke, the first Agent furrowed her brow before she moved to pull up a walkie talkie and clicked the button.

"My apologies for the intrusion Mr. Johnson." She said through the walkie talkie, not knowing that he was currently in the scientist room with Harriet looking over the recent spikes, "We've gotten the three female beast fucks you called about. The males on the other hand we can't find. Either they've escaped or they just can't find them."

Harriet's ears twitched as she heard the walkie talkie but she didn't act on her thoughts for a second, waiting to see what Mr. Johnson would do.
Sara hesitated in speaking as they walked, she gave a small nod.
"Okay." She started, a little quieter than usual. Her thoughts mulled inside her head slowly.
Was she really a worker? Or just a patient with special pass? Was what she was doing with Marc bad?

She trembled slightly and pulled her plush spider closer to her body as she moved her hand to the book in her side bag. Sara took a moment to close her eyes before she gave a small smile.
"If there's nothing for you to do tomorrow." She started, "Feel free to pop around my room, I'll probably be there if I'm not in a meeting or appointment." She said, "If... Vivian will allow you to do so of course."

Ari blinked as he asked why she was leaning against him.
"I'm against you?" She asked before she looked down at his shoulders before blinking slightly, "Oh! I'm touching you! Oh my gosh, How is this happening?" Ari looked up to Benjamin with a wide grin on her face, was she going to get a physical form like Dia?

Ari floated behind Benjamin, her hands slowly reaching out to gently touch Benjamins' back, she let out a gasp as her hands didn't go through his body. "No way!"
Frosiien gave a laugh at Andys words, looking down towards Mitch before she moved down and lifted him up with her spare arm and gently gave him a kiss on the head.
"He's just over protective." She said with a laugh, before she put him back on the ground before she leaned over and kissed Andy's cheek. "You don't need to worry about him. He wouldn't harm you even if he'd want to." She mused before she continued to walk along.

Gavin looked to Mindy with a small smile, "It's happened a couple of times before." He said with a bit of a nod, "Dausiin likes to bring random humans he finds, Celebi occasionally will bring someone. Very rarely Jirachi will end up dragging a wisher along with them to join us." He pondered before he gave a small smile, "It's rare, but it's also something that does happen." He looked to her with a smile, "Don't worry if you're worried about standing out. Everyone will likely be in their humanoid form anyway."

Soul bowed his head to Marie before he turned his head towards Mabel and bowed his head once before he walked a bit faster to catch up to Niccia and Michael.
"You know," Soul started with a small smile, "I may be enjoying becoming a ferry for smaller Pokemon." He laughed as he glanced up towards the trainers. Niccia only grinned at his response.
"It's very kind of you to even offer to carry people." She said towards her guardian, moving to pick the slowly waking up Sparky off his back.
Sara took the plush under her arm happily, holding it carefully like you would like a tiny dog you were holding.
"Thank you." She said with a weak smile, "Will.. you tell her about the stuff I've mentioned? About being treated not as a human?" She asked, her smile wavering as fear echoed in her eyes.

"As for your late shift, I'll..." She paused and sighed, "I'll be there, I don't know if I'm technically 'working' tomorrow. Vivian has probably got some sort of appointment for me again."

Ari nodded. "That's why we keep her off the meds, they're not.. Good." She said with a frown. "Last time she took them, Dia couldn't talk for weeks. She was stuck in the Orb way for ages." She sighed and floated around Benjamin for a bit before she leaned against his shoulders as she floated with him.

There was a presence from her, the weight from her leaning against him wasn't too much, but it was easily there, someone was there.
The Agent that had caught Steph pulled her to her feet and helped her walk along slowly towards the Van that they had waiting for her, Gaia and Rose.
One of the other Agents pulled open the door and Steph was shoved into a caged seat and the door was slammed. The agent dusted his hands off before he motioned for his crewmates to go get Gaia for him. He radioed in to Mr. Johnson that Steph was captured safely.

Rose fell silent and stared at Rudrig, if he cared, why was he so non-chalant about this?
She glanced to the agents and gave a weak sigh, tears now down her face as she turned to walk towards the agents.

As Rose walked out with the Agents, Freya stopped at Rudrigs door and watched the young woman leave with the group of agents.
"Woof." She said as she moved inside and tossed a small stack of papers down on the desk by Rudrigs drink. "A little sad, being essentially... Whats the word." She clicked her tongue slightly as she took a drag from her vape before she shrugged, "I donno, but that must hurt to hear from the guy you have a crush on." Freya said out loud before she spun a chair around and sat on it backwards. "Got the new shit on the Spiders, it's not easy to stop them from killing the bastards. They're not going to kill them, at least not yet."

She stared towards Rudrig with a tilt of her head, "They won't actually hurt her will they?" She asked, looking back down the hallway, "I'd hate to lose one of our team mates. Granted we no longer work together, but the three of us worked well for the most part, right?"

Gaia's ears twitched slowly, she lifted her head just as the net flew towards her, barely missing it as it bounced off her tail as she took to the air.
She spun towards the group and let out a low hiss as they tried to trap her. She moved to land towards them before another net was shot over her properly, the electric current flooding through her body as she collapsed onto the ground.
"GRAUAH" She roared loudly, feeling her energy sapped from her before she lay under the net, looking at the agents in anger and exhaustion.

"E..Ethan... Help." Gaia thought, trying to push her mind out to find Ethan, rather than Harriet.
Especially because Female Memopaths are much more powerful and aggressive than males so.
Oh well, sucks to be him uwu

Aaaa Time to fucking break Benjamin and Stephs heart AND THEN HAVE THEM GET BACK TOGETHER LIKE MONTHS LATER.
Are we turning Mike in a vampire soon?
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