Avatar of SporkoBug


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8 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
8 days ago
10 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
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17 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
20 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

As soon as Mr. Johnson left the room, another energy spike started to form near the one that Harriet was sent to, this one was unknown to the researches, unlike anything they had seen on their charts before.

"Harry you can't be like this!" Duncan called as he followed after his partner, Harriet didn't even look back at Duncan as he spoke to her. She was too focused, too angry. They would pay for what they were doing, they would absolutely have to pay for what they had done.
The energy from whatever was using the Gem got closer and closer, before long a large creature came into view.

The beast limbered around, it's skin cracked like rocks. It looked much like a human, but it was larger and its skin had cracked in view places, revealing jaggered rock.
"He thinks we're fucking dangerous." Harriet growled under her breathe before she stopped close to the beast. The figure turned to face her, it hesitated as it looked her over before it let out a loud roar, sand suddenly picking up and slamming towards Harriet and Duncan.

Duncan spluttered as it hit him, but Harriet was unphased. As soon as she was in distance of the rock beast, she lifted an arm and a tendril of shadow suddenly flicked over towards the beast from near her. The shadow slammed into the beast and knocked it sideways, the beast moved to get back up before another whip of shadow, this time bigger than the other one slammed into the beast.
The blip of Harriet's energy grew aggressively as the shadows around her warped and twisted around her. Black lines coiled down her arms and up her neck.

"May the SoulRealm accept my offering!" Harriet yelled as she ran towards the beast, springing off the ground and held her hands up in the air before she spun and clasped her hands together.
The shadows twisted around her hands in the shape of a large hammer. The hammer slammed directly down on the beast, the impact cracking the ground before the energy condensed itself into a wave and suddenly wiped through the area. Duncan stumbled and was pushed back before Harriet landed on the ground properly.

The original energy spike had suddenly died out, but Harriet's spike flickered like an aggressive flame.
"Let's go." Harriet turned to Duncan, slowly walking towards him and helped him up with a weak smile. "Come on, I need to enact revenge."
"Harry please just listen to me!" Duncan started, standing up and pulling Harriet back again. "You're seriously not thinking of hurting Mike? You don't believe that do you?"

Harriet looked at Duncan with a puzzled look on her face, she blinked before a small smile cracked over her lips.
"Duncy." She started, pulling Duncan close as she readied her portal spell. "I'm Not angry at Mike! I would never be, I know he would never do that. I would never think of killing a friend."

"H...How do you know they're n...not lying?" She asked with a squeak in her voice, "If you're moving does that mean they're splitting you and Freya up as well? Is she okay? They didn't grab her did they?" She asked the series of questions quickly.
"Oh god she's probably worried that they'll take her too." She trembled at the thought, "What if they don't let you visit me? What if they move you too far away?"

She trembled in the darkness of the Van, feeling all of the bumps and turns before she felt her extra limbs tap at the edges of the room she was stuck in. Something clicked in her head.
"These doors aren't secured properly.." She uttered, the fear suddenly disappearing from her voice for a moment. She moved to press her legs against the door and moved to tuck the phone between her shoulder and her ear. "Where are they sending you?" She asked Ruddie through the phone.

As the boys rounded the corner, Freya was closing the door of an unmarked, non-agency van.
She froze up when she heard footsteps and turned around and pressed herself against the van at the sight of Mike and Benjamin.
"Can I help you?" She asked with a sneer, she was flustered, something wasn't right about her.

The windows to the van weren't tinted like the others, showing that everything that Freya had in the Agency was crammed into the back of the Van, there were maybe three, four seats remaining unfilled, including the Driver's seat.
"I bet you're here to fucking take me too huh?" She snarled, baring her teeth with a guiver of her body.
Another beep came from Benjamins' phone, from an unknown number. *Meet at the original Location, a safe place will be ready for you.*
Sara's eyes started to water as Marc stepped out to walk her to the building.
"No thank you. Thank you for everything. Tonight was amazing." She said before she looked back to him as the door opened.
She leaned over towards and gave Marc a small kiss on the cheek as she entered slowly.

Ari smiled towards Benjamin as he mentioned his feelings for Dia. "I'll make sure not to let it slip to Dia, if you'd like." She said with a chuckle.
She slipped off the bed as she went to follow Benjamin. She thought of his question quietly.
"I'm completely unsure!" She replied with a small smile, she liked being around Benjamin. He didn't see her as a monster like everyone else did. "No one seems to have paid attention in the Cafeteria."

As they neared Rays room, Ari moved to grab Bens arm and tugged against it slightly, pulling him towards the door. "In there."
"I just wanted to check in to see if you kept your side of the promise. You bring me the girl and her partner, I stop causing humans to use the gems." The voice started, their tone suddenly cold, "But if this fails, I cannot promise my side of the bargain can hold up."

Rose gasped as Rudrig answered, "R...Ruddie." She started with a tremble in her voice, "I...I'm scared. I...I'm panicking." She continued, her shaky breathing could be heard over the phone. "I...I'm sorry. I just wanted to h...hear your voice. Th....they're gonna kill me aren't they? F...Freya told me stories of this compound. I...I just wanted to talk to you in case this was one last time."
She swallowed hard and closed her eyes, tears streaming down her face, "I... Wanted to tell you that..." She hesitated before she swallowed.

"I love you Rudrig."

The small gem that Freya had dropped on the ground glistened a deep red colouration; the inside of it looked like Lava. It was warm to the touch of human skin, and even though the boys hadn't seen one in the flesh; they would know that this is an Elemental Gem.

Harriet landed in the field as Duncan landed face first into the dirt. She heard her phone beep and looked at it before she moved to crush it in her hand before she dropped the rubble on the ground.
"H..Harry." Duncan asked as he pulled himself up, "What's wrong with you?"
Harriet shot a mental line towards Duncan to explain her memories rather than talking. "I'm going to slaughter him." She sneered, her teeth sharp.
"No, Harry. You can't." He said as he sped up to follow her.
"No Duncan. I Can." She hissed back, glancing towards him as the shadows snapped around her, "He had my trust Duncan. You never betray the trust of a Memopath. No one will stop me from breaking his mind into nothing, no one at the Agency will be able to fight me back."
Duncan moved to reach out to her before Harriet lifted her hand and caused him to float in the air. "And I love you Duncan, You know this. We're essentially married by human standards. But if you even fucking think you're going to stop me from killing him, you become one of them, and I will not hesitate to get you out of the way."

With that, Harriet turned and continued walking, dropping Duncan to his feet before he fumbled with his phone.
He pulled it out quickly and sent Benjamin a text, *Guys. Harriet is mad. Like. REALLY mad. Before we get back I would say you get yourself, Ethan and Mike somewhere safe. And anything you can find out about the girls please send to me.*
Whoops that was a longer post than I anticipated ahah.
Anylia sat against the shrine under Penalopy, she started to chime into the song slowly. She enjoyed spending time with her sister, but she absolutely adored being around the other legendaries.
Her tone was slightly different to Penalopy's, which she knew, but she also knew that they would start to compliment each other as the song carried on.
Beside Anylia, a Bonsly sat as he watched the trees as the wind blew through them. He sighed slightly before he hopped up onto his feet and started to trace a circle in the grass around the strine.
Brock wasn't a biggest fan of making the summon circle, but since they were one of the first there, he decided to do it. As he dragged his feet to dig into the ground before he stepped back and focused.

Frosiien only grinned at Andy's words, "I warn you, this Delibird has a bit of foul mouth." She said with a laugh, "He could be a Dark Type with the way he speaks." She laughed as she moved to put him down in the grass. "Arceus will love you, you'll be fine." She continued with a soft sigh, "If he didn't want us to do it, he wouldn't have given us the ability to do so."
Mitch rumbled angrily, "He gave you the power so you can use it when needed, not just give it away to humans willy nilly!" He huffed as he walked alongside Frosiien, trying to dart between Andy and his Legendary; "It's not willy nilly Mitch. I've been thinking about it since I first met Andy back on the mountains."

As Benny and Merlin flew overhead, they started to feel as if they were being watched.
After a crackle of thunder echoed through the area, a familiar Emolga suddenly shot underneath them, spinning as they looked up at the other two flying pokemon as they waved.
"Hello friends!" Fitaain called out happily before he was overlapped by a larger flying beast. The beast was a deep orange-red falcon Pokemon. The large bird fanned its wings out before it slowly glided down towards the humans on the ground.
"Good afternoon Guardians!" The Talonflame called out, "The weather is looking fine today, by the sounds and sights of things, StarFall will be one of the best ones yet!"

Niccia's ears pricked up as a second voice started singing, her body shivered as she was suddenly filled with energy as she grinned.
"Anylia is here!" She said excitedly, before she looked up towards the Emolga and the Talonflame. "Zapdos, Moltres." She started with a bigger smile. "Who's next!?"

Gavin gave a small nod at Mindy's words about the debate before he looked around.
"No, normally it's a lot quieter." He said with a bigger smile, "Well, usually there are a lot more people walking around, but since it's StarFall, we've past the small crag-line which means we're in the territory of Celebi." He straightened up slightly as he narrowed his eyes, focusing on everything around him. "Saveri is here." He said as he stepped aside and moved out his arm to grab something from in front of Mindy.
A squeak echoed as a sudden glisten of green revealed the Celebi that was floating inches away from Mindy's face.
"Gavin!" He squeaked as he glared at the Mewtwo.

A figure watched from the shadows with narrowed eyes, they stepped back and glanced towards the three figures behind them. They gave a small nod and two of them departed. The first figure looked back to the tall cloaked figure behind them.
"The little one is with them?" They asked, the cloaked one nodded once.
"Yes, she knows this as well. I am excited to see them interact once more." They said with a small smile on their beak.
Its okay! Focus on that first. I believe in you! <3
The voice on the other end of the phone hesitated before speaking, "And what if someone in your agency decides to use a gem?" They asked, ignoring the mention about Duncan.

Gaia didn't feel the bump as her wings had fanned around her body as the sedative was making easy work of her body, keeping her in a deep slumber.

Steph on the other hand was curled up slightly and slammed her head into the roof, wedging her horns into the ceiling. She let out a loud yelp and struggled, "Ow, fuck." She mumbled to herself as she closed her eyes and tried to close her eyes and focus on the serenity of the darkness as she tried to focus on her powers.

While the other two were taking it relatively well; Rose was panicking.
Her breathing was raised and her body was shaking. She remembered the phone she had in her pocket and moved to quickly pull it out and tried to fumble to pull up her contacts.
She tried to send a text to Freya's phone, before a notification came back that the number didn't work anymore. She felt tears well up in her eyes before she started to blubber, starting to dial the number for Rudrig.
"Ple...Please r..ruddy... P...Please just... pick up." She sobbed as she put her phone to her ear.

As soon as the doors opened, Harriet walked out into the sunlight, the light dancing off her dark black tuxedo looking suit.
As she walked past the other agents, the shadows around them seemed to jump up and shove them back; either pushing them away or knocking them over.

"Harry!" Duncan started before she walked up to him and grabbed the rim of his jacket and pulled him along.
"No time," Harriet snapped, her words coated with Venom, "We've got a Gem user to 'save', and then I'm coming back to have a little talk with Mr. Johnson."
With a toss of her hand she ripped open a black portal in front of them.
"H..Harry!" Duncan started, "A..Are you sure your Portals are okay wi...with the both of us? D..Don't you want to take supplies? It's an Earth Gem, Electric and Air do-"
"The shadows will overcome whatever they need to." Harriet said before she tossed her partner through the portal before she glanced towards the other three boys.
"Be careful." She warned them, her eyes an unnatural black colour, before she leapt through the portal as well.

As soon as the portal closed, a figure darted out of the doorway.
It was Freya, she was covered in a cloak and she was carrying something in her arms. Whatever she was carrying glistened in the sunlight and one of them fell to ground as she headed over towards where the vans were kept.
"Oh I'll tell you what I have to say to you!" Mitch growled loudly before he turned to Frosiien, "I will tell Arceus about this! You can't stop me from doing so." He yelled at his legendary, who just grinned at his words before she moved to scoop him up under one of her arms.
"I did do that indeed~" She replied to him with a bigger smirk. "Of course I was waiting for a more romantic time," She mused with a small hum before she looked up at the trees as they got to the forest.

Niccia giggled at Frosiien and Andy, before she looked towards Mitch. Mitch stayed silent in Frosiiens arm angrily, mumbling angrily to himself. She leaned against Michael happily as he teased Andy; "We're close." She said happily, looking to the small glistens of light that sparkled around them as they entered the forest.
"We'll probably hear the Meoletta's song soon." She said with a happy sigh. "I'm so happy that you're here to witness this."

Gavin furrowed his brow at Mindy's words, he wasn't paying attention to Andy and Frosiien, he seemed more perplexed about the situation.
"Okay, If we can't use psychic abilities so save them... Do we know who the peoples are?" He asked, "Do we know their professions, their alignment?" He looked to Fez as he thought, "What do you think?"
"I donno, saving three and losing one doesn't sound horrible, but if that one person is incredibly important to the world then..." Fez slowly trailed off as he started to think as well.
Sara looked over to Marc as he spoke. "I would love that," She started before she looked down to her lap. "But you probably have to head home." She said with a weak smile before she put her hand against the door handle.
"I'll hopefully see you tomorrow, Okay?" She asked as she opened the door to leave on her own.

Ari swayed her legs as she listened to Benjamin speak, she looked up and around for a moment before she gave a bit of a sigh.
"She is okay." She uttered quietly, "If anything happened to her, I would have felt it. She's close, Maybe in Rays room." She uttered with a bit of a smile.
"We can see her if you'd like." She continued, "I have noticed you seem to like her."
I'll reply after work, all of our roleplays are getting good uwu
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