Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

8 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
8 days ago
10 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
1 like
17 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
20 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

"Oh another friend?" Duncan asked as he sat down on the couch, patting the side to get the taller male to sit beside him.
"I don't think you've ever met my Brother-In-Law!" Duncan started with a grin, before the taller male lifted his hand up with a furrowed brow.
"Half brother-in-law, My name is Dante. I am Harriet's older brother, sadly Axel and Lydral weren't able to make it." Dante said with a small smile, "Nor could either of our parents."

Duncan let out a weak chuckle as he felt himself fumble with his hands.
Freya moved to pull something out of her pocket, it was a small notebook. She moved to offer it to Benjamin as he asked Duncan the question.
Duncan gave a small nod, "She knows yes." He started, "That's why she was annoyed in the first place, Daz's appearance just... Broke her."
"Memopaths are usually very well tempered." Dante started as he crossed his arms, "Granted not many Female Memopaths exist, and they're known for being a lot more hot headed due to, And I hate to say it, Hormone levels."
"She knew of your part Mike." Duncan said, "I originally thought her anger was at you, I was worried she'd try to kill you." He continued, his panic starting to show a bit. "But she understands you were manipulated. She's very angry with Mr. Johnson and I fear for the safety of those in the building when she comes back."
"If she comes back." Dante added, Duncan moving to stare angrily at the taller male.

The female agent rolled her eyes at the mention of the woman wanting to meet the spider-girl, "I can get someone to go catch her if you're so hung up on her." She said, almost irritated before she looked towards Stephs cell, "Hurry up and get this demon bitch inside so I can fucking finish this shit." She sneered, moving to pull out her phone and texted a number quickly.

"And if I manage to get the spider-girl, don't get fucking attached to her. I don't need any of you fuckers packbonding with a fucking beast." She started as she walked inside.

Rose almost made it to the fence, before a net was shot towards her and pinned her to the ground as two armoured agents walked over to her. One of them lifted a gun to her while the other looked down at her.
"We were told you would comply." The first said, lifting his gun closer to her face, "Rudrig gave us clear instructions not to kill you if you behaved."
Rose sneered and bared her fangs, the second one moved to grab the net before they lifted her off the ground. "You're lucky that Rudrig apparently wants you alive. Something about being old coworkers, which is funny because I heard you're one of the most useless workers here."

They walked over towards the car they drove in and opened the trunk, dropping Rose and the net into the trunk before slamming it down.
Were you expecting Seb?
Cause it's not Seb.
It's someone else. ahaha.
The door opened as a rather tall teal haired male stood in the doorway. He looked towards the boys and Freya before stepping side.
"Duncan, we got guests!" He called out before he glanced out towards Hank before closing the door.
"You must be Duncan's friends yeah?" The male asked with a tilt of his head. "He told us he called some guys over. Do you want some food? Drink?"

Duncan ran down the stairs and skidded to a halt in front of the others with a grin. "Mike! Benjamin!" He said as he held his arms out with a grin that was barely hiding his panic. He looked towards Freya and stared at her for a moment, his eye colour flexed before he turned to the boys again.
"And the lovely Siren here is...?" He asked before Freya lifted her hand.
"I can speak." She said, she was strained and obviously angry. "My name is Freya, I worked at the company with Harri-"
"Oh that's cool!" Duncan interrupted Freya before he notioned to the large living room. "Come on in! Take a seat, I'm just glad you're safe. Need a drink?"
The teal haired man stared at Duncan almost annoyed before he crossed his arms.
Mitch only gave a grin at Andy's words, maybe the human wasn't too bad after all. He glanced to Frosiien as she glanced towards the taller woman in the dress shirt, the same one that Andy was looking at. "Fro..." Mitch said as he looked back to his legendary, who hesitated and moved over to the taller woman.
Nygari looked down to Frosiien with an expressionless face, watching her child hesitate in speaking before she moved to pull her into a hug and buried her head into Frosiiens' hair.
"It has been years." Nygari spoke gently to the Articuno. "I am so glad to see you."
Frosiien hugged her mother back and held back the small amount of happy tears before she pulled away, "I have someone for you to meet." She said as she glanced back to Andy, she motioned for him to head over to her.

Cloud bowed his head without a word towards Andy as he followed behind Tanter, listening to him as he talked to Niccia and Michael.
Niccia nodded and quickly released Harry, who stood proudly from his Pokeball before he let out a loud sneeze and shook his entire body. As he shuddered from the sneeze, powdered snow suddenly flittered in the area around him. He opened his eyes and looked up towards the Legendaries in front of him, stepping back in shock.
"T...The beasts." Harry uttered out loud as he stared at them, feeling Niccia move to run her hand through his fur to calm him down.

As soon as Missy was allowed out of her Pokeball, she moved to zip around before she felt a sudden wave of energy from the area and looked up to Cloud with widened eyes.
"Dad!" She barked happily as she ran up to him, the Raikou moving to pick her up as she got to his feet.
"Hello little one." He said calmly as he held her carefully.
Art looked over towards Merlin and Anthony as they flew over, moving to step aside to allow the smaller birds to sit on his branch.
"Hello again Merlin, who's the little fighter?" He asked with a tilt of his head, "It's nice to see a Fletchling."
Saveri grinned and spun around Jirachi as he asked how long it had been. "It's been a good... 700 or so years?" He said with a bit of a shrug, "I don't know. Time is weird~"

Sparky moved towards Mindy and Gavin as everything else was going on, she body was going crazy with all the legendaries around but she managed to hold herself together. Sparky moved to sit on Mindy's foot and stared at the group with another yawn.
Footsteps echoed from behind Gavin and Mindy, Gavin turned around protectively and stared towards the tall Decidueye that stared at him carefully.
"Oh. Robin." Gavin said as he relaxed, before he realized if she was here then... He looked around quickly and stared towards the darkness as he stepped towards Mindy. "Where is she?"
Robin tilted her head gently before she looked down to Sparky and looked towards Mindy, offering her wings to pick her up.
As Benjamin got in the drivers seat, the car gave a rumble that could have sounded ever so slightly angry.
"Alright Mr. Benjamin." He said, his tone almost angry, "I assure you that you do not need to sit in the drivers seat. It is different to have anyone but Duncan in the drivers seat." The doors moved to close once everyone was in the car and the doors locked for the riders safety before the car revved and spun around to drive out towards the gates.

Freya leaned back as Mike pressed a cloth against her wound, she bit her tongue and swore under her breathe in a language that the boys couldn't understand.
"I... can get you maps..." She spoke after a while of silence as the Car drove towards the city, turning off close to the entrance and headed around the edge of the city. It wasn't the best part of town, but it was hidden from mostly everything.
"I know... where they're sending... the girls." Freya managed to get out through gritted teeth before Hank suddenly pulled to a stop and the doors unlocked.
"Grey house on the left." Hank spoke, "Duncan is home, others will open the door."
Cloud gave a gentle nod before he looked towards the group of the Humans entered his view.
"Look alive, More are here." He said to Tanter and Dera, Dera straightening up as the others entered. At the sight of Niccia, Dera darted over towards Niccia and Michael and gently grabbed Niccia's hand gently and pressed her head against hers happily.
Niccia blinked at the Suicunes sudden affection before she smiled happily.

"I missed you." Dera said happily, as she pulled away from Niccia before she turned towards Michael with a bow of her head, "A pleasure to meet you, my name is Derasin; but please call me Dera."
Niccia smiled happily at Dera before she looked to Michael and Mindy, "Mindy, this is Suicune." She introduced Dera before she looked to Andy and Frosiien.
Mitch listened to Andy and Benny as a smile crept across his beak, "I'm glad to learn I'm not the only one who doesn't think too highly of you." He laughed before he looked over towards the rest of the Guardians with a bit of a sigh.

Saveri wriggled out of Niccia's grip before he floated over to the Meolettas and Jirachi as he floated aorund them happily. "Friends hello~"
Dia blinked as Benjamin kissed her, as he left she moved to gently touch her cheek where he kissed her before she moved to leave Rays room.
Benjamin's words swum in her head as she started to make her way to the med bay to check up on Ray, she was slightly unfocused as she almost worked into one of the other workers before she grinned and nodded her head as a sorry.

Ari nodded at Benjamin's words, "Of course!" She said with a grin, "I'll stand guard outside for you, Benny!" She grinned a bit more before she wriggled her floaty body with a bigger grin.
Heheh, that's absolutely fine. Lugia tends to show early anyway xD
"No I'm safe at home." Duncan spoke through the phone, "I'm worried about the others, I'm mostly worried about Harriet but I don't think we can find her any time soon. You guys can head here if you need somewhere to save, Hank will be able to drive you safely."
Freya followed Mike slowly, still surprised that he was helping her in any way. As they got to the car, the doors opened upwars for them almost own their own.

"There should be enough room for all of you in here." A voice came from inside the car, it was kind of like Duncans, but slightly more robotic. "The atmosphere should be comfortable for anyone."
Freya looked to Mike as the car seemed to talk to them. She turned her attention to the question asked. "In the drivers side back seat. They're in a sack." She said before she cringed as the pain flooded through her body again from the bullet wound.
"If you... go to that place... please try and save my son." She said to Mike after a moment of silence, "Please."
Dia gave a nod at Benjamin's words, moving to grab the pillow before it hit her before she tossed it back on the bed and moved towards the door.
"Ari, Stay with Ben." She said, almost an order. Ari nodded before she floated back towards Benjamin with a happy grin.
"I'm sure everything will be fine!" Ari said happily before she headed towards the door, turning back to Ben with a grin. "Come on!"

Dia felt herself just smiling in response to Ari, it was nice that she was close to someone, but she wasn't sure. She watched Benjamin carefully and glanced towards the direction of the Medbay as a frown etched onto her face.
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