Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

8 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
8 days ago
10 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
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17 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
20 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

Duncan was mildly offended by Mitchs words, he wasn't offering it to him, he was offering it to the boys. He decided to stay quiet on the matter, as he went to open his mouth Dante gave him a slam with his elbow.
"Don't." Dante telepathically told Duncan who only nodded once in response.
Duncan nodded at Benjamins' words, "Just give me a message when you're heading over." He stated, "I'm... probably going to be here for the next few days. As much as I want to hunt down where Harriet is." He said with a bit of a sigh.

Freya lifted her head and jumped when Benjamin spoke to her.
"I..." She started, she didn't have much of a plan other than to head off to the Sea to find the rest of her family.
"I was going to head to the sea, there's a cove where I grew up. I was originally going to take Rose with me; I know she would have loved it. I was going to see if any of my siblings were still around and try to get their help on getting Sam back."

Steph stared at the back of her cell, she felt the tears sting at her eyes. She wanted to escape, she wanted to run away. She wanted anything but this... She even started to contemplate death.
Starving would be a long way to go, but that's fine. As long as she didn't give this shithole any information about anything about her. She wasn't a normal succubus, something was off.

She hesitated as she looked down at the edges of the bench, it was mildly sharp. Steph lifted her hand and gently brushed it against the edge, of course it wasn't sharp enough to completely cut her arm just like that, but with a bit of effort and time....

Rose was mumbling to herself about how she was sorry to Rudrig and Freya. She didn't hear the footsteps as Lily stood in front of her cell again but her words cut into her thoughts. She poked her head out of the Cocoon slightly, moving to rub the tears from her eyes as she looked at what she had made.

She nodded once at the first question, "I...I think so." She started before she shook her head. "I've woven before but not... not like this." She continued as she cleared her throat, "I've been weaving things as a human since I was a kid... I used to do it in order to raise money for the Orphanage. As for weaving Webs... I think this is the first... Maybe second time? I've only been like this for... a day? I'm... not too sure."

Gaia rumbled angrily, moving to slam herself into whatever she could.
Now that the Drugs had finally wore off her brain, she lifted her head up and closed her eyes. She breathed in and accidentally opened the channel between herself and Ethan.
This time, she didn't send words; she sent the feeling of the itchiness of her skin for a mere minute before it cut off as she slammed into the cell wall again.

Scales slowly scattered across her cell, glistening like metallic gems.
The papers that Mr. Johnson had gotten mentioned about the strength of her scales, how they were used for arrow tips and other weapon and armoury practice while they had her restrained.
It also mentioned how much food she needed daily to survive properly, mentioning that she is omnivorous; and will eat almost everything, even if the meat isn't clean to eat. But it did warn against feeding her citrus as it didn't work well with her stomach, causing bursts of flame-burps.
I mean they're both old grumpy men so probably yeah.
"You can take my car." Duncan added, "Just tell him where you need to go and he'll find the fasted route." He said with a bit of a nod. He looked towards Mitch carefully as he instructed them that they would be staying with him before he looked back to Benjamin.
"What breakfast appointment have you got?" He asked with a tilt of his head, he hoped it wasn't a mission.

Freya nodded at Mitch telling her to stay still, before he mentioned that the boys were staying with him.
She hesitated, would they take her to the sea tonight? Or would she have to stay with them as well? She was confused and unsure if she wanted to ask about it at all.

Steph rolled her eyes when she explained about Succubi and Sex, at the mention of not having enough energy to keep going one day she looked up to Lily while she stayed sitting.
"Good." She said coldly, "It beats living in this shitty world."
She moved to spun around on the bench, moving to face the wall and closed her eyes.
I'm sorry Benjamin. She thought to herself, This is for the best, I was a danger to you; I hope you can forgive me.

Gaia slowly woke up as she felt an itch on her body, she moved to slam her side onto the glass of the cage as she wanted to get rid of the itch. She felt her scales itch, she knew what this meant. It meant she was about to shed, which was usually not a fun time for her, but for her to be stuck in a place like this... Well, it was going to be hell for whoever had to deal with her.
She moved to gnaw at her arms and her clothes, slipping her shirt off as she moved to try and nip at the highest point of her arms.
Her scales started to flake away at the top but it would be a long while until the shedding would be over.
Frosiien gave a small smile towards Andy before she looked towards the shrine and the runes before she stepped forward, linking her arm with Andy's as she walked forward.
"Come, it should be ready." She said gently, tilting her head towards Andy gently.

Saveri perked up as he heard everyone talk about being ready. "Oh of course!" He called out for the humans, moving to sit on top of the shrine and slowly spun in place. Each of the runes slowly started to glow before they started to properly shine, the ground that the runes that were carved into seemed to crack, the grass flattening itself as a crack appeared on the shrine; it started to split in two, revealing the small portal that everyone would have to travel through.

Saveri grinned once he was finished and stopped his spinning, "Come, come!"
Frosiien gently pulled Andy along, "The portal won't hurt, you may feel a bit shaky." She started as she looked around, "The others are either already there, or they'll be coming later."
Cloud and Dera glanced towards the portal, Cloud walking over and gently placing Missy in Michaels' arms; making sure to push his arms over her to keep her close before he and his sister headed through the portal.

Illia let Michael go before she looked towards the shrine. She was about to speak before Saveri did what he needed to do.
"Now it seems~" She grinned as Cloud moved to give Missy back to Michael before she floated over to her brother to enter the portal by his side.
Gavin pulled away from the Giratina and sneered at her before he stepped over to Mindy with a small smile. "Right." He said sternly, "Shall we Mindy?" He asked her as he gave a small nod to the small sisters.

Robin looked to Mabel and bowed her head. "A pleasure, I am Robin. I am Giratina's Guardian." She said as the human Giratina stepped over to her guardian and took Sparky from her wings gently.
Sparky's tail was wagging happily when Robin had her, but it wagged even faster when Giratina had her.
"Mindy is with Gavin?" Robin asked the humans Pokemon with a tilt of her head.
Ari moved to take his hand, at first she could grip his hand but suddenly she went straight through him again.
"What?" She asked as she looked to her body in confusion, "But... I can... I could breathe?" She looked to her chest to see it wasn't moving again. "Just... not anymore?"
She was confused, worried. Why did her form falter and not Dias? Did Dia falter at all?
"I'm sorry." She said with a frown towards Benjamin, "I was hoping I could be helpful..."
Freya kept her vision away from Mitch as he did his work, moving to look at Benjamin and glanced to Mike a little bit.
"I wouldn't think they'd do anything bad the first couple of days so you should have a couple days to plan." She mentioned with a tilt of her head, "Sam has been there for years and last I heard they're only keeping him to observe rather than to test."
Duncan was gently tapping his foot on the ground as he listened, as much as he was worried about the others captured, his main focus was on Harriet.
"Harriet would be able to make this entire mission so much easier." He mumbled under his breath before Dante furrowed his brow before he looked towards Benjamin.

"Do you two need to do anything in the next couple of days?" He asked, "I'm sure I can get the boys to take some time off to help us. We can gather a relatively good army, I can even contact my father to help out." He frowned as he looked at the boys, "Do you have a safe place to stay?"

Rose listened as the footsteps moved away from her cell, she lifted her head up and watched Lily and her assistant move away before she felt her mandibles on the edges of her mouth twitch as she tried to stop herself panicking. She curled closer to herself and her legs started to spin a small sink cacoon for herself to hide in to try and relax.

Steph had sat down on the bench in her cell and looked up towards Lily with a bit of a sneer.
"I didn't 'bewitch' anyone, Benjamin is my boyfriend." She kept herself relaxed and calm-headed, she didn't need to explode and show she was dangerous. "I never 'fed' off him, let alone feast. We've kissed only a handful of times."
She looked down towards the floor again, closing her eyes with a small breath. "I don't even know if you guys can 'starve' me, I don't even know if I 'feed' the same as any Succubus."

Gaia moved to fan her wings back in and gave a large yawn with a rumbled growl underneath, moving to curl up on the ground with a small purr as she fell asleep again.
Frosiien gave a big grin as Andy mentioned he loved her, moving to give him a gentle kiss on the cheek before Nygari gave a small chuckle. Frosiien looked over towards her mother with a puzzled look. "What's with the laugh?" She asked with a frown.
"It's nice to see you finally happy." Nygari said with a tilt of her head, "After Stewart-"
"Please don't talk about him." Frosiien cut her mother off before she looked towards the shrine. "Come on, the gates almost open."

Saveri grinned to Chifferi, "I'm just so happy you're here!" He said as he spun quickly, fluttering around his entire shrine before he quickly flew past everyone.
Anylia looked up slowly towards Penalopy as she lead Mindy over. "It's nice to meet you." She said gently, "My name is Anylia. Brock is my Guardian." She used her psychic abilities to lift the small Bonsly up from the ground to Mindy gently.

"I got a bit distracted." She said with a grin as she stepped aside to show off her new red and white ruffled dress. She gave a small spin, "I had to visit an old friend of mine." She said before she looked over to see Niccia and darted over to her, lifting her up into a hug.
Niccia squeaked with a grin and let herself be spun around with Ilias. "Ili, this is Michael. My boyfriend."
Ilias stopped and stared towards Michael with widened eyes. "Oh my gosh!" She said as she moved and gripped his hands happily. "You're so lucky!"

The shadows around Gavin seemed to twist as a figure slipped out of them and wrapped her arms tightly around the Mewtwo.
"Good morning Gavvie~" The Giratina cooed as she leaned against him, Robin gave a laugh-like Hoot as she placed Sparky on her legendarys' shoulder and walked towards Timothy carefully.
"It's a pleasure to meet one of my own kind." She said with a bow of her head, "I hope you are okay?"
Ari gave a small sigh, "Dia used to speak of someone called Josh. I wonder if it was the same person." She said before she looked to Benjamin with a weak smile. "Thank you." She started, "Thank you for helping Ray, thank you for wanting to help Dia." She said before she looked back to the ceiling slowly and breathed out, feeling the air enter and exit her lungs without a second thought.

She hesitated before she sat up suddenly and moved to grab her chest.
"My chest!" She started, "My lungs! I could feel air!"

Sara walked along the corridors, she couldn't sleep. She watched everything as she walked by, counting the room numbers as they went up.
She sighed and stopped in one of the hallways and just leaned against the walls with her head down. Her head was full of thoughts and she couldn't think properly, she just wanted a nice night of sleep after a good day.
Duncan stared at the male before he spoke and stepped aside to let him in. He moved to close the door and pressed his head against the door as he closed his eyes.
"Harry please..." He uttered to mainly himself, "Be safe. Come back to me." He pulled away as he breathed in slowly, trying to pull himself together before he headed back into the lounge to lean against the doorframe.

Dante watched Mitch carefully, the tips of his teal hair flickering red for a second as the young Shifter observed the newcomer.
"They won't be alone." He said as he replied to Mitch's comment, even if it wasn't towards him. "They'll have the help of Duncan, Axel, Lydral and myself."

Freya looked up to Mitch as he stepped to her, flinching a little as the boys both leaned away from her.
"I... Don't think so." She said as she listened to his words, "Once I get to the open ocean I'll be able to get it removed properly, closing the wound will work enough." She continued with a weak smile, "Thank you."

Krys stared down Steph with a serious look on her face.
"Then, in that case." Krys started. "We'll starve you." Steph raised her eyebrow, "You're obviously a succubus, which means you'll need love to survive. And we had intel of you having a human under your control so without your preferred food source, you'll starve." She pulled out a timer from her pocket and clicked it before moving to hang it on a small hook on the outside of Stephs' room.
"Hopefully you had your fill before we took you." Krys said as she walked off slowly.

Rose struggled at being dragged to a cage, feeling her legs being twisted back. She let out a yell and a groan as she was moved. She wasn't listening to Lilys' words before she was thrown rather hard into her cage.
She hit the wall and slid to the ground before she flexed her legs out slowly, moving to tap her legs against the glass almost instinctively.
She breathed in slowly and closed her eyes, pulling her knees to her chest. "I just have to show them I'm not trouble." She said to herself, moving to lean her forehead against her knees. "Do this for Rudrig. For Freya."

Krys walked past the large glass tank as she headed towards the employees area. A shadowy figure followed from behind a few of the plants growing at the bottom before moving to double back to the middle of the tank again.
A frilled fin slowly stuck up out of the plants as the creature continued to swim in a circle.
I love her, a precious baby.
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