Avatar of SporkoBug


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7 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
7 days ago
10 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
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16 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
20 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

Ray listened to Benjamin carefully and gave a small frown at his words.
"That's..." She started as she looked around, noticing that no nurses seemed to be around them, she lowered her voice just in case. "That's terrible. I've... never had that before." She looked at her hands and her lips trembled. "That.... bitch." She uttered out loud angrily.

Dia looked up as she heard Ray swear out loud, she looked to Ari and moved to stand beside her quickly, gripping her arm with her hand.
"Stay calm." She whispered to Ray as they were now in the messhall, "We don't need them thinking you're lashing out now do we?"
"I... remember taking the meds." Ray started hesitantly, "I remember... Pain and then I woke up in the med bay. I couldn't hear or see Ari or Dia." She continued as she looked up to the mess hall and scrunched her nose. "I hate this place." She managed to mumble to herself.

Ari floated around Dia happily, babbling happily to her, just out of earshot of Benjamin and Ray. Dia gave a laugh at something her friend had said and started to speak slowly, Ari stopping and listening carefully.
Ari's face seemed to scrunch before she gave a small nod and suddenly floated away. Dia watched her leave before she tucked her hands behind her back and headed off towards the mess hall as well, keeping close to Benjamin and Ray.
Varina laughed at Andy's words, "Just because you can understand me doesn't mean I can't still do that to Gavin." She said as she grinned to him, before they stood beside Michael and Niccia, Varina looked straight at Lecrero. At first, the Arceus wasn't paying attention to herself and Andy, listening to what Michael had to say.

"I understand your concern." Lecrero said smoothly towards Michael, "I do not expect you to understand the logic. It is not for the logic of Humans, but for the way that the Pokemon World remains full." He took a pause, his eyes moving to Andy before he locked eyes with Varina. He straightened himself up before he looked back to Michael, his tone and stature now different.
"While Gavin and Niccia are still alive, I doubt either of them will want to return to the Pokemon only life since they've had a taste of Human life. It has happened before with a couple of other Legendaries."

Saveri looked to Mindy as he seemed to notice her confusion.
"The Swords of justice!" He pointed out the four newer legendaries, before pointing to Yalgai and her brothers, "The creation trio." He them pointed at the three djiin. "That's the Forces of nature!"

Xapher looked around, his eyes widened. He couldn't pick who he wanted to see first, but he saw Saveri and the two Divas around a human. He hopped over to them happily and moved to hug Penalopy and Anylia gently.
"My friends! It's been forever!"

Yalgai gave her brothers a gentle grin, "How dare you insinuate that I would do anything bad~" She said teasingly, "I am just waiting for my friend mainly." She looked over as she saw the swords of justice enter and grinned as Xapher bounced along, her eyes catching Ezzars' as she bowed her head gently.

Seth followed his gaze before he looked back to Tanter with a small smile, letting go of Dausiin as he rubbed the back of his neck wit an embarrassed smile.
"Right, my apologies." He said as he looked around, he noticed the humans and then to Niccia and Gavin. He had seen them before, but he couldn't pinpoint who they were.
Lydral gave a small shrug to Mitch as he seemed to speak to him, he wasn't going to lower himself to speak to such an angered human. Dante on the other hand furrowed his brow and gave a small sigh.
"Nurics are an alien race." He started, getting a glare from Lydral as he watched Mitch carefully, "What we bring to the table is speed, strength and elemental bending. Humans of course have this ability too, well, very rarely. Usually due to Mage or Nuric blood within their bloodline." Lydral rolled his eyes.
"Now we're going to get a history lesson." Lydral sad with a sneer before Dante ignored him.
"As for the gun, I believe it is probably already finished but Lydral is making it seem like it isn't so he doesn't have to give it to someone that isn't himself." Dante continued before he looked to Mitch, "I appreciate your skeptical outlook on us, but I assure you that myself, Harriet and Axel are here to help. Lydral on the other hand I can't assure anything as he's a slippery bastard."
Lydral rolled his eyes slightly at Dante's words, feigning being insulted before Dante turned to face Benjamin and Mike.

"I am aware you two are wanting to help." Dante said as he moved to face them properly, "But Mitch is right about this mission being very dangerous. Harriet cares for you two and I would hate to have her hurt because her friends are hurt." He continued, "I'm not sure that there is anything you can do to help, but I will try my hardest to make sure you two are in on the operation as much as we can safely allow. Is that okay?"

Rose looked around the room slowly before Eva pushed her in, she stumbled slightly and her extra legs caught her quickly before she heard the words and looked around the room again.
She took in all of the iron wielding and the bed. She stepped towards the bars quietly, moving to touch them before she attempted to bend them slightly.
Her extra legs twitched and moved to climb the bars, moving from the wall to the ceiling with ease, four strings of webbing following after her. She blinked as her eyes were blurring in and out.

She felt herself lose her footing as she sprung herself towards the bed, managing to just land before her head started to spin. Was it hunger or was it something else?

Steph looked at the room as Lily showed it to her, she hesitated before she gave a small smile.
"It's... Definitely red." She said weakly, obviously it was based off what species they thought she was. "It's gorgeous though." She looked to the shelves hesitatingly. "Will I... Get any books?" She asked hopefully, looking to Lily as she stepped into the room properly.
Her wings fanned out slowly, her horns glistening a soft blue as she looked around.
I wasn't that she didn't like the colour red, but it never really helped her mood.
"It's very... Lavish." She said with a hallowed laugh, "Definitely something I've never really seen before. Definitely higher price than my old squaller before the agency."

Gaia properly lifted herself up, trying to fan out her wings fully before she let out a low rumble as a yawn.
She wanted out of this glass cage, but she was aware she needed to be good to get out of here.
"I am hungry." She spoke out loud, "Will I be moved soon?"

Daz looked up at the agent, a maniac grin on his face as blood dripped down the edges of his mouth and down his chin. He held his hands out to his sides, a sign of he wouldn't attempt any harm to anyone.
"I would love to see you try." He managed to get the words out, they sounded half garbled and covered in liquid. "I've been killed before, the shadows will allow me to rise once more."
Ari gave Benjamin a smile as he said she could speak, she looked to him before she heard footsteps behind them and her eyes widened.
"Dia! Ray!" She gasped before she floated over to their friends, embracing Dia quickly, not going through her.
Dia gave a small smile towards Ari and looked to Benjamin.

"You should really get to the mess hall." She said, looking to Ray after a moment, "Both of you."
Ray looked to Dia, hesitating as she wanted to say something before she headed over to Benjamin with a weak smile.
"Its good to see you again." She said with a slightly croaky, raspy voice. She hadn't properly spoken to anyone other than the nurse and Dia over the last day.
Noble looked towards Trevor as he said they'd catch up.
"We're not... going to help or wait for them?" He asked in mild confusion before he sighed and gave a bit of a nod. "Right, Okay." He said as Comet swayed on her feet impatiently. She twitched her wings, she wanted to fly. She wanted to bolt into the air and show off, but she knew she wasn't supposed to, and it would knock Noble off, much like Duncan and his horse.

Rai looked over to Linda and Meria when they spoke before she gave a small nod. Ark lifted her head as she heard their words, looking at the sky before she looked over towards the treeline to see the nearby meadow. "Not too far." The dragon hummed before she looked to Mercury. "Are you alright little one?"

Mercury jumped slightly as he was spoken to, the humans on his back able to feel the tremble down his spine. He nodded hesitantly before he lowered his head again. He looked to his paw with a bit of a whine, getting a gentle pat on his neck by Ricki.
Ricki leant down and gently stroked at his scales. "We'll have a look at that once we're settled." She said to him quietly.

Orian suddenly dove down below the trees, folding his wings in with ease. He knew this forest well, he had grown and trained through here. He just hoped that at least one person would still have remained after the-
Something sped past him, a small rock. A warning shot, of course.
Orian sent a message to Damien as his human nodded, standing on his dragons back as he wrapped the reigns on the harness before he leapt into the trees as Orian stopped in a small clearing covered by trees.

The stoney statue watched Orian carefully, not moving until told otherwise, or if there was any sign of trouble.
Damien landed in the tree next to the figure and swung, the figure leaping back before swinging towards the male quickly, both of them locked in a general standstill in hand to hand combat, hidden in the leaves of the trees.
Varina looked towards Andy before she nodded, looking towards Lecrero as Niccia and Gavin stood around him, with Michael beside Niccia and someone new. She hesitated before she looked back to Andy again before she looked him up and down before she looked towards Frosiien with a big grin.
"You big cheeky frozen farfetch'd!" She said cheekily before she turned towards Andy again, "I'm so glad you can understand us!"

Hyia looked towards Michael suddenly as she was spoken to, she moved the egg in her other arm to stabilize it as she moved to rub the back of her head.
"I'm technically The New Mewtwo." She said with a sheepish smile, "Now that Gavin is adventuring, I have to take his space in the cave. Father tends to make sure we don't linger too long from our spots or humans get suspicious." Hyia lifted the egg in her arms gently. "This will end up becoming the New Mew while Niccia since Niccia is travelling. But we couldn't properly form them in time so Father made an egg for me to look after as my first test."

Anylia smiled softly, "A many of us legendaries are technically counted as Bilingual, but its' a lot easier when we can talk in our native language with humans. It's a very rare gift, well... It is if you're out in public, here however its pretty standard." She laughed before Saveri floated over to her and floated around Mindy happily.
"More people are coming!" He called out happily.

Xaphar stumbled through the portal as he followed his adopted family, falling into the back of Voltar. He pulled back with a stumble as his blue hair shone in the sky.
"Sorry!" He squeaked before he looked around, his eyes widening at the sight of everyone else around them. "Oh wow!"

Yalgai grinned sweetly as she saw her brothers, excusing herself and headed over towards them with open arms.
"Han, Gath. A pleasure to see you again~ I hope you can forgive our.. previous encounters." She said with a bit of a giggle.
Dausiin giggled at Tanters words, "Don't be silly, Seth is-"
"-Completely human." Seth added as he moved to grab Dausiin and covered his mouth. He smiled and bowed his head towards Tanter, "It's a pleasure to meet you, I never thought I'd manage to get a glimpse of legends like you, but now I'm meeting them!" He laughed as he shot a glare at Dausiin.
Ari nodded to Benjamins words, "Yeah, maybe if I don't focus on it." She repeated before she looked around, trying to see if she could spot Dia somewhere. Her smile slowly disappeared as she couldn't see her soul friend, before she turned her attention back to Benjamin. "I can't talk to you when we're in the mess hall." She said, mainly reminding herself rather than Benjamin.

Ray gave a small smile towards the nurse, bowing a thank you before slipping out of the medical bed and headed off to her room.
She was focused on the floor before she ran into Dia. Ray looked up and blinked, "D...Dia??" She asked with a tilt of her head, "You're... Alive?!"
Dia moved to cover Rays' mouth and slowly headed off towards Rays' bedroom. "Shh." She shushed quietly, "Its' a long story."
Duncan looked to Mike with a grim frown, "Well," He started, "Harriet can very well lose her humanity." He continued with a glance away from Mike, towards Freya for a moment before he moved to leave the bathroom. "Memopaths are known for going... Overboard, with things." He explained as he walked out into the hallway as he looked back to Mike with a weak smile. "Mostly Memopaths are male, because... That's just how their species is. Female Memopaths are rare and... very Powerful, as; and I hate to say it, Females are very emotive when they need or want to be. So an Angered Female Memopath is almost as twice as bad as at least Three Male Memopaths."

Lydral looked towards Mitch as he spoke to Benjamin and he gave a bit of a smirk.
"He can sit out with Duncan, I'd rather not get either of them injured and they'll just get in the way. As you said." He turned his attention to Mitch with a raised eyebrow as he asked about the gun.
"Well, We're onto our final prototype now, and so far this version doesn't start to eat at the user." Lydral started as he kicked his feet back up, Dante staring at him angrily.

"I would say we'd have it at least in a week." He said, closing his eyes and tossing his head back towards the ceiling. "Of course, you'll have to prove yourself worthy of even looking at the gun."
Dante moved to sit by Benjamin now, his temper was starting to slip and he didn't want to be by his half-brother while he was talking.

Rose supported her spare legs on the assistant carefully as they walked towards the elevator. She didn't reply to the assistant as she spoke to her, her head was spinning now as she felt her entire body ache and scream for food.

Steph looked to Lily as she started to talk to her, "Food?" She asked before she furrowed her brow to think, "If you're asking about allergies I... don't really have any, not that I know of at least. As for preferences I'm... Pretty neutral on a lot of food." She gave a small laugh before she shook her head, "I could go for some curly fries though, I haven't had them in ages."

Gaia watched them all leave and moved to settle on the ground as she waited for her body to wake properly. She was going to be moved soon, yes? And this room will be to her 'liking', that's what they said. Was it an open cave? Probably not, but it might be to her liking in terms of human rooming.
She looked to the ceiling as she thought she heard thunder, Harriet. She thought before she looked towards the door and drooped her ears, "Ethan." She thought, almost longingly.

Daz looked over to the agents, he stayed quiet as they asked for his name, Blood dripping from his mouth and nose.
He didn't move, he thought about lifting his arms, but that would be too much effort for the little amount of energy he had remaining.
"Daz." He managed to croak, he started to cough again, covering his mouth with his hands, more tissue came out.
How was he alive? This would have killed any normal human.
Frosiien chuckled at Andy's words about his team, "They seem like good friends." She said with a small nod.
As he spoke to Varina, Frosiien held her breath. Varina slowly lifted herself out of her keystone, looking around before she seemed to shudder.
"They.... Won't hurt me wi...will they?" She asked, looking towards Frosiien as she knew she could understand her. Frosiien only looked to Andy to answer with a small smile.

Mitch nodded at Benny's words, looking between the two Pokemon with a small smile.
"They're both learning something new from this. And we'll be along for the ride." He said with a bit of a grin, he had relaxed around these Pokemon. They were good Pokemon, even if Merlin was a bit of a Jerk.

As Lecrero pulled his hand away from Michaels, he looked to the two of them before he looked to Hyia. "Hyia, how do you like your older siblings?" He asked, Hyia flinched at his words and straightened up a little bit.
"They... seem nice." She started, looking to Niccia with a bit of a smile, "They don't seem like bad people, but they're still new to me so I can't really answer the question." She had an awkward smile before Gavin stood beside Niccia and Michael.

"It's a get together mainly." Anylia said, speaking in her native tongue in hopes that Mindy can understand now. "There's usually nothing serious unless an argument starts up. Which, given the amount of siblings arrive, happens a little bit." She said with a small chuckle.

Dausiin grinned as he moved to wriggle out of the males grip and spun around him happily.
"This is my new friend! I met him a month or so ago!" He said as he pushed the male towards the two other legendaries.
The man skidded along with a weak smile, holding out his hand with worry in his eyes. "After.." he glanced to the sky and watched the dusk coloured sky above them, "...Noon? My name is Seth." He introduced himself, "Dausiin was in trouble once and I saved him and he hasn't left me alone since."

Nygari gave a small bow of her head towards Tanter, "Absolutely not a problem young one." She said with a weak smile before she turned back to her cutlery.
Illias looked around as she stepped away from Illios, looking around as she saw Prez and Thundurk talking to each other.
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