Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

4 hrs ago
Current SOMEONE (Lexi) has convvinced me to try my paws at group dming with my Dino-based Horrorish idea, so Look out for that!
1 like
4 days ago
gargling wildly at wanting more roleplays.
5 days ago
House move was a success, now we just gotta set everything back up again and I can get back to art properly.
13 days ago
GOD I have idea's for dino-horror and I can't pull myself to advertise it because I'm anxiety
20 days ago
Husband got me sick and everything sucks aaaaaaaaaaa


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

Nygari's neck hair prickled at the mention of an injured human, instinctively she looked over to where Frosiien was before looking for her other children. Her attention was brought to Michael as he walked over to their little spot, she release her grip on Lytse if the Cyndaquil wished to meet his trainer.

Niccia nodded as Michael left, looking back to Vatier gently and moved to grasp his hands; which caused the other legendary to gasp and look up to Niccia. "I promise." Niccia started, moving to pull a small part of ribbon from her pocket.
"Niccia, wait-" Vatier started softly, Niccia moving to tie their hands together before she closed her eyes.
"I promise to get your little ones back." She said as the ribbon suddenly shimmered and disappeared into a small amount of sparkles. "Now, I can't- and won't- break this promise."
Vatier looked to Niccia and furrowed his brow, he knew it was dangerous for her to do this. He wondered if she ever showed Michael this as well. "Be careful, don't do this for everything." He said sternly.

Puthuuna slowly made her way down the tree, grabbing onto the last branch before dropping down.
"I'm glad Father is better." She said, the Mushurna floating from Frosiien over into the Cresselia's arms, almost like a comfort animal. She glanced over towards Andy and looked him over, tilting her head slightly before she glanced to Frosiien.
"He's safe." Frosiien said with a smile, "Andy, this is Puth. Puth, this is Andy; My... Boyfriend."
Puths' cheeks suddenly deepened in colour at the mention and looked between Andy and Frosiien.

Gavin looked over the group as Harcu spoke, he glanced to him as he mentioned about offspring.
"It would be nice to see what everyone else has..." He said, furrowing his brow at his words for a moment, "You know what I mean." He looked to his feet and shook his head, "I wish I had an offspring, It feels nice to have the idea of having little ones."

Belle smiled, bowing her head to Mindy and allowed to be lead over to the food. She glanced around slowly, taking a headcount of who was here. "Hm. It looks like everyone is here?"
No dont apologise! I absolutely dont mind waiting at all!
You're writing is fantastic and i cant wait to get into the thick of things!

I'll try to post within the next couple days, I'm babysitting tomorrow and I'm away from my pc today.
Argrean was almost pleasantly surprised that Richard said he could visit any time, he knew Emmerdale would be more than happy to meet with the humans on any whim that she could think of, or simply even just going to dote on Fenn whenever she wanted to.
"Well if you wouldn't mind," Argrean spoke, choosing his words carefully. "If you wish to take Fenn back with you now, Emmerdale and I would love to have dinner at yours?" He offered with a soft smile, well, a soft smile for him at least.

Fenn listened to his father, and at the mention of him going back with Richard his ears drooped backwards, but he glanced to his dad at the mention of his mother coming. He hoped having his mother there would allow a more... calming atmosphere, as she was someone who could command a softer air around her.

"And of course," Argrean started again, catching Fenn off guard, "The Queens can talk over the preparations for the wedding, which I believe you said you were happy to have in your gardens?" He tilted his head slightly, "Of course the wedding won't take long to plan and could possibly be ready within... a week?"
Fenn gave a short nod at King Richards response to him, although he knew that the King didn't really care. None of the other royals that have have council with the Fae of his Kingdom, never really cared.
Fenn looked away from the Kings before he glanced back to Anthony and noticed his sympathetic look. He gave a weak smile to the other prince as he listened to the Kings again.

Argrean turned back to Richard as he settled his anger towards his son, He feigned a smile as the Human King spoke.
"Yes, I do believe we are done with everything here, so to speak." Argrean said with a cross of his arms. "Unless you were wanting the women to meet here instead of at your castle? I would like to see where you rule from, but I don't want to push myself in anywhere."
That was a lie. Argrean wanted to know every single secret of the Human Kingdom, in order to topple it in case they ended up against him.

Fenn glanced to his father as he mentioned the Queens simply as 'women', he felt a bubble of anger crackle through his feathers as he wanted to stand up for his mother, biting his tongue because he knew that Argrean would slam into him if he dared interrupt once more.
No don't apologies for taking time! Life gets busy for everyone <3

And yes, I want to beat his fucking ass up.
You'll adore Emmerdale though, she's the opposite of her husband ahaha.
Harry probably has at least one of their headphones in.
And I'd say it's possibly our level technology today? With some things having more of a magical powering instead of normal electricity, if that makes sense?
Oh my god I love them??? They look so pretty uwu
No need to apologize! Please take your time, life takes first <3
No no! Don't apologise!

Its my dads birthday tonight so i'm stuck with family anyway ahaha
He's a free spirited doofus. A good bean.
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