Avatar of SporkoBug


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3 days ago
Current gargling wildly at wanting more roleplays.
4 days ago
House move was a success, now we just gotta set everything back up again and I can get back to art properly.
12 days ago
GOD I have idea's for dino-horror and I can't pull myself to advertise it because I'm anxiety
19 days ago
Husband got me sick and everything sucks aaaaaaaaaaa
26 days ago
ko-fi.com/alienstrayart/com… Added Full-Body commissions to my Ko-Fi! (Replies will come soon, promise <3 )


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

April nodded at Mike's words, "I would like if you could." She said, "If he'd like to meet with me first before anything, please give him my number. I'm open to most calls, I don't sleep a lot these days; fielding calls from all three realms."
"Plus dealing with Grymm when they come to see us for things, so technically all four realms." Jack added, April gripped the bridge of her nose in response.

"I can ask Luci...fer-" She hesitated on the idea of calling her 'Lucy', "-And Adam to be on stand-by. Lucifer would be happy to hear that we know where she is, even if theoretically, and Adam... I'll pull some strings and probably get him some more 'followers'."
"You'll get him another Harem of men?" Jack replied without a pause, causing April to swallow heavily and hit Jacks' arm. "What?! I'm just stating what would be happening."

As soon as Gaia's door was open, the stench of blood flooded the air in the doorway, and almost immediately flooded the entire hallway.
As soon as the door was closed, there was no movement from Gaia from under her structure, only the very small movement of her breathing.

After about three minutes of nothing from Gaia, three pairs of deep red eyes opened in the darkness and slowly stared over towards the goat.

Steph yawned as she exited her room and was hit by the blood smell and gagged heavily, closing her eyes for a moment as she tried not to properly vomit.
She slowly made the connection to where it came from and saw the underling moving away from Gaia's room and felt her tail flick angerily.
Steph moved her hand quickly, pulling the underling towards her with shadows and gripped them in front of her.
"What did you do to her?!"
Niccia gently reached out and took the pokeball from Arceus, she looked down to Eros with a small smile as Arceus gave his blessing. "Thank you, Father." She said gently, "He'll be safe with us." Arceus nodded gently at Niccia and Michaels' words before he glanced over towards Andy and Benny with a small smile.

Arceus moved his hand, quickly summoning a small sized barrel in his hand before offering it to Andy. "A request from your little companion, it may not seem like a lot, but it's deeper than it looks." He winked to Benny as he waited for Andy to take it from him.

Frosiien returned to Andy's side and looked at the little barrel keg and gave a laugh.
"Mead?" She asked over to Benny as she moved to take the barrel for Andy instead. "One of Fathers special little long-end Kegs." She tilted it in her hands, "You're in for a good amount of drink, Powders."
Yeah of course, that works. Her powers are mainly to stop his hindered mental state.
I thought I'd leave Dia's magic working or not up to you, aince this world is mainly your idea and I didnt want to step on toes. I know people dont nelieve in it but I wasnt sure if you were up for Dia being able to actually do anything.
Dia nodded as she listened to Marc, especially when he mentioned it wasn't easy.
"Is there more than one person who ends up diagnosing them?" She asked after a moment, "I also don't see a lot of people... Interacting with the patients? Sure they might not seem like they're in the best mindset but... People need to be spoken to."

She spotted Benjamin and her heart pounded, she walked over to him slowly. She took a moment to sit on the arm of the couch and moved to run her hand through his hair. She closed her eyes to stop herself from crying that he was zoinked out like that.
She focused on if she could catch a bit of her magic, she hadn't touched it in forever, so she wasn't even sure if she had any left. She just wanted to make him feel better, to uncloud his mind from the drugs effects.
The agents both flinched as Ethan suddenly spoke, they looked to him with weak smiles.
"Of course." The first one said, "She helped us a lot." The second one stayed silent as they watched Ethan walk off, relaxing slightly before breathing out shakily.

"He looks angry." The second one said, the first one nodded once.
"Why would he be so angry? He fights these sort of beasts with us... right?" The first asked with a raised eyebrow.

Jack only gave a smile at Mike's words, "Then we can do that! Right April?" He asked as April sipped on her drink softly, giving a bit of a sigh as she listened to Benjamins words.
"We can try, yes." April said calmly, "Human will be easy to communicate with than what we tried with the Fae-"
"Oh that was bullshit." Jack said with a frown, for a moment his ears rippled into view for a brief second before he sighed, "They have to have specific stupid contacts that have to not have loopholes because otherwise they will use them."

April frowned slightly, "Surely if the head of Hell wishes to come and make amends with humans, giving them the permission to remove rampant demons- Because yes we do have ones that we need to get back to Hell; usually ones with sins that need to be accounted for." She continued, moving to rub her temples, "Hell we could even give them funds to hunt them down for us. And I'm sure Adam would offer a hand for help with fallen Angels from Heaven."
"Oh god can we not get Adam involved? He's an asshole to me." Jack said with a sigh, "He likes you because you're Lilith's daughter, which makes you his family too but I don't think he agrees with us."

"He can get over it." April said with a frown, "I can make some calls," She looked back towards the boys quietly, "if you think they'll listen, I can arrange it. A Peace Treaty to attempt to get Gaia and Steph back."

Steph jolted up slightly, she hesitated as she realized it was the morning before she grumbled and slipped from bed. She didn't really notice the changes that had happened to her overnight.
Her stomach rumbled for a moment and she gripped it, a strange pain came from her uterus. A period? She hoped it was that and not another type of hunger that she couldn't control.
Arceus stayed silent for a moment, he looked to Niccia and Michael as they spoke, before he looked to Lytse as he spoke up. He stayed quiet before he gave a small smile, moving to place Sparky down before gently moving to lift Eros up gently.
"Is this what you'd like?" He asked his son quietly, Eros nodded almost immediately at his fathers words before Arceus smiled and moved to give Eros a gently kiss on his forehead before offering him to Niccia, who took him without a question. The Pokemon God then moved to gently lift Benny from his arm and onto his hand, moving to offer him to Andy with a soft smile.
"You have lovely Pokemon." He said calmly, "I would love to have you back for StarFall next time it happens."

Arceus returned to Michael and Niccia once more, "Please take care of Eros. As he is my only blood, I give you permission to hold him in a Pokeball." Arceus moved to clasp his palms together, a light flickering in between his palms before he opened them to reveal a Pokeball that resembled a premier ball, but instead of red, it was his golden-yellow colour. "Be good Eros, grow strong. Make me proud."

Frosiien looked to Jirachi with a soft smile and nodded, offering her hand for him to shake before he left. "If you ever need help with anything, I'm here for you." She said before she looked towards Mindy, before she reached into her hair and seemed to pluck something, pulling out a small feather shaped crystal. "It's not a summon item, but if Mindy ever needs my help. Please tell her she can whisper into this and I will be there immediately."
There was a couple agents in the hallway of the new agency, both of them were talking in a low voice; to ensure not to wake any of the ones who were on night watch. Harriet seemed to be the subject between them at the moment, from the whispers of "That alien girl" and "Where do you think she went?" "Surely they want to capture her as well?"

"No I understand why they would want to do it." April agreed with Mike with a small nod, "Demons are still negatively seen. Not to sound... Speciest, but Humans tend to stick to what they know of the past." She sighed for a moment as she leaned back.
Their food and drinks were brought to them by two waiters, who at first, seemed to be normal humans, but as they got closer; their skin was slightly more red than a normal human and their ears were slightly pricked. They were obviously lower demons, but they blended in well enough to seem like humans.

"Thank you~" Jack said with a wide grin, taking his plate from the Waiter and happily grinned at his waffles. If his tail was in view, it would be aggressively wagging, which would be hitting April, which would make her angry.
April listened to Mike as he continued to talk as the food came, her eyebrows furrowing at the mention of Diplomatic relations with Harriets' kind.
"Theoretically." April started, looking past Benjamin and Mike, partially ignoring the mention of Gaia, "If we could get them to have a diplomatic relation with demons, and possibly angels, would that help both sides?"
Jack looked to April hesitantly, "You're really going to ask Lu to meet a human? A human who captured her granddaughter?" He asked, April gritted her teeth.
"If we need, I will find a way." April said determinedly. "She's my Aunt, I can get her to listen."

Jack shrugged softly, "If you think she'll listen to you then sure, I'll be behind it." He continued, "As long as we can get married faster, I don't mind."
"And you care for Stephanie." April said, "That's the real reason you're helping."

Gaia felt her spine twist slightly, more scales dropping to the floor as she let out a low rumble; she felt like spines grow through her nerves and broke through her skin, the blood slowly dripping down the side of her body and dripped into the floor. Gaia quivered as she felt the bones in her arms twist and moved, cracking and splitting almost in half.

The muscle and scale slowly started to form over the new appendages, but not before the ground was soaked in her dark red, nearly purple, blood. Gaia felt her neck stretch slightly before she let out a loud roar as the extra eyes slowly formed in her skull as it twisted to accommodate them. The roar echoing through her room and through the link between her and Ethan.
Her vision was still black and blurry, as the blood stopped flowing from the formed openings, she started to see a bit. It was very blurry and stained red from the blood.

"I think I'm alive..." Gaia heaved, unaware of the link still being open, "I feel... sore. Weird. Things are numb and there's a stench of blood..."
Dia was surprised he took the lie, she felt a tingle down her spine. The ability to lie like this and have people take her word for it wasn't something she had experienced for a while. Well, a while was definitely an understatement for the... once dead princess.
Part of her wondered if she still had her magic, but she didn't want to try it, not now, not here.

She gave a short nod to Marc as he spoke. "I would love to tail you!" She said with a small smile. "I don't believe I saw the common room, I just sort of got pushed on to Sara as she walked passed. I wasn't aware she wasn't officially staff." She continued, feigning a confused look, "She has a uniform though?"
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