Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

3 days ago
Current gargling wildly at wanting more roleplays.
4 days ago
House move was a success, now we just gotta set everything back up again and I can get back to art properly.
12 days ago
GOD I have idea's for dino-horror and I can't pull myself to advertise it because I'm anxiety
19 days ago
Husband got me sick and everything sucks aaaaaaaaaaa
26 days ago
ko-fi.com/alienstrayart/com… Added Full-Body commissions to my Ko-Fi! (Replies will come soon, promise <3 )


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

Hi! I have an itch for an idea that has been in my head over the next few days and apparently it's not leaving ahaha!
Firstly, Hi! My name is Sporko, or Bugg! I'm nonbinary and have... 14? years of semi to full literate roleplay experience!
I have a few rules for my roleplay partners, nothing too massive.
1) No smut, I will do fade to black and possibly foreplay up to the act; but I will not do smut. Please do not force it on me.
2) Just let me know if you're gonna disappear for a bit, Life comes first and I am entirely patient.
3) Talk to me about the plot! Tell me your ideas, we'll work together to make it fun for both of us!

[i][b]Please note this is a fantasy, Sci-Fi, Paranormal-Supernatural, Eldritch Horror sort of roleplay.[/i][/b]
This is set in a Modern era, in a medium-to-large town of Axemouth. The city spreads from a small beach inlet to a large inland lake, and is mostly woodland around the city itself.
The city seems to be plagued by... Not exactly normal activity. But no one really wants to get rid of it, and the people of Axemouth are just used to it by now.

Within the city, there's a small company that looks after those who are affected from said activity; It's a Detective Agency for the most part- Sometimes search and recovery or relocation. They're known as 'The Order', they're well known to the entire town as someone for the people.
One of the better known Detectives there; Damien Elk, has just lost his partner due to something going wrong in the last mission, and now they're looking for a new partner for him (Much to his distaste).

YC will be the one hired for the job, they'll have to be shown the ropes and such; learning from Damien as much as he can show them.
They'll learn a deeper understanding to this town, they'll learn secrets that must be kept, they will meet species they'd never expect to.
Hell, if they get close enough to Damien, they might find out what happened to his partner, and possibly even more about the 'top detective' in the Agency itself.

Loose things about Damien Elk.
Male, 29 years old visibly. He's rather cold to most, but can warm up to those he ends up caring about.
Has a massive secret; will not tell anyone about it.
Has his own house and car, if your character has moved into Axemouth, he will allow them to stay.
He is romanceable(For either Gender), he's just grumpy.

More than happy to plot and plan things for this roleplay! It's rather barebones so we can work together to make it work for both of us! Either PM me or post in this thread!
Steph's cheeks flushed red before she glanced over to Gaia as she seemed to lower her head to look at Lily better.
Gaia's tail swayed gently at the idea of a bigger room, she shook her head at the mention of light bothering her. "Not really." She said, "While I prefer dark places, if Light is needed for a much bigger space, that would be good."

Steph blinked, she wasn't expecting the accommodating side of Lily, she looked to Gaia with a bit of worry. Was she going to bond with this woman due to her kindness? She really hoped not, she worried that would cause problems if they were to escape.
Frosiien looked to Niccia and held her breath for a moment before she looked back to Netherlu.
"Thank you." She said with a small smile as she stepped away from the campsite, heading into the trees a little bit to change forms. Changing felt amazing, she felt free as her wings spanned out, although she did miss having the extra limbs to hold onto things, but she wasn't too phased. She shot herself up into the air quickly, spinning as she exited the trees and fanned her wings out, the air freezing around her feathers as soft snow started to fall around her.
"Fuck, this feels nice~" She said as her tail-feathers quivered happily, before she moved to fly around the forest quickly.

Niccia smiled at Michaels words, "I hope he enjoys being around us, at least." She mused before she listened to everyone around her talk, before she moved to kneel to Eros and gently rubbed his head. "I'm glad we could convince Father to bring you, I have good feelings about being with you."
Harry appeared from his Pokeball and stretched himself out a bit, flexing his paws before he looked over to Michael, Niccia and now Eros, and walked over to them quietly.
"Who's this one?" He asked softly.
"This is Eros, he's Arceus' Son."
Eros gave a weak wave of his hoof and Harry looked to Niccia with a raised eyebrow.
"Arceus'?" He looked back to Eros and swayed his tail, "I wouldn't have expected that old Geezer having a kid but he's cute!"
"I was told we were helping too." Sara said quietly, crossing her arms as she closed her eyes. "Vivian is lying about something to all of us. When I was moved here, things just got worse with my 'illness'. Like I was haunted by something just making my mind much worse." She continued before she shuddered, "The medicine only shut down my normal senses, I still had the horrible feeling of something looming over me. It felt like I had a sleep paralysis demon with me all the time."
She shook her head as she looked up to Marc quietly, "Benjamin isn't insane. Ghosts are real. Ray is- Or, was... Had? People living within her body."

Dia frowned towards Ari gently. "Its okay. You're not fully disappearing. You're still here with us- With me." She said, trying to calm Ari down as she watched Dia carefully.
"Will... Will you disappear?" Ari asked in fear, "If Ray is-"
Dia shook her head, stopping Ari from talking. "We don't fully know that." She said sternly, "But... I think I'm going to be fine. I don't feel any strangeness. I just feel... Solid, real."
"Like all those years ago?" Ari asked, Dia chuckled and nodded.
"Like all those years ago."
Gaia listened to Lily's words and breathed in slowly, moving out of the shadows slowly, arching her wings awkwardly as they hit against the wall and the furniture around her. She stepped into the light of the hallway, that bled into the room.
She was about 1.5 times her old height and her wingspan had easily doubled, her multiple eyes blinked slightly in the light as she moved her duel arms to cover her eyes a little bit.

"I... Don't think I have a metamorphosis." Steph said with a blink, "I'm already kind of... demony, so I don't think I can become more demony?" She was confused, but her attention was mainly on Gaia, trying to make sure she was okay.
Niccia giggled at Netherlu referring to himself in the third person, before she smiled and moved to let out her own Pokemon as well.
Eros stretched slightly, looking around with widened eyes. "Wow!" He said with a grin, "The outside world!"

Frosiien looked over to her 'father' as he walked over to speak to her, now that her lover was busy. She laughed a bit at the question, looking down at her human form with a sigh. "It's easier to travel with them like this." She said, almost avoiding the question, "I think a week or so? Possibly longer. The days blend together sometimes." She sighed a bit, moving to fiddle with her hair. "I'm afraid to leave them alone, in case something bad happens."

Missy shook herself and looked to Michael as he asked her to get firewood with Sparky. She looked to the Joltsodour with a wide grin before the two of them moved and ran off into the forest together.
Niccia gave a small sigh and watched the Fletchling gently. "I hope they get along." She spoke softly, "Merlin is kind-hearted,but he is definitely unsure about being around others."
Sara breathed in as she leaned against the wall, trying to gather herself with everything she knew.
"This place isn't as it seems." She said with a small breath in, as if she was wounded, "I don't fully know the story either. But it's not trying to help people." She didn't look at Marc, she just hoped he believed her.
"Benjamin isn't crazy." Sara explained, "Ray wasn't crazy, I'm not crazy. Its just what Vivian, my aunt, wants you to think."

Ari gave a weak smile as she felt a shiver through her body, "Kinda... Floaty?" She said, looking to Dia. Dia watched her carefully before walking over to her and offered to take her hand, Ari's palm passing right through hers.
"Ari." Dia said with widened eyes, "I'm so sorry."
Niccia watched the older human and Ho-Oh get along, grinning slightly before she looked to Michael as he spoke. She moved to smile at him before he reached for her hand. "I'm very glad." Niccia said before she giggled, "To be fair, Netherlu is one of the ones who are very happy to talk." She glanced to Frosiien as she walked a bit behind her partner and her father, "I couldn't imagine being with the Regi's. Not that they're bad to talk to they just... Don't really talk."

"Camping sounds good." Niccia said with a small smile, she looked to Sparky in her bag. "Wanna get us some fire wood?" She asked, the Joltsodour wriggling out of her sleeping spot and stumbled to the ground with a squeak and a sparkle of glitter. "I assume Netherlu doesn't mind roughing it for a bit longer?" She asked with a smile.
Frosiien stretched slightly before she looked into the sky, part of her wanted to twist forms and take into the air for a night time flight, but she knew she'd need to be here with the humans to keep them safe.
Freya seemed to start to come to her senses as Sammy cuddled into her, she looked to him and gasped, pulling him into a tight hug- Well, as tight as she could do without injuring herself. "My baby boy." She said softly, moving to kiss his forehead. "My little baby boy. I'll get us back to the sea. I promise you."

As the lift doors opened and revealed the guards, Steph flinched. She could see them from where she was in Gaia's doorway, moving quickly to let Lily in as she stared to the ones with the weapons.
Gaia looked around at the mess around her and lowered her ears slightly. "I didn't mean to." She said softly, looking towards Lily as she stepped in the room. She hesitated at the mention of coming forward so she could get a better look at her. "I'm... I don't want to scare you." she said with flattening ears.
Sara shuddered when Marc touched her and spoke to her. "She might as well have at this point if she's not already." She said quietly, "If you want to know what I know, we need to go somewhere out of here, where they're not listening." She knew those words made her sound crazy, but she trusted Marc to believe her. She hoped he believed her.

Dia moved to gently cup Benjamins' face before she frowned and glanced towards the bedroom doorway. "Ari and I... Felt something weird happen." She said quietly, "We don't know if they've... taken her away but, something isn't good." She said, "Ari, come here!"
Ari moved to gently poke her head from the doorway as she looked around. She felt... Ill, something was wrong, her body felt like it was collapsing in on itself.
"Can I... Stay in the bedroom?" She asked, her voice wavered slightly, "I'm not... feeling the best?"
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