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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Arceus stayed silent for a moment, he looked to Niccia and Michael as they spoke, before he looked to Lytse as he spoke up. He stayed quiet before he gave a small smile, moving to place Sparky down before gently moving to lift Eros up gently.
"Is this what you'd like?" He asked his son quietly, Eros nodded almost immediately at his fathers words before Arceus smiled and moved to give Eros a gently kiss on his forehead before offering him to Niccia, who took him without a question. The Pokemon God then moved to gently lift Benny from his arm and onto his hand, moving to offer him to Andy with a soft smile.
"You have lovely Pokemon." He said calmly, "I would love to have you back for StarFall next time it happens."

Arceus returned to Michael and Niccia once more, "Please take care of Eros. As he is my only blood, I give you permission to hold him in a Pokeball." Arceus moved to clasp his palms together, a light flickering in between his palms before he opened them to reveal a Pokeball that resembled a premier ball, but instead of red, it was his golden-yellow colour. "Be good Eros, grow strong. Make me proud."

Frosiien looked to Jirachi with a soft smile and nodded, offering her hand for him to shake before he left. "If you ever need help with anything, I'm here for you." She said before she looked towards Mindy, before she reached into her hair and seemed to pluck something, pulling out a small feather shaped crystal. "It's not a summon item, but if Mindy ever needs my help. Please tell her she can whisper into this and I will be there immediately."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Andy gently took over the Butterfree who seemed as content sitting in Andy's arm as he had looked being carried by Arceus. "They are the best and I'm blessed to have them with me," Andy said, meaning that wholeheartedly. "And I'll gratefully accept your invitation. I'm sure Kim will love to see how the new Mew is doing."
Kim nodded when Andy said that, she'd love to check up on him in due time.

Michael smiled when Arceus agreed the young Eros could join them, it would be nice having him with them. There was a lot to be seen in the world and it would be great to see the wonder of a young creature who never saw any of it.
"We'll take good care of him," Michael promised.

"Before I forget," Andy said, turning to the others. "Mindy is leaving. She asked me to see goodbye on her behalf. She will be going on her own adventure with Jirachi and she'd said she'd text and mail, so Michael, keep an eye on your phone."
"Before I forget," Benny said. "How strong are you? Could you carry, let's say, a keg?"
Andy faced his Butterfree with a confused expression. "What?"

Jirachi took the small crystal and nodded. I'll tell her. Thank you, see you again!" Jirachi waved as he floated back and joined Mindy, who seemed ready to go. She waved at the group before stepping through the portal the other guests had already left through.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 29 min ago

Niccia gently reached out and took the pokeball from Arceus, she looked down to Eros with a small smile as Arceus gave his blessing. "Thank you, Father." She said gently, "He'll be safe with us." Arceus nodded gently at Niccia and Michaels' words before he glanced over towards Andy and Benny with a small smile.

Arceus moved his hand, quickly summoning a small sized barrel in his hand before offering it to Andy. "A request from your little companion, it may not seem like a lot, but it's deeper than it looks." He winked to Benny as he waited for Andy to take it from him.

Frosiien returned to Andy's side and looked at the little barrel keg and gave a laugh.
"Mead?" She asked over to Benny as she moved to take the barrel for Andy instead. "One of Fathers special little long-end Kegs." She tilted it in her hands, "You're in for a good amount of drink, Powders."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

"Nectar!" Benny replied. "I tried mead once, it made my head spin and I couldn't fly straight, but it was tasty." He flew behind Andy and held onto his shoulder as he watched the keg in Frosiiens hands. "But yeah, I really liked the nectar so I asked if I could have some!"
"Like peas in a pod," Andy said, holding his hand out to Benny who slapped it with his wing.

As Michael hoisted his backpack on the shoulders, Netherlu joined them. "Yo Father, fun party as always. I'm leaving with these humans. As long as they're in my-" he glanced to Nygari "-our region I'll keep an eye on them." He smiled with a fire burning behind his eyes. "I'll scorch those that try to harm your boy, but they'll be on their own after they cross the Johto borders. I won't trespass in the regions of the others."

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 29 min ago

"Oh right." Frosiien said with a wide smile before she looked to Andy as he, in a way, high fived Benny. "God you two are cute together." She said with a laugh before she looked over towards Netherlu with a soft smile. "It'll be a nice change to have you around." She said before she looked to Nygari. "Will you be joining us, mother?"
Nygari looked over to Frosiien and shook her head softly, she stayed silent as Netherlu explained what was happening to Arceus.

Arceus looked to the Ho-oh with a soft smile, "Of course." He said with a small smile, "Please be careful not to scorch him because he is a grass type." He laughed before he turned to Michael, "I wish you the safest of travels. Although with Niccia that might be interesting journey." He chuckled before he reached out to gently rub Niccia's head. "She's a good kid, she does have a pretty big journey ahead of her."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

"Thank you," Michael said to Arceus and then turned to the others. "I suppose we'll be on our way then?"
He made sure the backpack was comfortable on his shoulders and looked at the others to see if they were all ready to leave.

"Let's go!" Netherlu said, but took Nygari by the shoulders first. "I'll visit when the business with the humans is done. Shouldn't take long. If you want I'll keep an eye on your daughter as well to make sure she doesn't do anything naughty with the human."
"Excuse me," Andy interjected. "The very handsome human. Thank you."
"That she doesn't do anything naughty with the apparently very handsome human," Netherlu said.
"I'll take it," Andy said to Benny, who nodded in agreement.

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 29 min ago

Eros leapt happily on the spot before he walked to Arceus and gently pressed his head into his fathers leg. "I'll be good papa." He promised before he walked over to Michael again and nodded excitedly. "Where are we heading first?"

Nygari smiled to Netherlu as he took her shoulders, she listened to him with a soft look before she slipped out of his grip and gently wrapped her arms around him as a hug.
Frosiiens' face deepened in colour as Netherlu spoke about her doing 'anything naughty' with Andy. She would be lying if she said she hadn't thought of it, but that wasn't the current plan.
"Be safe." Nygari whispered to Netherlu before she looked to Niccia, "I await to see you again for the Journeys Test. Please be safe, both of you." She looked to Michael as well.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Netherlu returned the hug and gave a final wave to his father and went for the portal.

"I don't know exactly where we're going," Michael said as he followed Netherlu towards the portal, "but it will be a human city. I suppose this will be your first time seeing one of those."
[i]"They can be loud,"[/li] Lytse further explained, "and the bigger a city is the less fresh air you'll smell, but cities have good things as well. Lots of food for instance."

Netherlu stepped through the portal and put his hands on his hips as he looked around, he was now the guide for these humans, taking them to see the injured human he had found and brought away to the care-taking facility.
"Where to?" Andy asked when he joined them.
"I flew in from that direction," Netherlu said, pointing to trees ahead of them. The only paths leading away were on their left and right. "Which one of these paths leads there?"
Andy pulled a map from his backpack and examined it with Netherlu to determine where he had dropped off the human and where he had found him. It turned out Netherlu knew exactly how long he had flown and how he had flown in relation to the sun, but had very little knowledge about a map or a compass and struggled to translate his bird-eye view to the map.
"Too bad none of you can fly," Netherlu said after determining the right path was probably the one leading in the direction he came from. "It would be so much easier."
"We could send our flying Pokémon with you," Michael offered.
"You could, but I'll travel on foot. People get very excited - understandable of course - when they see me, so I try not to fly around too often. Keep it rare and special for them."
Andy turned to Netherlu. "do you really bring eternal happiness to people who see you, or do you only reveal yourself to pure-hearted trainers?"
Netherlu blinked. "No? I mean, who wouldn't be happy when they see me, but eternal happiness? Is that what you humans say about me?"
"Oh, and more things too. For instance, a rainbow forms behind you when you fly," - Netherlu confirmed that, but added it depended on how the light would reflect from his feathers - "That you live on the foot of a rainbow," - Netherlu laughed and said that was physically impossible but he liked the idea - "and indeed the lore mentions eternal happiness for those who see you. So I expect some eternal happiness from you now."
Netherlu took Andy by the shoulder. "You saw me, cherish that memory and you will always be happy when you think of it. Eternal happiness granted."

Andy chuckled and turned to Frosiien. "Do you want to know what humans say about you?"
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 29 min ago

Niccia followed Michael through the portal, as soon as they were out of StarFall, she let out a big sigh and relaxed her shoulders. It was stressful being there for her at the moment, she moved to grab Michael's hand to pull him into a gently hug. She breathed in with her head in his chest and felt her stress slowly fade.

Frosiien watched Andy and Netherlu work with the map before she looked to Niccia and Michael, she gave a smile before she noticed Eros staring to where the portal was. She worried that the little one was already missing his father, Eros looked over to the Articuno and gave a small smile to her, letting her know he was okay.
Frosiien glanced to Andy as he started to talk to Netherlu about what humans thought about him and gave a little chuckle. "Eternal anything would be hard to do, even for us legendaries." She said softly before she looked to Andy as he asked if she wanted to know.
She felt her face flush with slight red before she hesitated. "Yeah, I wouldn't mind knowing?" She said with a tilt of her head.

Niccia pulled away from Michael as she listened to the Adults, her ears twitched gently before she sighed. "Do... Humans have myths about me?" She whispered to Michael, looking up to him with worry in her eyes.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Andy rubbed his chin as he thought about what he had heard about Articuno. "Unfortunately it's not as good as what they say about Ho-oh. One thing people say is that you can make it snow by chilling the moisture in the atmosphere, but they also say you appear to doomed people who are lost in icy mountains. This is not entirely accurate because I was lost and you showed up, but that didn't doom me. You saved me. Some also say your wings are made of ice and that you live in snowy mountains riddled with permafrost." He shrugged. "I don't know how the lore that you only appear to doomed people who are lost came to be, because how can those doomed people say they saw you? I considered seeing you a blessing."

Michael turned to Niccia when she asked her question and nodded. "You are considered the ancestor of Pokémon, because it's said Mew can learn every move. And that you only appear to those people who are pure of heart and have a strong desire to see it." He smiled a bit. "Just like with Ho-oh, I guess we like to flatter ourselves and consider some encounters only possible for the pure of heart." He thought about it. "I think that was it. Some also believed you were extinct because so very few people ever saw a Mew in recent times, but others said you could turn yourself invisible which was the reason for the very few encounters."

Netherlu chucked and put this hands on his hips. "Humans have a great imagination, but they did get some facts right. I'd love to hear more about the others as well, but let's go first. That way!" He made a step, then turned when Andy pointed in the other direction. "Let's go!"
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 29 min ago

Frosiien listened to the stories of what humans thought of her, "Well, I do show up for those who are 'doomed'." She said with a nod, "But I do so in order to help, like I did with you." She looked to Andy with a small smile, "Of course I'm not someone who really wants to make myself known to humans; we've had trouble in the past with humans capturing us and our past selves and the such." She frowned slightly as she crossed her arms, "I know Prezzle is seen as the bringer of Spring and Thundurk is the bringer of Summer." She continued, "I'm said to represent Winter, but honestly the permafrost areas are mainly due to myself honestly."

Niccia looked to Michael as she listened, her cheeks flushed at the idea of her showing up only for the pure of hearts. "I mean, In a way they're correct on the whole 'ancestor of all Pokemon', Arceus started with the 'mythicals', as you guys call us." She shrugged with a small smile, "He's been doing a lot of work over all these years, he needs a rest but he's stubborn." She laughed slightly as she shook her head, she looked over towards Netherlu as he said to head off, before she giggled at his change of direction due to Andy.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Netherlu and Andy led the way, going through the forest. Benny, who decided to be lazy, hand on Andy's shoulder instead of flying around. Kim followed close behind Andy, walking slowly on all fours to match the speed of the humans.
They talked about humans and Pokémon, Netherlu was curious about some behaviours he had observed, and Andy took this opportunity to learn more about Pokémon, and Ho-oh in particular.

"They seem to get along well," Michael commented. It was surprising. Not the fact his uncle was able to socialize easily, but that he was able to do so with Pokémon as well. Legendary Pokémon even. Then again, most of the legendary Pokémon he had met were pleasant to be around. One of them in particular. He opened his hand and moved to take Niccia's hand. They would be walking for a while, and he might as well try to make the walk more pleasant.

When dusk set in, Andy stopped and turned to the others. "Camp time?" he asked. "It should be another hour or two before we reach the edge of the forest, but I don't know if we can reach a Pokécenter before it's really too dark to travel."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 29 min ago

Niccia watched the older human and Ho-Oh get along, grinning slightly before she looked to Michael as he spoke. She moved to smile at him before he reached for her hand. "I'm very glad." Niccia said before she giggled, "To be fair, Netherlu is one of the ones who are very happy to talk." She glanced to Frosiien as she walked a bit behind her partner and her father, "I couldn't imagine being with the Regi's. Not that they're bad to talk to they just... Don't really talk."

"Camping sounds good." Niccia said with a small smile, she looked to Sparky in her bag. "Wanna get us some fire wood?" She asked, the Joltsodour wriggling out of her sleeping spot and stumbled to the ground with a squeak and a sparkle of glitter. "I assume Netherlu doesn't mind roughing it for a bit longer?" She asked with a smile.
Frosiien stretched slightly before she looked into the sky, part of her wanted to twist forms and take into the air for a night time flight, but she knew she'd need to be here with the humans to keep them safe.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Netherlu turned to Niccia. "Netherlu doesn't mind at all. Actually, Netherlu has never camped like a human before and it sounds exciting."
"Expect to sleep poorly because of twigs and stones on your back, and being either too hot or too cold in your sleeping bag," Andy said. "And yet humans love it. I don't get it either."
Since Kim and Benny were already outside their Pokéballs, Andy released Bear and Merlin.
"That was a good party and a good nap!" Bear exclaimed and proceeded to do some stretching exercises. The well-rested Primeape was now full of energy.
Merlin spread his wings, lifted into the air and flew to a tree to sit on a branch.

Netherlu saw Frosiiens longing look and joined her. "How long have you been in your human form?" he asked her after making sure Andy was busy with something and not paying attention to them.

Michael let out all his Pokémon so they could stretch and have dinner with them. His Fletchling greeted them and then flew to where Merlin was. "Missy, maybe you can help Spary look for some firewood," he suggested as he looked at the Poochyena.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 29 min ago

Niccia giggled at Netherlu referring to himself in the third person, before she smiled and moved to let out her own Pokemon as well.
Eros stretched slightly, looking around with widened eyes. "Wow!" He said with a grin, "The outside world!"

Frosiien looked over to her 'father' as he walked over to speak to her, now that her lover was busy. She laughed a bit at the question, looking down at her human form with a sigh. "It's easier to travel with them like this." She said, almost avoiding the question, "I think a week or so? Possibly longer. The days blend together sometimes." She sighed a bit, moving to fiddle with her hair. "I'm afraid to leave them alone, in case something bad happens."

Missy shook herself and looked to Michael as he asked her to get firewood with Sparky. She looked to the Joltsodour with a wide grin before the two of them moved and ran off into the forest together.
Niccia gave a small sigh and watched the Fletchling gently. "I hope they get along." She spoke softly, "Merlin is kind-hearted,but he is definitely unsure about being around others."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Netherlu nodded with understanding and placed a fatherly hand on her shoulder. "I'm here now, why don't you take a moment for yourself. We can be human, but that doesn't mean we should stay human too long. It's not our natural form." He glanced at Niccia. "It may have consequences to stay in human form too long, Father wouldn't have made a new Mew if it wasn't needed." His eyes moved back to Frosiien. "Take a flight," he suggested. "I'll keep an eye on everyone."

"They seem to get along," Michael commented when he followed her gaze. "Merlin never stays close. He's always somewhere up high. From what uncle told me, he can be a bit condescending and it's entirely possible he doesn't think very highly of anyone. Or maybe just the ones without wings." Michael chuckled a bit. "I'm sure he is kind-hearted, and he cares about uncle and the rest of the team, but I don't think he's unsure about being around others, he's very sure about the distance he wants to keep. You and me are just not worth his time."
"Whose time?" Andy asked, catching the last bit.
"Merlin's time," Michael said.
Andy laughed. "Oh definitely. Merlin is a reliable partner, but he needs his alone time for thought and contemplation. Since I can understand him better now I had a talk with him, a good, long, intellectual talk. Turns out I was right about most things. I have not imagined the condescending looks he gave me, but he considers me smart enough for him to stay, but I'm also very tiresome and so are most other humans and Pokémon like Bear."
"I heard my name!" Bear said.
"I said you are very tiresome." Andy repeated.
"I'm not tiresome! that Featherball over there is, when he starts droooning on his theories." He huffed and put his fists in his side. "I am energetic."
Andy chuckled and turned to Niccia. "I wouldn't have caught Merlin if he wasn't the condescending and stuck-up Hoothoot that I met. I love it. But deep down inside he has a good heart and I know he's ready to swoop down from that tree to protect any of us."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 29 min ago

Frosiien looked to Niccia and held her breath for a moment before she looked back to Netherlu.
"Thank you." She said with a small smile as she stepped away from the campsite, heading into the trees a little bit to change forms. Changing felt amazing, she felt free as her wings spanned out, although she did miss having the extra limbs to hold onto things, but she wasn't too phased. She shot herself up into the air quickly, spinning as she exited the trees and fanned her wings out, the air freezing around her feathers as soft snow started to fall around her.
"Fuck, this feels nice~" She said as her tail-feathers quivered happily, before she moved to fly around the forest quickly.

Niccia smiled at Michaels words, "I hope he enjoys being around us, at least." She mused before she listened to everyone around her talk, before she moved to kneel to Eros and gently rubbed his head. "I'm glad we could convince Father to bring you, I have good feelings about being with you."
Harry appeared from his Pokeball and stretched himself out a bit, flexing his paws before he looked over to Michael, Niccia and now Eros, and walked over to them quietly.
"Who's this one?" He asked softly.
"This is Eros, he's Arceus' Son."
Eros gave a weak wave of his hoof and Harry looked to Niccia with a raised eyebrow.
"Arceus'?" He looked back to Eros and swayed his tail, "I wouldn't have expected that old Geezer having a kid but he's cute!"
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Michael and his Arcanine started a fire and he took out some supplies from his bag to prepare a meal - a simple curry that needed water and heat. Honestly, he didn't know how to create a meal from scratch, but thankfully there were enough easy meals for travellers. He wouldn't survive as a trainer without. He decided to make two pans, there were six humans after all, taking into account the legendary Pokémon in human form, and one portion wouldn't be enough for the group.

It didn't take long for the meal to start boiling. While Michael took care of that, Andy took a bag Pokémon food from his bag so their Pokémon could also have a light meal. He had seen Frosiien leave, but he wasn't worried about where she was or how long she'd be gone. sometimes women needed their alone time as well.

Merlin and Anthony watched it.
"Will we join them?" Anthony asked.
"I usually find my own food," Merlin commented. "But your trainer will appreciate your presence. Let's fly down.".
Both Flying Pokémon went down and joined the others at the camp.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 29 min ago

When Saruya was finished with helping Michael, Harry walked over to her and pressed himself against her lovingly. "I missed you." He said as he settled down beside her with a bit of a rumble.
Niccia slowly stepped over to settle down beside Michael as he was working on the food, leaning against him softly with a soft sigh. "That wasn't the worst StarFall." She said gently, "I'm glad you could come with me."

Sparky and Missy play fought together while food was being made, tumbling 'aggressively' around together. Missy shot a bolt of lightning at Sparky, who simply stood still and absorbed the attack, her fur prickling with the lightning as it popped into the air slowly- Showing off the explosive properties of the sugar glitter on her body.

Eros looked around slowly, he moved to settle down near the fire but kept a safe distance away; he flinched when one of Niccia's pokeballs popped and Soul stepped from the light with a stretch and a yawn. He looked at the Skiddo carefully before giving a tilt of his head before moving to settle beside him.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

"I'm glad to hear that," Michael replied with a grin. "This is also not going to be the worst food you ever had, which will fit right in with the rest of the day." He stirred the content to make sure it wouldn't burn, this was one of the easiest things to make and still people managed to mess it up. He watched the two playing Pokémon for a moment, before bringing his attention to Niccia again. "It was nice meeting your family."

Andy looked up when Merlin and Anthony landed close to him. "Ah, just in time for dinner." He looked at his Noctowl. "I'm glad you're joining us this evening."
Merlin gave the faintest of nods to acknowledge his words.
"Okay Bear, time to serve dinner. Help me, will you?"
The ever-energetic Primeape ran around to place plastic bowls on the ground from which Andy had removed the plastic seal. He had bought several of these as his Pokémon liked the food, but he'd need to stock up on them after tonight.

One bowl was placed in front of Eros and Soul, and Lytse poked his head inside to take a piece of the pieces of food. "You probably never had something like this, have you?" he asked Eros. "It's made by humans, from legumes and berries."
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