While Ash was heading out, she stopped and noticed that Kyoko was taking her bags to her room, the witch started to tell the two that she wanted to put her stuff away before she'd come out and play with her two new friends, Ash shrugged."
Okay, I understand." The ant girl grabbed her rucksack and slung it over her shoulder before heading outside, while she continued to a big open empty section of the school, Ash looked back to the ghost with a warm smile telling her not to worry."
Odette I'm going to surprise you, just wait."
Once the ant girl found a good place to set down the briefcase, she opened it up and revealed it's padded inside and the many round glass orbs containing unknown fluids, Ash moved her hands over the dozens of glass balls looking for a particular one. The ant soon removed two of the glass spheres from the briefcase and held them up to Odette."
I hope you like fireworks." She hoped.
Ash threw one of the bottles into the air with an underhand throw, then chucked the second bottle directly at the first mid-air bottle. The second the two glass bottles collided they exploded into a set of red and white fireworks, Ash crossed her arms with a smile on her face."
With the right bit chemicals, you can make just about anything." She told the ghost girl."
I wonder if Koko will notice the fireworks, or anyone else."
The ant woman crouched over her opened briefcase looking up at Odette and plucking a long piece of grass from the ground and putting it in the corner of her mouth."
Hey, Odette, you got anything you want to see?" She asked then she shook her head and made it a little more clear."
I mean, do you want to see another one or do you want to see one of my runes?" She flicked the piece of grass out of her mouth."
I mean I'm ready to show either. But I don't want to scare you or anything."