Avatar of Spriggs27
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  • Old Guild Username: Spriggs27
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Zin looked down on Vivi, not just from being taller than the young girl, but also because she didn't stand up to the dragon woman herself, she just took the insults that Zin managed to think up without speaking back too much to her. Zin shook her head as she watched Vivi speak to Avery formally as if they were simple cohorts and nothing more, then she heard the smaller Celestia speak of their father not liking them showing love towards one another while the company was around." Your family is strange to not show love towards one another."

The dragon woman looked over to the two from last night Zin didn't say anything to the two of them, feeling that she didn't have to speak to the two weaklings after Vivi spoke to Avery about Zin's minor injuries. The younger Celestia made herself scarce and chose to converse with the two other humans the dragon woman looked to Avery who was giggling like a girl Zin remembered that Vesta said this human wasn't a female but dressed like one. Zin cocked her eyebrow at Avery asking if she had a tail." No, I am a rare dragon that didn't hatch with a tail" She told them."Now you answer me."

The dragon woman closed in on Avery and planted a hand on his chest feeling a lack of breast, she then reached her other hand between his legs and grabbed his crotch and squeezed what she felt." Why do you dress up as a female human?" The dragon woman asked him a demanding tone." You, humans, are strange wanting to be things you aren't." She told him ironically." You're a boy down here, do you wish for boy humans to mount you like a female?!" Zin yelled wanting answers. She pulled her hand from his crotch and stared at it before she shook it still awaiting Avery's answer.
I think Life should update the character section.
Asherari "Ash" Dehl


Ash flexed her antennae up and down moving them on their own as she sighed, when Kyoko began apologizing for touching them, Ash touched the bridge of Kyoko's nose, rubbing a chitinous finger down it." Don't worry we're even now." The ant told her with a smile on her face. The ant soon noticed that Odette seemed a little more calm about the whole situation, Ash looked at her for a second still curious about what she is, but she knew that she would need to be patient to learn what creature Odette is, and even if she's not sure what she could be, Ash would be willing to help her figure out.

Then Kyoko answered the ant's question, she looked back to the human girl, only for her to reveal herself to be a witch, Ash's only response was." Hm."

Ash acted as if she wasn't impressed, and Kyoko's embarrassing but funny pose didn't really help dazzle Ash either." Huh, so that's what you are. I figured you'd be something of the sort of a vampire or immortal or even a revenant." Ash told the witch. But after hearing that Kyoko was a witch, a thought came to the ant's mind."Kyoko when you get your witch hat can I try it on?" Ash asked almost sounding excited." Also, I'm a master alchemist in training." She ended her sentence off with that." I wouldn't mind seeing any potions you make, and I'd be willing to show you how to make runes if you share ingredients of you magical potions. But we'll have to wait for my luggage to come before I can show you anything really, though."
Asherari "Ash" Dehl


As the ant began circling around the Ghost girl asking what she was, she noticed that she made the girl feel uncomfortable, she could tell by the way the ghost answered her. Ash stopped herself and took a step back from the ghost girl attempting to give her some room just as she spoke up about how much she didn't like this." Oh, I'm sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable I don't want to make you feel bad."

Ash held her arm then looked away from Odette, suddenly the other girl started to speak up for her friend once again," I, I was just excited, Odette, I wanted to know what you were and you seem like your very interesting." She told the silent ghost girl." You're a good friend Kyoko." Ash complimented her.

When Kyoko reached for the ant's antenna and put her hands onto them, Ash got an even weirder feeling flowing through her spine and visibly shivered before grabbing Kyoko's hands." Please don't do that. I use those to hear and smell things better they are also very sensitive." She told her.

" My people come from the Earth's mantle. For all, I know they lived down there for years, but unlike the people up here we used swords axes and alchemy to protect ourselves and to dig tunnels, even the clothing is different down there, people wear robes, cloaks and stuff like how humans wore thousands of years ago." She told the witch girl." Plus a majority of my people are mostly female. We came from the mantle thinking the Earth's surface was heaven, and to escape from lizard people living deeper in the mantle near us, but I guess you could call us ants since we seem to be somewhat like them."

The ant girl looked Kyoko in the eye look her up and down." So what are you Kyoko?" She questioned the other girl. She was interested in Odette being a possible ghost, but she started to become curious about what Kyoko was, Ash shared what she was to a degree, but Kyoko had yet to actually reveal what she could be, Ash, locked her black eyes onto the girl waiting for her to answer.
@Lunarlors34 Well I expect a post up by tomorrow, or Zin's gonna eat Vivi's meat buns. That can be seen in either context.
Asherari "Ash" Dehl


As the ant girl began thinking that she ruined her introduction to both of the girls, she noticed the awkward silence coming from the other girl, and the long pause between them gave off the feeling to Ash that she came in kind of rude, before she could apologize again, one of them took the ant girl's chitinous hand into hers. Once Ash felt the other girl's hand she had an odd feeling run up her and through her spine, it wasn't a feeling of fear, but one of those weird feelings you have when you touch something very odd, you know one of those feelings. Human flesh felt really weird to Ash, she wanted to shake her hand as soon as the small human looking girl let it free, but she held back doing so knowing that it would actually be rude to do so.

When Kyoko told Ash her name along with the name of her friend, the ant stared at the other girl before repeating their names." Kyoko and Odette."

She chuckled at their names for a moment before catching herself." I'm sorry again, but it's just I thought my name seemed strange." She told Kyoko.

Then Kyoko brought up the reason why Odette didn't seem very welcoming and more awkward, she mentioned that Odette was dead, Ash gasped before she began to circle around Odette." Dead? What is she? A zombie? A vampire? A ghost? A wraith? A ghoul? A lich?" She asked Kyoko rapidly without taking a breath to breathe." Or is she wight?" She listed off another undead creature. As the Ant was rubbing her chin attempting to think of another creature she knew of, then something came to the front of her mind, and she held up her hands in a defensive manner.

" Not that it's okay that she has passed on, I'm just a little curious is all, most of my life I've been around humans and my own kind, I apologize if that seemed weird or if I was impolite towards you." Ash wanted to hit herself in the forehead for apologizing so and not coming off as rude to people or annoying to everyone she met or have someone scream call her a bug and run away from her.
*Pokes @Lunarlors34 with a stick* Hey it's your turn now, Claw posted, don't get lazy and play osu all day like some people.

*Looks to @liferusher*
Rika Roux

The trek to Ice's room wasn't a long one Rika was happy she wasn't one of the people carrying Ice to his room, once they were inside Ice's room and had him placed in his bed Rika figured she'd stay behind while Krista and Daimyon went off in their search for musical instruments inside of a hospital. When she first heard that the two hoped that there was a music room, she held up her tape to play. "Hospital" Then played."Not an" and ended off with."Amphitheater." Rika then placed her cassette player in between her bandages on her hip. The mummy couldn't explain it, but she felt as if she's been here before, the floor felt familiar to her toes as if she's been here before, but she didn't remember anything about this place.

Once Ice was settled into his bed, Rika watched both Krista and Daimyon leave the room in search of their music room inside of a hospital, Rika was starting to feel that she wasn't so strange anymore or at least did strange things. Once the two left the room, Rika laid on the floor of the room waiting for Ice to get better, she crawled around on her belly for a good long while before she stood up next to Ice's bed and began to poke him in the cheek out of boredom wondering if he died while being carried over to his room.

After some vigorous poking in his cheek, she began to notice Ice's bandages, they looked too loose in some places and in others they looked too tight, then there were gaps, after feeling up on Ice in his sleep she noticed that he seemed like his band-aids were being held together with gum and spit. The mummy looked under one of his bandages to see that they actually were for bleeding, not for some surface design or to look cool, Rika started to correct the bandages on Ice. First was the ones around his neck, she loosened them a bit so he could breathe easier, then tightened the ones across his chest, she removed some of her bandages from her arm, not enough to show her skin but just enough to help Ice she applied it to Ice's forearm so it could be just a bit tighter.

The second Rika was finished fiddling with Ice's bandages to make them a little more efficient she then placed her cassette player and her cloak on the nightstand, the mummy then laid on her belly as she waited for Ice to soon wake up if he didn't soon she would guess that he's dead or fell into a coma from falling and hitting his head on the floor, then again if he didn't wake up soon she would just poke him in the face or hold his nose to see if that would wake him up.

Asherari "Ash" Dehl

Ash began traversing through the hallways eyeballing the school's achievements and wall art they hung up on the walls, she passed by some of the other creatures going to the school and blatantly asked them what they were and what they could do in an almost interview like fashion. She didn't waste any time asking some of the random students what they were, and when it came time for them to ask her the same question she answered just as fast as she asked them questions.

When the ant girl finished pestering random students she came across, or the ones that hit the exit door to her many questions to what they were Ash when back to what she was doing before she got busy asking so many questions. In what seemed like a matter of seconds, Ash came across two girls, Both of which looked like normal humans, surprising Ash, even more, she didn't expect to see too many humans here at this school, but Ash got a gut feeling that these two weren't humans, not every student was gonna be a human and even if they are, she might as well introduce herself to them anyways.

Ash wasted not time and pounced on the two of them quickly the ant quickly introduced herself to the two of them holding out her chitin covered hand." Hi, my name is Asherari, but everyone finds it hard to say my name, so you can just call me Ash." She told them waiting for of them to shake, her hand and before they could she looked at her hand before saying." Are handshakes something that you don't do?" She asked. " Wait are handshakes offensive in your culture? I'm sorry if they are." She attempted to apologize to them both.

I wonder why I got mentioned so many times when Rika is long gone from the break room?
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