Avatar of SrslyAnArtist
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4 yrs ago
Current Baby, I'm Back. I'm back bay-bee!
8 yrs ago
8 yrs ago
I hate rubber bands. The kind they put in your mouth when you get braces. they fucking hurt.
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8 yrs ago
Still fucking bored
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9 yrs ago


I'm weird and love Adam Lambert.

Oh, and this, too.

I'm good with nicknames. My friend has short blonde hair, and it's really spiky. It sometimes makes him look like a shark when we're swimming, so I call him Sharkie or SharkBoy.

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I start school tommorrow. I'll try to be on as much as i can ok?
thats all i van promise right now.
I know. I've been waiting for five damned days.
Winter turned to the two headed dragon and saw the lily. The artist in her was awestruck. "Oh how lovely miss!" She exclaimed. She offered the Everice hatchling to it after breathing another layer of Everice over it. "Would you like it? I can always make more." She offered. Then she had an idea. She created a giant snowball about four feet above ground and about three feet tall and carefully etched details into it. Soon it began to resemble something. a few minutes later, you could clearly see it was a two headed dragon. Winter concentrated until every detail, right down to the eyeridges above the eyes were perfect.

She then blew over it heavily, creating an icy glaze harder than diamonds. Winter tapped it with a figernail, testing it. The ice figure gave a high pitched vibration that sounded like a bell. Winter grinned. "Finally! The ice wobt break if you drop it!" She let the figurine crash to the floor. Nothing happened except a low pitched sound issued from the dragon and it slid across the floor a few inches. Winter hurred in approval. "Finally. I got that down finally. Now Everice is harder than diamonds and never melts. Brilliant!"
Winter's eyes lit up. "Really? Oh thank you. That would be lovely!" Then she smiled a bit shyly. "You could sell them or do whatever you want with them if you want. You know, like somehow work them into your creations as well." She added generously. "But you don't have to if you don't want to of course." She didn't want Lucatiel to think she was forcing her into anything. It wasn't something Winter would do to someone. She stroked the Everice hatchling fondly. The only art she was actually talented at was detailed sculpture and preservance of her sculptures.

It tended to be a soothing oulet for her frustrations, worries and emotions. The only solace she had found was creating her Everice figurines and making children happy. Winter was a gentle soul and only hurt others unless she thought it absolutely necessary. She especially despised people who hurt innocents and animals. Random cruelty and violence towards an undeserving victim was not tolerated. Winter usually dealt with such people by freezing them and then smashing them to bits, leaving nothing but powdered ice and bones.

Winter found great satisfaction in this way of dealing with bad people. She found a lot of satisfaction doing it. It was almost a sort of justified, sadistic pleasure. She always made sure she destroyed the right person however. She didn't like to bear the weight of the guilt of killing an innocent herself. It was hypocritical in the worst sense she could imagine.
Yeah Friday is fine with me too
Yeah, it is. Quite a bit crowded eh? You did a fine job involving everyone as smoothly as possible if i do say so myself. I know I'd fail epicly trying to do that.
Winter tilted her head at Lucatiel, her dragonlike slitted eyes showing the internal struggle that was going on in her mind. "I'm Winterink. I remember you from somewhere. But I lost most of my memories somehow, years ago." She frowned and stood up from where she had swept up the shattered Everice figure Winter then remembered the figurines in her hand and gently held them out to Lucatiel gently, the light bouncing off the whitish clear ice that encased them, holding thier shape and defining every tiny detail.

"I was wondering if you would like these. I find myself creating hundreds of them, almost obsessively, and have nothing to do with them. The ice surrounding the snow figure is usually very strong, but if they are dropped they shatter like thin ice." She told her, her icy blue eyes lighting up as she spoke of her figurines. "I'm working on making the Everice stronger and the limbs movable so children can play with them like dolls." She looked at Lucatiel hopefully.
Winter thought the grandpa dragon's words over and decided he probably knew what he was talking about. She gently gathered up the snow filled, Evericed dragon figurines and walked in her compact form, afraid of accidentally smashing them if she transformed into her real form. She headed towards the crystal shop, weaving among the other dragons to get there. She was halfway in the door she saw the shop owner, and felt a tug at her memory. A name came to mind and she walked toward the woman, a puzzled look on her face.

"Lucatiel?" She asked. She recognized her, but from where? She fumbled as she lost her grip on her Everice figurines and scrambled to keep them from smashing on the floor. She swore as the snow baby smashed and scattered snow across the floor. She looked at it mournfully. That was the best one she recaled creating. It had been perfect. From the pert little mouth, to the almost microscopic eyelashes and the tiny fingers on its hands. Dammit, She thought. I really liked that one. She swept up the snow and dusted it onto the remaining adult dragon and the half hatched dragon egg figurines.
Ok. Thanks guys. That was really helpful. I'll think about what i want to do with her then post k?
Okay. That's probably a good idea. I might get left behind if I dont. but the question is what should I have Winter do? She's only been to the aging festival only once before and doesn't really know anyone there.
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