Winter grinned at Lucatiel, her fanged giveaway showing. "Thank you." She st the other figures down out of the way, close to the bigger one. Then she straightened, ears perking up at the mention of the festival. She clapped her hands together with excitement. "Oh the ceremony!" She bounced with ecitement so strong it was nearly tangible. "This will be my second one that I can actually remember!" She dashed towards the door then stopped and looked back, smiling once more. "Thank you Lucatiel. It means a lot." Then she ran out before anyone couls speak one more word to her.
She stopped just outside the door and shifted into her dragon form. Her scales shined with the color of wet ice and she loped away, her small paws balancing her weight so the ground did not vibrate strongly with each step. She weaved between the bigger dragons and compact forms expertly so she did not squash anyone. She wanted a good seat where she could pick up what the Elders were saying. And hopefully she would be accepted as an adult this year. Her magic had imroved a lot since the last time she gained the rank of a teen. Winter finally pushed her way through the thick mass of bodies.
She lay down on her stomach, careful not to squish anyone, and looked forwards, ears pricked to hear every word that was being spoken. She loved the Ageing Ceremony. It was extremely satisfying to watch other dragons show their skill in the unique magic each possessed. Winter hoped she would be one of the lucky ones and advance.