Avatar of SrslyAnArtist
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4 yrs ago
Current Baby, I'm Back. I'm back bay-bee!
8 yrs ago
8 yrs ago
I hate rubber bands. The kind they put in your mouth when you get braces. they fucking hurt.
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8 yrs ago
Still fucking bored
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9 yrs ago


I'm weird and love Adam Lambert.

Oh, and this, too.

I'm good with nicknames. My friend has short blonde hair, and it's really spiky. It sometimes makes him look like a shark when we're swimming, so I call him Sharkie or SharkBoy.

Most Recent Posts

Ya know, the more i think of Winter's personality I realize she really likes rum……xD

Winter: Yes, I do. especially when mixed with dragon fruit or whatever the hell you call it.
Such memorty for names winter *gets smacked upside the head and glared at icily*
Oh look she's giving me the cold shoulder now *is smacked again*
Winter blushed, the rosy hue staining her pale skin. She wasn't used to be flirted with. She didn't know how to flirt at all. "Thank you." Winter grinned and winked at the flirty dragon. "The secrets of love between adults huh? Hmm seems interesting." Her Icy blue eyes twinkled. She showed him the proud Everice dragon she had created. The sunlight made it sparkle, sending rainbow light everywhere.

"I'm hoping to sell these to the humans and then get a drink." She smiled, a toothy smile that showed off her tiny fangs. "Maybe I'll get tequila or rum. Yes I rather like rum. Ale too." She said half to herself. She snapped out of it when she rembered she was planning on going up an age.

"I also plan on trying out for an adult. Oh I can't wait to show the dragons my snows and ices. And maybe I'll mke a…Hmm no that won't do. Maybe…? Nah not that one either." She went over ideas swiftly in her head, rapidly dismissing most of them.
Winter Got bored and transferred to her compact form. She was about to wander off when she heard someone mention the Gold Village. She perked up and followed towards where the owners of the voices were sitting. She dipped her head respectfully when she recognized Jeonbae, an respected adult dragon. She smiled at him. "Sorry to interrupt but did I hear you mention the Gold Village?" She asked curiously. She fiddled with a ball of snow in her hands as she spoke, absent mindedly shaping it into za dragon with wings like sails and a long, elegantly curved neck and sitting up proud and straight.

She found herself fidgety when she didn't have anything to do with her hands. It drove her absolutely nuts.
lol. its okay now that you explained it. And I was hoping one of the dragons could notice her and think shes cute and try to talk to her or something. I was also hoping that winter could make a Everice sculpture for one of the dragons to take home or something. Like ask her to create a really big sculpture of some kind.
Okay I need to get this off my chest because it is really irritating me.

Winter didnt do anything to the flower. She didnt ice it or anything. Where does it say she did? I looked and I couldn't find any mention of that from any of my posts.

I'm sorry if i sound mean but its one of my greatest pet peeves.
Im so glad this rp hasnt died yet. most of my others already have.
Shame that.
Whats really sad is that the interesting and engaging rps never seem to last longer than a month or two.
Shme that.
Winter grinned at Lucatiel, her fanged giveaway showing. "Thank you." She st the other figures down out of the way, close to the bigger one. Then she straightened, ears perking up at the mention of the festival. She clapped her hands together with excitement. "Oh the ceremony!" She bounced with ecitement so strong it was nearly tangible. "This will be my second one that I can actually remember!" She dashed towards the door then stopped and looked back, smiling once more. "Thank you Lucatiel. It means a lot." Then she ran out before anyone couls speak one more word to her.

She stopped just outside the door and shifted into her dragon form. Her scales shined with the color of wet ice and she loped away, her small paws balancing her weight so the ground did not vibrate strongly with each step. She weaved between the bigger dragons and compact forms expertly so she did not squash anyone. She wanted a good seat where she could pick up what the Elders were saying. And hopefully she would be accepted as an adult this year. Her magic had imroved a lot since the last time she gained the rank of a teen. Winter finally pushed her way through the thick mass of bodies.

She lay down on her stomach, careful not to squish anyone, and looked forwards, ears pricked to hear every word that was being spoken. She loved the Ageing Ceremony. It was extremely satisfying to watch other dragons show their skill in the unique magic each possessed. Winter hoped she would be one of the lucky ones and advance.
sorry i havent been on much. School has been so tiring lately. ugh. all those damn stairs of theirs.
Thanks. I just got out of school an hour ago. Damn they have a lot of stairs. I'm just waiting for someone to post so i can read it. I like to see how other people imagine things and put word into what they see in their minds eye.
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